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Messages - Mr. Bones

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Off Topic / Re: I feel like a completely different person
« on: August 23, 2023, 10:12:23 PM »
OMG you mean to say you went through the trials and tribulations and grew as a person?? I've never heard of that before!!!! No way :OOOOO

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 23, 2023, 09:55:06 PM »
Im sorry but minecraft is not blocklands sole successor. Roblox is a partial successor.
Comparing Blockland to two of the most successful gaming titles ever created is not a fair comparison in the slightest lol

Lack of updates, Lack of media, lack of mobile support. These three things kinda killed it.
Lack of updates is a non-issue, the game is a self sustaining sandbox with a dedicated modded community. Mobile support is also not the reason, a lot of the most popular games out right now aren't mobile games. Lack of media makes sense but this game never had amazing player retention anyway. We skyrocketed to over 200k+ players with the Steam release and almost none of these people continued to regularly play the game.

The game "died" because it had a small dedicated player base and naturally with time people moved on to other things, including Badspot. Almost no games last forever, and it's not like this game was ever on top anyway. ROBLOX beat Blockland's player counts within a year of release.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 23, 2023, 09:34:29 PM »
LMAO i'm gonna put you in a hot plastic turtle sandbox like my little brother murdered worms trying keep them as pets
My brother did this unintentionally by leaving worms in a styrofoam box (fishing bait) on our deck for like 3 days in the middle of summer. Went out on the deck and the smell nearly made me projectile vomit, worst stuff ever

Off Topic / Re: What's something you miss from the 2000s?
« on: August 14, 2023, 11:50:22 PM »
i miss online pc games having a proper server browser instead of being strangled by developer-maintained matchmaking aids.
You only really see this stuff in indie titles or sandbox genres of games anymore, which sucks. It's also been made worse in the past few years with skill based matchmaking. We need to normalize more games being a fun passtime activity and not a bullstuff skill-off. Not only are all games sweaty tryhard stuff now but the SBMM has also made it harder to make online friends. Rather than playing with everyone you're only really playing with a fraction of the games community around your skill level. Also got rid of the mysticism of there being that one guy in the lobby who's stuffting on everyone, I miss that.

And it gets worse: most modern games with competitive aspects have a curated competitive mode which has SBMM, which is fine - as a competitive mode it should, but a lot of the time the SBMM is in the casual modes too. Casual fun in gaming is dead.

Off Topic / Re: What's something you miss from the 2000s?
« on: August 14, 2023, 11:36:00 PM »
twitter's stuffshow is proof that no matter how bad it gets people will never leave their collapsing platform, but will absolutely continue to moan about it and threaten moving to whatever alternate platform is being developed at the time, of which a few will do for a week then come crawling straight back once they realise nobody else moved over with them.
I don't understand how people use twitter regularly and maintain an account, every time I've tried to do it I CBA after a week tops. I'll look at it rarely to see a funny argument someone sent to me and that's about it, but this is coming from someone who can't even be arsed to regularly post to Facebook/Instagram. I don't know how people regularly maintain a presence on multiple platforms.

On topic, I miss gaming in the 2000s. Roblox, Adventure Quest, Neopets and Wizard 101, etc. Obviously ROBLOX is still around but it's not the simple sandbox game with Lego inspiration it was back in pre 2008. I log on every now and then still mostly for nostalgia purposes but the game has lost all the charm that captivated me as a kid.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 14, 2023, 11:26:36 PM »
Literally read the topic. I said it was gross she's playing up the victim card so much.
Between the crying about some e-girl you spoke to years ago, and said e-girl posting on a stolen boomer account that is larping as multiple people, I'd say you two were meant for eachother. You may now kiss the bride.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 14, 2023, 08:03:56 AM »
Alright since I kinda have to explain my schizo. I used to be good friends with liz until I started hanging out with another person IRL. This was a problem for them (Which I find extremely unfair) and we stopped talking. The issue I have is that when I tried to reach out after all this they told me to forget off and told me I was a horrible person and to never contact them... then started posting not long after I started posting here again. I know this was coincidence but was annoying to me at the time and thus the post.
Why do you care?

