Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 928251 times)

you get the model in its disassembled pieces, untextured and uncolored.

i insert the entire equals three room

you recieve a black piece of paper with the words "THIS PROJECT IS DISCONTINUED" on the front. you feel somewhat relieved for some reason.

I insert a Gaming Computertm complete with 40% more terastuffs per megafart

you get gaming laptop

I insert my snake

you receive nothing but a half an inch of rotten beef jerky

i insert something

You recieve something that can only be seen with what your imagination thinks it should be.

I insert my knee.

it gives you exactly what you need

i insert a 135 pack of mini candies, specifically milky ways, 3 musketeers, snickers and twix

you get all the candies combined into one giant ass piece of candy called "Milky Swixerteer"
i insert a piece of drywall with asbestos in it

it immediately shreds in your face into pieces.

i insert a bomb

you get several fireworks, it explodes in your hands and you die

i insert rallypack

you get several fireworks, it explodes in your hands and you die

i insert rallypack
you get sese

i insert liquor

you get solidour

i insert a virtual boy, ultimate classic system

thread from 2006 has 804 pages....
find thread from 2005

the vending machine detects no input and automatically starts dispensing copius amounts of mustard gas

i insert joe biden

You get a Barbie Doll.

I Put in a copy of The Room

the machine hands you a football and a chicken

i insert a pocketwatch