Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 678142 times)

jokes on you i dont have any admins

More deflection with ironic humor. Make a better server!

can i have admin
ok Lol * gives trog tor admin*
More deflection with ironic humor. Make a better server!
your not allowed on my server

It really isn't surprising that toxicology's server is full of handicapped admins

Dont know what even is a "S"

I said that the weapons Glass used on his trench wars suck (He uses the BF3 weps), although I was a bit salty cause I could hardly get a kill, I didnt even know which rule I broke.

Yeah I tried talking to Glass about it, and he just snapped at me with a snarky attitude.
All these years and he still hasn't changed lmao. No wonder he's been banned from the forums so many times.

I said that the weapons Glass used on his trench wars suck (He uses the BF3 weps), although I was a bit salty cause I could hardly get a kill, I didnt even know which rule I broke.
[im g width=1000][/img]
Glass snapped at you cause he had actually gotten about two dozen complaints in the past two hours about the weapons and he doesn't have a whole lot of patience. He is kind of a richard regardless but it was kind of understandable that he was tired of hearing about it.

He really needs to update his rules section though, there's a couple rules that are "unwritten" that he personally bans for but not all his admins do.

If tons of people had been complaining about the weapons then maybe he should change them. This whole "my way is perfect and if you dont like it then get out" will reduce your server population to only your buddies.

He needs to find a better way to deal with criticism than muting people. Juvenile as heck

Yeah I tried talking to Glass about it, and he just snapped at me with a snarky attitude.
All these years and he still hasn't changed lmao. No wonder he's been banned from the forums so many times.

glass has a point you guys blew this out of proportion but bf3 weapons still suck ass

glass has a point you guys blew this out of proportion but bf3 weapons still suck ass

Heres an brown townogy:

Imagine you walk past a police officer and say "The pollution and littering in this city sucks", the next moment he puts you in handcuffs for "bitching about the city". You would be mad, yes?


it's a good thread, and probably the only megathread in drama

the second bump was entirely purposeless though