Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 524036 times)

Wish granted but it catches on fire burning your face off.

I wish for more mashed potatoes

Wish granted but the mashed potatoes are time bombs that explodes in your hand.

I wish for Crown to be better at the Wish granted game c:
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 10:48:05 PM by Theepicman »

he still isn't that great

i wish half my school wasn't full of steaming stuff students

Wish granted, but without the steaming stuff students to yell at, the teachers become insane and kill themselves in the middle of class. Blood is on your hands, literally.

I wish for the finest bowl of Frosted Flakes prepared by a black man who is trained to whistle the Super Mario Brothers theme song backwards while rollerskating.

Wish granted but he rapes you with his 2 foot long richard.

I wish for it to warm up

Wish granted but your car warms up and explodes while you're driving it.

I wish I was a :panda:

Wish granted but he rapes you with his 2 foot long richard.
having a snake longer than 13 inches and getting an erection would kill you

there isn't enough blood in your body to rush through it

Wish granted but I dont see a wish

I wish I was a  :nes:

Wish granted but you break when a fat kid tries to use you as a carrot.

I wish I could see through the clothes of any girl I choose.

granted but every girl that lives in your area suddenly becomes fat

i wish i could meet pbat

Wish granted but he doesnt like you.

I wish there was no school today...

wish granted, but you get homeschooled

wish granted but there was no wish

i wish for fire

granted but it burns your house down.

 i wish i had a revolver

wish granted, but its rusty and doesnt work

i wish to get my burnt house back (as is was before)