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Topics - Caribou

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Off Topic / What should I do today?
« on: August 10, 2014, 12:58:32 PM »
I'm really bored today and wanna do something outside

Off Topic / You can take your GF on a date, where would it be to?
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:25:51 PM »
I'dtake my GF to McDonalds

General Discussion / Caribou's CityRPG (FREE ADMIN WHEN YOU BUY IT!!!)
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:03:58 PM »
Hi there folks, Caribou's CityRPG is a work in progress and it will be grand! I know what you are thinking: "Is this going to be another dumb CityRPG?" No it will not, and here's why!


-The ability to apply for government welfare (food stamps, housing assistance)
-The ability to rob people of their money in-game
-Free administrator powers when you buy the deluxe VIP package for only $50!
-Your name in the credits when you buy the regular VIP package for a mere price of $25!
-The ability to morph yourself into Tinki Winki or Jay Jay the Jet Plane


N/A at the moment


Do you have a criminal record?

What is your favorite color?

Do you think my server is the best?

(If you get all the answers right, you are accepted in!)

If you are excited for this, please post on this thread! And to all of my fans and friends and my family: thanks for supporting me and making this possible!

----NOW ONLINE, COME JOIN US TO BE A PART OF THE CITYRPG-----------------------------------------------_

Off Topic / I am Jesus Christ
« on: August 05, 2014, 09:10:57 PM »
Lord and savior, please post on this thread so I can bless you with my holy spirit.

Forum Games / The Fish Game!
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:44:27 PM »
So the person above you makes a post like this: "big fish', and then you list another type of fish!

I'll start!


Off Topic / What do you think of the minimum wage being lifted?
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:31:05 PM »
When I say being lifted, I mean enough money to meet livable standards. I will say this:

If you have 5 kids and cant afford your bills, dropped out of high school, and under 21 and have a cashier job at McDonalds; that isn't anyone else's fault but yours. You chose to drop out of high school, have kids at a very young age, and not to mention - not 1 kid BUT 5! If you wanna make more, then you go back to school, or find a different job. It is ridiculous to think that people expect the minimum wage to be livable. In any society, it won't work like that. You have to actually do something to increase your salary. I grant you, a job as a sweeper wasn't created for the purpose of being a permanent job; it is a side thing, or a job you'd have in your youth.

Off Topic / What is your favorite type of meat?
« on: July 29, 2014, 08:03:28 PM »
Mine is duck

(INB4 someone says richard)

Off Topic / Americans Urged to Get Out of Libya
« on: July 26, 2014, 03:30:45 PM »

Already 150 Americans working at the embassy there fled by car safely to neighboring Tunisia to avoid increasing violence around the region.

The Middle East is really a disaster, all I can say. It's sad, I feel bad for the people caught in the middle of these things.

Games / Cubic Castles - A fun VOXEL MMO *NOW ON STEAM*
« on: July 23, 2014, 04:39:25 PM »

8-13-14 - NOW on Steam

I found this today while on Reddit browsing, and found this little gem. It's a cross between Animal Crossing, and Minecraft and I'd say a hint of Little Big Planet. BUT... it's free and on the computer! It is available for Windows, and Mac as well. It has a small nifty community. The point of this game is to build your own world, have fun, and meet new people! I am currently trying to make a world that has a town. The people here are very helpful, and friendly. This game is for all people, kids, and adults alike!

Blocklanders who play:

-ZombieDude is zombiedude
-Caribou is Trout
-.:FancyPants:. is ParadoxR
-F3d323 is F3d323
-Cargøn is Cargon
-Daswiruch is Daswiruch
-Flatflyer is Flatflyer
-Menen is Menen
-Deus Ex is Nerdaucity
-Tudoreleu is solitaire
-pefu19 is kxait
-BlockoCrafter is BlockoCrafter
-Zanaran2 is Datablock
-Ayxrion is Ayxrion
-auzman466 is Auzman
-jonnyman5656 is 1UPBOB
-spongy307 is The Black Ninja
-Ownage56 :3 is FreeOwn


The URL is:


Off Topic / What do you do to concentrate?
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:55:24 PM »
Yoga, drink tea or coffee, take a walk outside?

I am gonna be returning back to school in September and I am thinking about starting to drink coffee since I've noticed that whenever I have coffee I am able to understand more of what I am reading and learning about. I just wanna try to get my grades up.

Off Topic / Would you meet the person above you in real life?
« on: July 18, 2014, 05:45:29 PM »
Since no one is above me, I will just say yes!


I had a feeling he'd do this, considering last night on his Twitter page he said: "Get ready to see me on the news tomorrow". Vitaly really is the greatest prankster. Sadly I think he could of gotten arrested again.

Off Topic / What is your shoe size?
« on: July 09, 2014, 05:16:04 PM »
Mine is 11 and a half currently.

I get on average 7-9 hours. I'd say 7 and a half to 8 to be accurate though.

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