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Topics - MikkelDude

Pages: [1] 2
Gallery / James Blonde's Scaled Houses
« on: August 10, 2016, 02:44:18 AM »
I often build the same house over and over again on servers I visit. A while ago I decided to become slightly more creative by making the same house in a larger scale. Although I originally featured my build in a previous topic of mine, some sizeable changes and additions were made which I cannot include in the old topic.

Scaled Houses
Below are original pictures of the 4x scale version of my house. The type and amount of bricks I used to build it made it spammy and the roof appeared to be too tall and clunky to match the smaller version.


Over half a year later I decided to reduce the brick count of the 4x scale version and redo its roof. I thought that it would be neat to make a 2x and 3x scale version of the smaller house as well so that the houses would fit inside each other like Russian nesting dolls. I discovered that replicating the details of the door and windows on those scales was painstakingly difficult. Instead I made an 8x scale version to accompany the 1x and 4x scale houses.

In order from smallest to largest are the houses shown for comparison of the details:
( spot James Blonde in each picture and get a  :cookie: )

Here are the houses shown for comparison of their sizes:


I'm really proud of my scaled houses even though they aren't the most creative things I've made. The 8x scale house is more accurately considered a 2x scale of the 4x scale version since I literally doubled all of the dimensions of the 4x scale house to make the 8x scale one. The roofs on the larger houses are not entirely accurate in dimension to the original 25 degree ramp bricks on the small house. I could not find a workaround to make the large-scale ramps both dimensionally accurate and visually similar when placed on top of each other. I'll probably end up making even larger scale houses when I'm bored and lacking creativity.

Other than Hairspray Queen's giant blockheads, what other builds were designed to be differently scaled versions of an original build or object?

Gallery / Tribute to Daveman
« on: July 27, 2016, 04:09:25 AM »
this sign is dedicated to Daveman, who's not only the kindest person you'll meet, but also one of my favorite Blocklanders. shown here is his well-known greeting that he uses to welcome all players that join his server. I'd also like to mention that the build shares some resemblance to a more familiar sign built by Conan (probably a really nice guy too). though I built the sign itself by scratch, I did copy brick for brick Conan's spotlights shown in front of the words.


I'm not very good at building, though I hope that the thought counts.
now I gotta figure out how to make a large-scale Toshiba Gay for Mac Workin

Drama / Rocket-Bot (30763)
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:45:06 PM »
Rocket-Bot joined a freebuild server I was on recently and began spamming Lenox's build with rockets and explosions. the host was afk and seemed to be a new player anyway, so the rocket/explosion spam went on for a while. I tried to help a little even though I couldn't do anything either. in retrospect I feel childish for threatening Rocket-Bot with a petty drama, but it really annoys me when people like him get enjoyment out of ruining others' fun, especially when taking advantage of an absent host/admin.

supposedly BL_SCOTT was in cahoots with Rocket-Bot causing some spam, yet Rocket-Bot was the main instigator and troublemaker. shortly before I left the server when Rocket-Bot began spamming my build, I also caught 4 doing the same thing. relevant screenshots below:



General Discussion / SpeedRings Single-player Gamemode Concept
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:35:51 PM »
A while ago I began working on a single-player gamemode which would be very similar to those Mario Kart DS challenges where you had to race through rings in order within a certain amount of time. SpeedKart can be fun and challenging when you play with others, but I doubt you would play SpeedKart alone unless you are really bored without an Internet connection or you're trying to get a Steam achievement. Single-player challenges such as the ones in Mario Kart DS might be fun on SpeedKart tracks, so I put together some rings/arches and used Zone Events to make a workable "SpeedRings." (I thought of using the concept in Blockland, yet my friend Blue Ocean made the connotation to the Mario Kart DS challenges, hence the above explanation and WIP title.)

Today I was able to make a psuedo-gamemode in a Custom server on the Sierra Island track, yet BL crashed on me and I didn't autosave at all. I guess I wouldn't have time to record the track anyway within the 30 second limit on free Fraps (lol). Here's a simple preview:

This topic inspired me to continue and share my progress on the forums so that I might be able to receive feedback and help if I choose to finish the gamemode. My main question then is, would this be a worthwhile and enjoyable gamemode? I realized that the gamemode could also be used as a "SpeedKart practice" sort of thing if the rings are placed and shaped in such a way that guides players on the fastest path for each track. Would it be more worthwhile then? Should the gamemode be multiplayer so that the challenge is more competitive? I'm considering whether I should just ask someone else to finish the gamemode, too.

Music / Super Mario 3D World - World 6
« on: June 07, 2016, 07:18:39 PM »
My favorite track from Super Mario 3D World. The download is an actual loop (~36 seconds).


Gallery / James Blonde's House A
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:36:12 PM »
I originally made a topic to house all of my house-related builds, yet it became too old and now I can no longer modify it. Rather than making another megathread that would detract attention from my already sub-par builds, I'll be placing each type of house I make in separate threads.

House A
In the former thread I posted pictures of a default house that I built which was based off of my first and much simpler 16x16 house seen below. As you can see, the bricks used in the structure aren't very appealing and the window panes are just plain ugly. The interior (see the original topic) was not planned out well, nor was it finished.

Over the past couple months I've been intermittently working on a revised version of this house, building it again from scratch and taking the time to make a livable interior.

