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Messages - Cruxeis

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 33
Add-Ons / Re: Reconnect Button [v1.0]
« on: May 14, 2020, 12:10:32 AM »
wait how does it work with password protected servers  ? ?
Not 100% sure as I don't have the tools to see right now, but here is what I believe happens:
  • After you type in the password (from the join server menu) and click connect, what you typed in is stored somewhere
  • You then join that server if the password is correct
  • Then when the reconnecting function is called, it just reconnects you with that password that was stored

Add-Ons / Reconnect Button [v1.0]
« on: May 13, 2020, 09:58:25 PM »
Reconnect Button

Easily reconnect to the server that you're on, or restart a server you are hosting with a click or two.
Works with password-protected servers as well.

Planned updates for v2:
  • Dynamically space buttons just in case there's other buttons added to escape menu
  • Add support for reconnecting / restarting after password has been changed
  • Add compatiblity for use with Nexus' Escape Overlay

General Discussion / Re: List of Console Commands ;)
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:54:48 PM »
Here's some more building functions


Modification Help / Re: function useFirstSlot(%slot)
« on: October 12, 2016, 07:29:35 PM »
Alright here's the solution I found:

function serverCmdUseInventory(%cl,%inv) can return %cl, which is the client accessing the slot, and %inv, which is the slot number. This works for the brick menu only, not the inventory sidebar on the top right.
serverCmdUseTool(%client, %tool) is for the top right inventory. %tool is zero - indexed.

Gallery / Re: Enhanced Graphics Screenshots + Graphical Resources
« on: October 04, 2016, 10:05:53 PM »
Assuming you don't have any forced AA, you should be able run even ultra shaders at a near playable framerate (though I highly recommend using better shadow control to have it in screenshots only using port's newest soft as default).

Unrelated issue: Better shadow control never remembers my settings so I have to reset them every time I start up blockland; it'd be great if this wasn't the case assuming this isn't an issue on my end.
I'll fix it soon, probably either Thursday or Sunday.

General Discussion / Re: Browser build viewer
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:21:30 PM »
Would you also make an implementation for this to work on Blender? I can't get that one add-on for the BLS import to work on my version for some reason.
I have it
It works just fine if you use 2.77

Gallery / Re: new brickitect
« on: September 07, 2016, 09:15:34 PM »
The interior is really nice, but I think the exterior could use some work.

Is that available somewhere?
Swollow's website

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: September 04, 2016, 04:44:30 PM »
[img ][/img]
toot toot
Is that accurate in comparison to the real thing?
I play clarinet but I've never looked at a french horn that closely

Add-Ons / Re: Centered Octagonal Bricks
« on: August 21, 2016, 10:22:09 AM »
It takes more than just setting them to the texture? Do you not see how the border has a different width on each of the bricks?
Oh that's what you meant
I thought you meant I was using the wrong texture lol
Yeah, I see that now, thank you, ill fix it

Add-Ons / Re: Centered Octagonal Bricks
« on: August 21, 2016, 10:12:10 AM »
Yeah, but your side uvs are all wrong.
What do you mean by "wrong"? They are side faces, they're supposed to have the side texture
I'm really confused
Please be specific

Add-Ons / Re: Centered Octagonal Bricks
« on: August 21, 2016, 10:01:54 AM »
They don't have correct uvs though???

Use this to calculate them properly:
Wait what? I meant "correct" as in the top have the top texture and bottom has the bottom texture, etc

Add-Ons / Re: Centered Octagonal Bricks
« on: August 21, 2016, 08:45:51 AM »
pretty sure these were made before but nice job. im relatively certain the original set didn't have correctly applied side/top textures, or any at all probably.
Yes they were made before
By me lol
I saw them in my old add ons folder and remade them with textures

Add-Ons / Centered Octagonal Bricks
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:55:20 PM »
Centered Octagonal Bricks
Centered with the brick grid and they have correct UVs/textures!

v1 (8.75 KB)

General Discussion / Re: useful eval code thread?
« on: August 14, 2016, 10:23:59 PM »
Don't we have a million of these already?

for(%i = 0; %i = 10; %i++) echo(%i);
Crashes BL

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