Author Topic: the forget wrong with hootaloo  (Read 20014 times)

Hey guys. Green Block Head here. Looks like I was hacked. How do you delete posts again? (I am real Green Block Head don't worry)
I thought bh stood for BITCH!! LMAO!!!!


[ color=white]it joke[/color]
This literally makes zero sense

can one of you answer my loving question about why he's doing that avatar thing instead of communicating with the apes throwing stuff around by throwing it back at them

can one of you answer my loving question about why he's doing that avatar thing instead of communicating with the apes throwing stuff around by throwing it back at them
because they can’t use custom avatars and they’re tired of waiting for avatars to come back I guess

wait what's wrong with avatars I can see them just fine?

so hootaloo is toothed deer / donnies catch or whatever the forget? the surreal nutcase whose presence has plagued this forum for about 4 years ago? mentally unstable and most definitely autistic? explains a lot honestly.

inb4 he responds "belittling" me, as he, the transqueergaybo is superior to me.

and also why do people say tables are still broken? does everyone see a different forum than the one I see?

wait what's wrong with avatars I can see them just fine?
You can't upload avatars anymore, people who have custom avatars still have them, but you can no longer upload a new one

and also why do people say tables are still broken? does everyone see a different forum than the one I see?
Who is saying that tables are broken?

so hootaloo is toothed deer / donnies catch or whatever the forget? the surreal nutcase whose presence has plagued this forum for about 4 years ago? mentally unstable and most definitely autistic? explains a lot honestly.
im absolutely bonkers. what crazy thing will i do next? youll never know with me im too surreal

You can't upload avatars anymore, people who have custom avatars still have them, but you can no longer upload a new one

oh ok that sucks

You can't upload avatars anymore, people who have custom avatars still have them, but you can no longer upload a new one
Who is saying that tables are broken?

this guy

remember when we had tables? good times.

They probably never tried since the forums came back

The authenticity thing is true though, not sure why hoota is mad about that. I vaguely remember VH saying "I know what I'm going for is not ever going to be 100 percent real female, but it's close enough to make me happy". There's nothing wrong with admitting you aren't a true woman, and lying to yourself probably will make you less happy.

The authenticity thing is true though, not sure why hoota is mad about that. I vaguely remember VH saying "I know what I'm going for is not ever going to be 100 percent real female, but it's close enough to make me happy". There's nothing wrong with admitting you aren't a true woman, and lying to yourself probably will make you less happy.
you clearly dont understand the implication of my post because the VH quote you just put in your post is the same thing i said. "authenticity" or how much you are "passing" is fake stuff used to judge transgenders with. like i said in the thread again, it is about what makes US happy. i am non binary transgender, nonbinaries get the least treatment of all trans ppl, no HRT or surgery. so you can imagine im familiar with this

if you read my other posts by the way, you could see that the reason i got mad at it, was because a lot of users here are very anti-trans, and saying they would never be "100% authentic" is just average anti-trans hating, typically followed with their reasoning being because your chromosomes dont change. i had no idea OP was legolad, just some rando alt forgetboy, legolad is a good guy.

its already pretty bad when you go into a thread when you're not even apart of the group he wants to ask something and stuff it up, it's even worse when you judge merit by user..