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Topics - Jasa 12265

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Suggestions & Requests / In game text to speech.
« on: March 29, 2011, 06:42:44 PM »
Can we have an in game text to speech? I got the idea form here.

I thought I'd up the max brickcount to 1 million. It was all going good till I got past the limit, 256000. The moment it got past 256000 all bricks I placed were invisible and my ghost brick disappeared. I timed out and reconnected. When I connected I couldn't see any particles. My ghost brick was invisible and all bricks I placed were invisible.

I thought that the brickcount could be overridden by entering $Pref::Server::BrickLimit = "256000"; into console. It worked for the most part but everything was jacked up past 256000.

All the way up till 256000 I didn't get any FPS lag at all. I wonder what the engine could really handle.

Gallery / Sunrise
« on: March 27, 2011, 03:10:52 AM »

Some epic screenshots from the sunrise in my thing I've been working on.

Modification Help / Script/add-on deleting
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:23:28 PM »
Is there a function to delete a script/add-on or any other file? What is it?

Drama / Surburb
« on: March 23, 2011, 05:17:26 PM »
I rid your server of all those useless add-ons, build a whole island, clean up the server by banning all the starfishs breaking the rules, clean up the city by clearing all the spammy piece of stuff builds, edit the script and remove some stuff,and all I ask in return is you let me give the cops something to do by going on mindless killing sprees and you end up de-admining me.
I get banned for clearing my own bricks because I got pissed with him.

When I went on my killing sprees I was the only criminal. People don't really understand how CityRPs work.

Shop keepers provide weapons to criminals.
Criminals buy the weapons.
Criminals kill people.
The policemen try and jail the criminals.
The officials place bounties on the criminals.
The bounty hunters collect the bounties.

Without crime, CityRPs wouldn't go anywhere.

Some pics of the stuff I built. He doesn't give me credit in the OP even though I built most of the loving city when all he did was his house. (Which I helped with.) He also changed the ownership of the builds.
I have full ownership of whatever Jasa made now in the city including roads and buildings. Woot!
Visit the gallery thread for some more stuff I don't want to include.

I helped Surburb with his CityRP be helping him remove some nooby add-ons and building him a city. I also gave him my personal colorset and brickpack to build with.
I went on killing sprees.
He deadmined me.
He took me out of the credits.
I got pissed and cleared my bricks.
He banned me and stole my builds.

General Discussion / Bug Threads
« on: March 08, 2011, 11:10:38 PM »
Why did Badspot stop making topics to report bugs in? I think he stopped them in v13.

Off Topic / Forums these days
« on: March 07, 2011, 08:01:49 PM »
Suggestions & Requests - Half of everything suggested is unoriginal (just suggested from another game) or impossible on the Torque engine.
Clan Discussion - Half the clans started don't have any format whatsoever and never make it past a week.
Help - Most of the OPs don't search the problem before posting and is where people post with absolutely no grammar.
Faces, Decals, Prints - 90% of the decals and faces are total stuff without transparency or basic shading.
Drama - Most of the topics are about Lord Tony or people whining because they got insulted or don't have any proof.

Who's with me here?

Help / Port Forwarding
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:29:28 AM »
I followed the tutorial step by step and assured myself that everything was correct.
My server's ping still says --- and anyone that tries and connects it keeps telling them "Sending punch packet...".

No matter how many times I go through the tutorial I rarely get people that can connect.

On my router page, under "Single Port Forwarding" it asks for and internal and external port. I put the external port as 28000 and leave the internal port at 0.

When I open the properties there are 2 internet protocols. Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv4). Which ones do I use to edit the TCP/IP Properties?

Modification Help / Execution help
« on: February 11, 2011, 10:31:56 PM »
Can somebody give me a way to quickly execute an entire folder? Like say exec("./Bricks/");.

Help / Authentication failing for dedicated server.
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:45:52 PM »
EVERY TIME I start a dedicated server it goes through all the compiling stuff and then
Quote from: Console
No user/host entry in master server, re-sending authentication request
Authentication: Sending Initial Request
Dedicated server is now running.

It never authenticates with the master server after that and never shows up in the server list. What's causing this.

Modification Help / First letter not showing.
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:39:34 PM »
In this code.
Code: [Select]
function Speak(%message)
MessageAll("", "\c7Jasa\c3Jasa\c7\Jasa\c6: " @ getSubStr(%message,1,strLen(%message)-1));
If I enter speak("Message"); in console the first letter doesn't appear in the message. Thus messaging essage. What am I doing wrong to have it not show the first letter?

General Discussion / Keys a day
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:22:13 PM »
About how many Blockland keys are sold each day?
Since me and my brother's BL_IDs are 12211 and 12265 and I registered a day after him I guess 50.

Gallery / My Funny Screenshots
« on: February 01, 2011, 05:25:25 PM »
Here are some screenshots that I found to be hilarious.

This is when you put 2 bots on a bike and then another 2 players. It makes it so you mount to one of the bot's hands and can control the bot. The driver is also on it backwards.

When unmounting from the bike you control the bot and can walk around attached to its hand.

On Zach0Wack0's RPG a bot spawned on my head and shot down at me. Luckily the bot always missed and the arrow landed where it was now.

This is what happens when you have 1 spawn and 20 players.

Off Topic / System Tool
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:19:02 PM »
I recently found a Virus. It's called System Tool. How it works is you download it from a random website and is called a random filename, such as AFL.exe. When you run it it installs all the files deep into your files. It lags the hell out of your computer while scanning. It automatically starts a scan when it starts up. There are setting for it that allows it to stop scanning, starting up, and everything but you have to buy a key first. While you have it it doesn't allow you to open up ANY programs. It won't even let you open up the task manager to end it. If you try and open up a program it closes it and gives you a message saying it is infected and asks you to remove it. Overall one of the worst viruses out there. Considering this is the only real one I've had.

Just a heads up, 99% of the anti-virus software is a virus.

Also if you do download it, you can't open up the remove programs window because it isn't listed. If you find the files and delete them, they are still running. The only way to remove it is system restore.

Gallery / My Slideshow
« on: January 28, 2011, 08:35:06 AM »
I created a video where I show my favorite screenshots.
Check it out.

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