Here's a short tour of the house:

I'd also like to note that the house comes with fully functional lights and other interactive features.

The house itself is finished for the most part, but I still have yet to finish the front and back yards. I would appreciate criticism on how I can improve or suggestions on what I could try building next. If I haven't mentioned earlier, this revised house is made with only default bricks, colors, lights, and events.

In the future I will be posting a revised version of my second house featured on the original topic, along with a build which resembles a not-so-usual home of mine that I lived in for a few months.

Help / Dead ping on my server
« on: February 26, 2016, 05:06:05 PM »
Lately no one has been able to join my server because of a dead ping and I don't understand why. I port forwarded a long time ago, UDnP is disabled, and I've hosted with the same computer, router, and ISP before. I would appreciate it if someone could help me solve this issue.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Face_BlueShadesBlonde
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:23:07 PM »

this is an edit combining smileyBlonde from Face_Default and smileyShadesBlue from Face_ClassicLegoCasual (minus the 5 'o clock shadow). thank you }]Crazy[{ for making the shades more reflective

I'm reuploading it since the first post I made (literally my first post) was a long time ago and it included other blonde edits which I don't want to include here. the original link is gone anyway

I like using this on my avatar in-game, yet because no one will be able to see it I end up wearing the default smileyBlonde...
download so you can see it when I wear it =)

Modification Help / Help w/ editing Script_FireFight
« on: February 01, 2016, 04:15:46 PM »
Code: [Select]
if(%brick.getdatablock().getname()!$="brick16x16fData"  &&    ..more bricks..    && %brick.getdatablock().getname()!$="brick64x64fData")
I'm  trying to make it so that the fire wand from Script_FireFight cannot be used on certain bricks, but I want to include bricks from an entire category rather than listing them off one by one as it was already done. What would I replace this code with so that the fire wand cannot be used with any brick under Baseplates?

Suggestions & Requests / Client-sided "Random Brick Color"
« on: January 23, 2016, 03:33:50 AM »
I've recently discovered Blockland's default server setting for random brick color, and although it's fun to build with, I don't want to have it always enabled. A client-sided version with a toggle keybind or something would be nice to have. (and yes I know that setRandomBrickColor exists -- I don't want to apply that to every brick with an onActivate or onBrickLoaded)

General Discussion / Weapon_Spat + Weapon_ThrowinSpatula
« on: January 03, 2016, 03:07:28 PM »
this is what happens when spat and throwin spatula are enabled
I think I wanna keep it that way, even though the actual throwin spatula doesnt show up on the item list for me

Suggestions & Requests / Eskimo Raceway
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:48:03 PM »
I was wondering if anyone could share a copy of Eskimo Raceway for SpeedKart since the original download link on the topic and SpeedKart track megathread is broken.

General Discussion / (cheaply made) Randomizer DM
« on: November 24, 2015, 05:59:18 PM »
Recently I put together a "Randomizer DM" using an event randomizer and an edited addRandomItem event. I used an event randomizer to randomly "spawn" (teleport from spawn) players to different locations on a map while adding three random weapons to their inventory when they spawn. Thanks to Jervan, I was able to use an edited version of addRandomItem from Event_setRandom to make exceptions for what items are randomly added. (That way, the hammer/wrench/printer/wand/etc cannot be randomly added to a player's inventory.)

Right now there's ~100 different weapons/items on my server including only one weapon pack, Bushido's Quake-Type Weapons. It feels similar to Wrapperup's Randomizer DM (other than the map, of course) due to its assortment of weapons and items. For the most part I put this together since the only other "DMs" I usually play with friends involve some random minigame on a freebuild server. Despite how "cheaply" this was made, it is still pretty fun to play with a few others.

Suggestions & Requests / Chrysler Town and Country Minivan
« on: November 18, 2015, 04:46:57 PM »
vehicles are probably a low priority when it comes to suggestions and requests, yet I do feel as if blockland is lacking a nice minivan that resembles a real-life minivan

I think that a minivan like the Chrysler Town and Country would look neat in blockland, preferably a 2008-2010 model that is less curvy and would fit in bl
for the most part I just want this since my mom drives a 2009 town and country lol

Gallery / James' House(s) -- large-scale 16x16!!
« on: November 03, 2015, 10:58:44 PM »
I built a large-scale replica of my original 16x16 house that I've built a million times. the dimensions of the original house were quadrupled to the best of my ability, yet it's apparent that the roof is not exact, nor are the windows. I actually made a wild guess when doing the roof tiles, yet it turned out very well despite its dissimilarity to the original. it's also a very spammy 5094 bricks, but I guess that makes mini-nuking it more fun

in commemoration of this huge achievement, here's another one of my achievements

*earlier post*
for my third house I used a few add-ons after starting the build in meadow's server (thank you for inspiration meadow):

I don't intend to make super-realistic houses, this was mostly me experimenting with a different style of building. I also didn't put much effort into this one as it has one floor and no rooms

*original post*
Recently I made a house out of default bricks, different from the same old house I always make. This is my first attempt at making a more life-like house:

The windows and window panes are obviously ugly, so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to make it look better while using default bricks (preferably not just using the 1x4x5 windows). Compared to my other house which I've built like a million times, how's this one?

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