Author Topic: TBM forums  (Read 40364 times)

If one of Eric's staff check's the package, we're forgeted.
I don't know why, but I found this the funniest thing in that post. It's like they hate you but know absolutely nothing about you. The first rule of war is know your enemy.

The first rule of war is know your enemy.
The second tao is know yourself.

If you haven't guessed, I am Elrunethe2nd.
This is an endgame, because I am sick of this stupid, stupid debate, with people fighting over two games. Fighting and achieving nothing. Take the number of hateful posts on this forum before you accuse us of being hateful, as we only had four threads to it.
And no, because your heads are full of righteous fluff, I don't expect any of you to listen.

Quote from: Badspot
This was sent to me as a private message, but I'm replying publicly because it is delicious drama and you deserve to be shamed.

Quote from: Dontar on Today at 08:44:33 am
several of your paying customers registered on the TBM forums and started posting a lot of spam.

this is a deliberate attack.

I do not normally even come here because I do not own a copy of Retail, but I doubt we do spam-attacks of such magnitude.

for more information, check the thread in your Drama section, I havent read all of it, but there may be boasting..

Tony (;u=13456) is the main one, I had to ban him several times in a row for spam attempts couple nights ago. (He keeped making free AIM and Hotmail accounts because we require email verification)

I request you deal with your minions..

It is tragic that you think you deserve any kind of respect.  Your forum is dedicated to attacking me.  There are countless threads about pirating Blockland, flaming Blockland, discussion of how to rip off Blockland's features, how to annoy Blockland's users, how to be a general nuisance and murdering me. 

Now I take internet death threats with the huge pile of salt they deserve, but this is just not healthy:

This is clearly not just trolling.  They are typing this for their own gratification.  These people are mentally ill. 

Four years ago, you guys got in a pissing match with me and drowned.  You've been whining about it ever since.  Let it go.  If you want to play Blockland, spend the 20 bucks and be done with it.  To spend this much effort saving so little money is a pathetic endeavor.  It has devalued your own lives to the point of complete insignificance. 

First, you are an starfish, and no matter what we do, no matter how hard our community tries, you would not get over the virus thing. To be frank, this is why our community isn't trying.
The 'countless threads' number tapers to a fantastic four, with me making references to theft in one other location. Any others are further than five pages back, and do not count as current, and are dead.
The "killing Badspot" thread appeared only after the spam attacks, and undoubtedly the same stuff would appear if I attacked your forum with four accounts and spammed long dead topics also.
My Blockland Review thread was a subtle article to probe the idea of reconciliation in this community. It was long, generous to both parties is aspects and didn't try to scream either was better off the bat, but simply expressed my opinion in terns of the games, and listed with a lot of reasons why. To be frank, the results I recieved looked better then, but weren't hate free.
Furthermore, if this is countless, then what the forget are you mongering? A simple wordsearch of your forum indicates 10 PAGES of results filled with hate for TBM, and simple recurring loops of the same, inaccurate arguments from way back when of people being sure we had viruses of varying magnitude.

No. Don't correct me by telling me exactly how much bad code there was in TBM, because I don't care. This was years ago and there is no way to prove any of it anymore, nor anyone left to appreciate it, other than the hate driven noobs becoming all the more prolific these days. If you are so sure we are a bunch of lifeless, evil hackers with nothing in mind but to get inside all your computers, then you are overly welcome to painstakingly trawl through TOB's file archives, because frankly, we have nothing to hide. You cannot keep dragging such a dead horse out whenever anyone with those hated three letters appears, but how long will TBM go down in blockland antiquity as the enemy? How long will we be called up to pay for the sins of the original developers, none of whom are around anymore?

Lets take a gander at possibilities.
If I went and trolled your forum, what do you suppose the reaction would be from the community? Certainly not one of welcome. So if you think that people won't go apestuff here after all you and your community's involvement, then you sir, are a moron. It doesn't take much mental processing power to consider that when you attack something, the people who are there will get defensive, and when its the people who have been trying to rub it in our faces for years, [yes, all underniable 10 pages of it], of course we would make fake death threats, because no matter how much we may dislike each other, TBM forums NEVER attacked Retail forums, nor your game.

Four years ago, you announced to your forum the truth as you saw it, and shamed our old main dev's, paving the way for your game to advance with a common enemy, but frankly I don't see why you keep this sentiment.
People on this forum harbor just as much anger as it seems your side does also, and little that I do or say assuades that anger. If you wanted people to stop attempting to steal Blockland, perhaps you should have given us a cease and desist. As you didn't, one must assume it was no danger to you, nor any skin off your back, which makes me wonder why you brought it up now, or used it as an argument.
First, you put in the developers access keys I documented, and if you can't tolerate me giving away secrets, perhaps you should delete all the bits on the internet telling you the codes, rather than wall on me..
Second, we were toying with key.dat, an outdated piece of code from v8, and frankly, noone wants v8 here, and what would an unlocked copy of v8 achieve?
To part, our own lives contain more value than most of your players. The fact that some of them can be bothered to make 6 multiple accounts over the course of a day and use them to attack a forum, is simply appalling, and bothers me more then facebook ever did. The people you welcome, such as Lord Tony are lifeless husks, who I wouldn't want in my house, let alone my vicinity.
My point is, you claim we are worse than you, but when you poke a bear, it'll likely bite you, not server you herbal tea.
Your community is no less violent to us, and I frankly propose we put this behind us and let the matter drop, as neither of these parties has anything to gain from this.

The fact that you typed a loving essay says a lot about you, and none of it is good. Even the points you proceed to "make" are stuff, and you should know it.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 05:07:43 PM by yuki »

My god, that wall-o-text is high, time to get my grapple'n hook

Ronin: oh no!
Ronin: an essay!
Wedge: haha elruneblah left the chat and now dontrar is trying to fight me
Ronin: hahaha
Wedge: He just said we planned to DDoS him
Ronin: invite invite!
Wedge: which is hilarious because we didnt
Wedge: It's on the TBM forum shoutbox
Ronin: ah
Wedge: and it's not loading because their site is gay
Ronin: yep
Ronin: Mix cut them out
Ronin: it was funny when Mix consolidated them into 2 forum slots and they got pissed
Wedge: One of these days their forum will die. Not because of Blockland, or lack of players, or the DMCA, but because their database tables decide to screw them over.

The most awesome thing is that they'll say anything to support their argument. Absolutely anything. Dontrar just claimed we were going to DDoS them, and last night Dshiznit came into the shoutbox and said our forums are full of lolli research.

It's amazing.

go back one page, one said he was planning on crashing our forums...

which is similar to Denial of Service.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 05:15:19 PM by Dontar »

Oh wait this is my Dshiznit impression:

Dshiznit says: AAAAAAAARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! /cathands

Amazing, no? I'll try it at a dinner party, I'll keep you guys updated.

I guess one of your n00bs decided to crash our forums...

ya see? your forum attacks our forum, yet our forum doesnt attack your forum..who's forum is less mature?

Your forum has like 12 members.

ya see?

Quote from: wedge
you don't get database and mysql functions errors because someone is trying to crash your server

You get them because your forum is broken.

not many active members because 90% of our database are bot-generated accounts...since our forum-host forgot to install a human-authentication feature.

yea, our forum is broken because someone crashed it.