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Messages - Marcem

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« on: November 03, 2013, 11:59:27 AM »
well the new shooters have a stuffload more gameplay then counter strike.

so graphics clearly isn't the issue.
cod has all the gameplays while cs has like half of those gameplays.  all those gameplays

« on: November 03, 2013, 12:32:29 AM »
you're not allowed to criticize games or you're a nostalgic hipster! :(
Criticizing games isn't calling out people who like them. 

« on: November 02, 2013, 11:37:33 PM »
you're not allowed to like a game I don't! :(

Nobody likes ARG's anymore?
not an arg

args imply a real world component.

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: November 01, 2013, 07:05:29 PM »
if that would be a problem, why are they on the forums?
because we get away with it because we're not a giant 65 million member service?

Off Topic / Re: The Google Nexus 5 has been released
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:52:03 PM »
Have fun with that 1.3 GHz dual core

And only 640x1136

... and only 4 inch display

and closed source, uncustomizable operating system (which at the moment is buggy as stuff)

and apple maps

and sloppy proprietary I/O port

ALL THIS FOR AN AMAZING STARTING PRICE OF $719.99 USD! But hey, I mean it's an iPhone!! Doesn't everyone need to have an iPhone?! I mean come on get with the times the iPhone is the only way to go!
Bold: these things are related, you don't need the ridiculous cpu if you're not rendering 1080p all the time (which is kind of ridiculous, especially if it were a 4 inch display).

Italic: iOS really isn't buggy at all (and I don't really need the customization, I don't care to download 10 launchers).  And you can just download google maps, y'know.

Proprietary I/O is kinda dumb though.  Isn't the only benefit at this point video output?

Off Topic / Re: What smartphones do you think are the best?
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:20:06 PM »
I would have to say the iPhone, though the nexus 5 is looking nice.

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 05:38:11 PM »
Sorry about not linking, but I meant visual studio, which at the "pro" level costs $500.  There is also other software that they use, since you seem to be focusing on just this.  I would imagine that they used some sort of professional image editor and other software.
this guy did it and he didn't need to ask people to donate to his kickstarter page. maybe he decided to work another job to actually support himself instead of asking for money from the public.

it's called not basing your entire career on a game that isn't even guaranteed to make money. if i'm funding a kickstarter, i'd expect my money to go towards actually developing the product, not paying for the house because the developer doesn't have an actual career.
It's a difference between making games as a hobby and trying to do it as a career.  Fun fact about life: some people do things differently.  When you're working another job, you don't really have a lot of time to make games.  Also investment is pretty much what capitalism is based upon, that's what kickstarter is, investing in a company.  You're not pre-ordering a game, you're funding its development.  This also includes keeping the developers alive.

Off Topic / Re: Windows 8 Download Question
« on: October 30, 2013, 05:11:24 PM »
I believe Microsoft provides an ISO for you to burn as well, but it's hidden within some text somewhere.  The file is probably around 7gb, the size of a DVD.

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 05:03:18 PM »
can you link some? are they in the price range where you'd need $100,000 to purchase? why can't I just use a free one?
not close to whatever bullstuff you're spouting, but it's still a decently significant cost.
i do not see why you are bringing these things up because they do not affect the cost of a game. they are relevant in life for just about everyone who is an adult, this isn't a cost that should be factored in to making a game because it is unrelated to the game. these things don't make making games "expensive".
You are a god damned loving idiot.  How do you suspect a person is going to get these things without some form of income while the game is in development?  A dead person also cannot develop video games.

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:21:57 PM »
Original ideas don't cost money. Ideas only cost money when you pay other people for their ideas.

What if, like hypothetically, instead of masturbating to hatsune miku rule 34, the devs used 30 minutes of that time every other day to work on a content update for the game?

It got like two islands I think.
IDEs, like visual studio you loving dolt.

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:15:54 PM »
can't you just download a c++ compiler and some libraries and start making a game? how does that cost money?
ides worth a damn cost money, places to live cost money, meals.  The devs don't live in their parent's basement.  They're adults.  

I would still play Blockland at 1.0, it was a good game, Badspot updating it made it even better, he didn't have to do it, but the community appreciates it.  TF2 also didn't really need content updates, in fact, it pretty much invented giant free content updates within games that aren't mmos.

The FTL guys didn't promise these updates, so don't see why you're whining because you don't have them.

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 02:01:20 PM »
Yeah you clearly know more about the guys who made this and how they spent the money so you know that they have so many resources.  You know every cent that went into this game.  By the way, games aren't cheap to make.  That's why a lot of kick started games have been going over budget.  This is probably also why there hasn't been additional content in FTL.  Making additional content is not required, once again, why do you think this?!  Stop being a spoiled brat.

FTL doesn't have a community on that scale because what would there be to talk about or show off?  You comparing games entirely based around building things to a roguelike, wtf is wrong with you?

It's not resources, it's game design.  The game is not built to be multiplayer, of it were you couldn't pause, the turn system wouldn't work very well, and any choices just wouldn't work.

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 01:05:42 PM »
So you're saying that they are required to release dlc because they got more money than expected?  You're acting like a spoiled child.  They don't need to update anything, the game works and it works well, the length of it doesn't matter, it's infinitely replayable.  Because another few guys did something else doesn't mean these guys also have to do that. 

And really, I don't see how multiplayer is a big deal, it would most likely be roped in trash at this point, kind of like system shock 2's, it kills the atmosphere and balance. 

Games / Re: Am I the only one pissed off about FTL?
« on: October 30, 2013, 11:39:20 AM »
Yeah, FTL was really lacking multiplayer and was so barebones and devoid of content.  Oh wait, no it wasn't. multiplayer wouldn't really work (isn't like half of the experience the feeling of isolation?), and it was already full of content.  They need to get paid and they needed money to get the game out there.  I like that they didn't go adding pointless features as stretch goals, they chose a realistic stopping point and actually shipped the game.  That's more than can be said for others.

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