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: July 31, 2023, 12:21:24 AM »
Wow insightful comment handicap. Guess bubba is a child enthusiast since they're comparing themselves to bisjac which was apparently a full adult. Sorry I asked for some clarification.
Bubba's point was that everybody is guilty of some sort of wrongdoing at some point and we should all looking to better ourselves and how we are treating others. Comparing her wrongdoings to Bisjac being a chomo is a bit of a false equivalence but her point stands.

Also, who hurt you?

Off Topic / Re: how have the last 5 years been for you?
« on: July 27, 2023, 05:22:15 PM »
Barely graduated highschool. Came home, got a basic job with tons of free time but wanted more money, so stuck my foot in the door at a pretty high paying job in my town. Been there for four years now and I make 6 figures a year.
What's the line of work?

Off Topic / Re: how have the last 5 years been for you?
« on: July 20, 2023, 09:40:05 AM »
yeah loans you can’t budget enough to pay is killer. gl getting out of debt and never get back in it.

you can usually still cook decent meals way cheaper than eating out, though it takes more work planning it out to overlap ingredient usage to keep a variety of meals. Can also just mix some days cooking and others not, and learning how to cook the most expensive food you would otherwise order.
graduated college and now working in industry. moved out. nothing special really
Thanks my boyah!

I am keeping up with payments and have never missed one, but I'm in a position where I can't really put any money into savings - it sucks, but I'm getting by still. I got a small debt consolidation loan to pay off some other nonsense that had insane interest and I'm just gonna pay that off ASAP with my yearly work bonus, then all Ill have to worry about is the car payment debt wise. I should be hopefully getting a substantial raise at work this year too, we'll see.

I've looked into buying fresh stuff to just prep at home and it's expensive as well. A pack of two pork chops is like eight dollars. It's ridiculous.

The blockhead who got a car they couldn't afford goofed, always buy used, but what's wrong with loans? My parents got em, my parents parents (now dead) had em, I'll have em. Its just the way it is. Education you can balance, but education and a house? Were all ducked unless we live with our parents, in which case housing isn't a problem.

Food isn't a problem unless you eat out. If your super remote you better have livestock/garden. If youre urban there are food drives and hand outs. Its not that complicated, at least where I am there's plenty of free food to save your money.

Also lmao, I don't remember the last time I saw a savings account. None of my friends or relatives have savings that grow. Its always they stock it up, emergency empties it, stock it up, emergency, etc

Also you can afford to eat out more than once a month? Look at fancy money bags over here. I probably could afford eating out though if ammo wasn't so expensive. Time to pick up reloading. Priorities...

TLDR, economy isn't THAT bad. I mean its bad but don't die early because of it.

Buying used sounds like it's worth the time until you realize a used car is likely to develop problems, since you know it's an older car. I decided I'd rather pay for something new so I have the piece of mind of not worrying about stuff breaking for 5+ years.

Food drives and handouts are for the needy/poor, none of which I qualify for. The economy does suck, the only people I know banking money are those working 12+ hours a day, or have multiple jobs. I don't think the red pilled "pick yourself up by your boot straps and work your ass off" is reasonable to expect anyone to do in order to live comfortably. I'm not sure why working 60+ hours a week in order to save money is normalized in the USA, these conditions are considered bullstuff everywhere else in the world lol

Off Topic / Re: how have the last 5 years been for you?
« on: July 19, 2023, 11:45:12 PM »
Just been working and stuff tbh. Got myself into a pretty good gig that would normally require some secondary education, but with a stroke of luck and a couple years of relevant experience I got my foot in the door.

Now I'm dealing with the fact I purchased a car I could not afford, downsized it to something cheaper but still new and had to roll over a hefty amount of the old loan onto the new cars loan - and now I'm getting raped on payments for that. I'm making enough money to pay for all the necessities and still go out and do things, as well as spend money on my hobbies, but I have absolutely zero savings and it's pretty tuff lol. Don't finance stuff you can't afford folks.

Also random sidenote, I'm trying to figure out how so many people in my age group I know are traveling constantly? Many people I know I look at their Instagram's or whatever and they're traveling inter-continentally all of the time. I know I make more than they do, how do they afford it? Rack up credit cards? Parents help out? Whatever the case I'm pretty jealous, I wanna travel. I've never gone anywhere. Maybe they're just not buying cars they can't afford like I did, lol.

