Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 607143 times)

we should REALLY get to have the option to edit our posts -_-

we should REALLY get to have the option to edit our posts -_-

that would make stupid people be able to look less as stupid as they really are.

plus theres an edit button outside of drama durrhurr

I went to Moonwalkers fort wars and was ready to build a fort and fight. Then i get banned from the server before i even load 1/9 of datablocks. Reson: Drama cigarette

I really hate it when people ban just for the fun of it. Which is when I leave. Because they mostly do permabans for those...

I really hate it when people ban just for the fun of it. Which is when I leave. Because they mostly do permabans for those...
Well, then you should join server where I'm admin.

Lol... Was that meant as sarcasm?

some guy got kick for saying this:

**** its too small .-.
heres a link:
K by the way, you're allowed to swear on blockland forums.
forget stuff Bitch Damn Ass pusillanimous individual Cunt richard

**** its too small .-.
heres a link:
K by the way, you're allowed to swear on blockland forums.
forget stuff Bitch Damn Ass pusillanimous individual Cunt richard

Everyone knows Plantes map,right?
Well,I went in a server called"COOL SPACE RPG!!!!!!!"(I just wonder,how they can just call them cool?),which`s super admin was AFK.
Anyway,I went on one of those platforms surrounding the Earth and started to build a little satellite.Then my friend joined and I got an idea:When he spawns,im would use wrench events to customize my satellite.Once I had put a ion cannon in it,I started to wait.After a loooong time,he spawned.I activated my cannon and killed 4 people in Earth,including my friend.Also,I killed some 7-year old admin,which started to yell: "U IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!!!!!"and got banned with reason "NOOBIDIOTNOOB".

So,I got banned for such a little thing like blowing up Earth.My friend asked his age after I had been banned,and he just said:"I are 7".
thats kinda sad for the host (or a super admit)to be like 7 years old