Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3910735 times)

crash killed innocent wildlife and he should go to prison for life
Those scientists aren't so innocent though

this needs to be a playertype tbh
If someone is willing to collab with me to make it happen I can work on the playertype model.

A true artists selectively hold a piece of radioactive material near their hard drive and using the radiation selectively alters the magnetic surface of it to form their desired model.
Real modellers use crispr to store models in their genes

make his shoes fly off when he dies kk ty

i made another car

improvements over the old one
- better lights (imo)
- more detail
- cooler
- use of edge split modifier

- no doorhandles (yet)
- no wheels
- no interior
-  painfully visible triangles around the fenders and that spike near the taillight
other than that i like it a lot more than the orange car

i would really appreciate advice on how to get rid of those awful looking triangular shadows on the fenders

reminds me of the ps1s weird graphics error thing where the polys would change a tiny bit

Annoying Orangeet connector

That's most intersections taken care of, not planning on doing stuff like 6 way intersections lol.

gonna have to say it sorta looks like a pair of


It's called a Annoying Orangeet because it looks like a Annoying Orangeet not a scissor goddamnit.
This is wrong the official name is a half cloverleaf.

first thing im gonna do with your pack is build a pe- pair of scissors

not too sure about the helm piece at the top there

based on some stuff i made in real life
yeah its blurry as stuff blame samsung's stuffty camera app

vehicles that look like they're made of bricks 👍👍👍👍

Annoying Orangeet connector

That's most intersections taken care of, not planning on doing stuff like 6 way intersections lol.

looks great but the inconsistency with the lanes being the on/off ramps in the full clover but then having a third lane for part of the half clover is odd imo