I'm sick of the inflation bullstuff too, mainly in regards to food. I don't see how I'm supposed to spend less than 400 a month on food. I know it's popular to meal prep, but I don't want to just cook a weeks worth of the same goyslop I bought for dirt and live off that you know? Life's too short to be cheaping out and eating nothing but chicken and white rice every day until I'm not poor anymore, idk

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: July 19, 2023, 06:28:51 PM »
Dont you like actually look this way though

He looks like that but he doesn't say that

This picture is like eight years old lol, how do you even have this? Having random photos of teenagers saved that were posted years ago isn't the epic diss you think it is, it just makes you look like an obsessive cigarette lol.

I look nothing like that anymore either way, I did this thing called growing up. You'll probably understand when you get older. Where's your selfie stud? Let's put a face to the name.

This is a great point you bring up, and really puts me in the same camp as the countless child enthusiasts that were exposed here and on Brickadia. Moralizing about me being "creepy" for reposting pictures you felt like uploading to this site as a child with no regard to future use holds no weight compared to you willingly uploading them to a forum with a massive child enthusiast problem.
I'm not even going to bother reposting a picture of you because I already envision the ugly freak every time I have to read one of your posts. Have you ever tried I'm interested in seeing the results.
Your justification for being a creepy loser is... muh child enthusiasts? "Being bad is okay because there's someone worse", what a genius argument. Flawless logic there really.

Being a child predator is bad, but so is being a creepy loser lol.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: July 13, 2023, 10:36:04 PM »
Histrionic femcel who wrote a page long esoteric rant that immediately got locked in Off Topic.
It's a purely distilled meltdown that personifies the inmates of this forum. I've only browsed here for a handful of days, but a good consensus of the people here are late 20s-early 30s and still behave like passive aggressive schoolgirls that overdosed on reddit and discord. How much seething was generated that someone here had to report a post making fun of sodomites for flaming on a dlgf? The forum is utterly devoid of insight beyond airing petty personal grievances and having fits about the forum owner not being a Good loving Person™, although I hold zero standards for the stragglers of a dead lego game forum with nothing else to discuss. There is a reason that Off Topic + Drama have more posts than the rest of the site combined.

Drama / Re: Badspot came back (kinda)
« on: July 07, 2023, 07:56:36 PM »
It's been so long since I've gotten angry at someone.

I don't think I've ever been as enraged as I was reading that article. To think I used to look up to Badspot a long while ago. I seriously can't loving believe I'd be here right now so enraged having read that absolute dog stuff dumpster fire that he calls an article.

You know what? I've been considering it, but maybe it's time to go out and try to make a difference.
Holy loving cringe

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 30, 2023, 11:09:00 AM »
you soft in the head or something? anyone else can post in his comment section with any name, when I posted i was anonymous, why would I put my blockland name there? lol.
Oh, so someone claiming to be you just happened to post something in the exact same typing mannerisms as you. Sure. Even if you're telling the truth it's pretty clear you share the same sentiments so the point stands.

calling out my age and my yelling on a lego forum ain't the play, chief. we're all losers being here, you've also been getting into fights nonstop on this dead forum, just scroll back three pages in your recent posts.
If you think we're all losers here then what's your point, that Badspots a bigger loser?

The last 3 pages of my posts span nearly a year lol. Miscellaneous stuff and a few replies in discussions that are naturally polarizing, all of which I never bothered to look back at replies on because I didn't care enough to. I definitely hold this forum close to heart (this is sarcasm). Stop projecting.

there's making fun of something, then there's making an article for no one, and strawmanning as an appendix. I know he cares more about that stuff than I do, cus I didn't write it. so i'm mocking him. 
Right, that's why you're sitting here debating - because you care so little. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

At least he has a dog in the fight, it's his website and forum. What's your excuse?

clearly badspot gives a huge stuff about gender stereotypes, what, you think he's gender fluid? He could learn to live by his own code for a change. And clearly you do too, or do you not?
Being attractive as opposed to ugly isn't a stereotype, it's a preference everyone shares. Most people don't like looking at ugly stuff. We're talking videogame characters here, not real women. This argument was also answered in the FAQ of the article, real people are worth more than just their looks.

Stereotypes werent my point in the first place, my point was that you're a loving hypocrite. This and the fact you've brought up multiple points already answered in the articles FAQ tells me Badspot is right - you can't read.

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