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Messages - Toadzard

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Development / Re: 2015/01/13 - Blockland r1956
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:31:35 PM »
Nicely done!

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: October 12, 2013, 08:09:29 PM »
I never knew what I was doing back then
It's painfully obvious and you're condescending for having given it

I can't stop thinking about it.
Trailers are not about copying things, they're about being effective
Advice is about telling people something helpful, not something completely intuitive
Cars are not for eating dinner, they're for moving from one place to another

Are you a half-assed brown townyst like me, where you sometimes just say bullstuff that sounds vaguely like it might be helpful or insightful so you can feel like you contributed in some way, when it would have been equally effective to shout SKY'S BLUE, DUMBASS?

Final word,

if the trailer will:

be more tightly edited,
get its point across effectively in a shorter time,
keep more of its audience seeing a greater amount of what there is to show,
be easier for someone with goals beyond "please existing players" to create,

it's gonna be shorter.

Trust me, it won't just be a duplicate of the old one with shadows added and 43 seconds chopped off the end.

While we're being obvious, I hope you're aware that the majority of Blockland players are kids. Let me explain why I gave that obvious advice. Blockland is a place where people make one of their first models, scripts and add-ons. So when the creator of a game says he needs a trailer, there's a rush to hopefully be the star and have your creation be treated as official and on par with something you adore. That's fine. It's motivation to make something good. Ever since I started playing in V8, the game has never held a standard of performance or ability because you're never punished by the game if you make something bad. The only "bad" things that can happen are social and happen on the forums, on multiplayer servers or whatever. Still being obvious with me? Okay, good. I don't remember Badspot ever posting in Gallery threads (but I'm pretty sure he has in Add Ons threads when warning that something may break your game or something) and I think it's because he wants to keep that feeling of freedom of playing and making whatever you like. I don't think he wants his cult of personality as creator of the game to influence the enjoyment of people too much. If he has said something like "this build is stuff, don't play my game ever again" please show me. I'm mentioning Badspot so much because I think the same "make what you want" attitude with the game translates into other Blockland media.

Blockland is a game played mostly by kids. The same kids who make their first models, scripts and add-ons for it will probably also make one of their first trailers and movie projects for it too. My advice was obvious to you and it sure as stuff wasn't entertaining to write, but realize that people can have a lot of "firsts" related to this game and that's why I was talking about baby steps. No one wants any amount of bad quality projects, regardless of whether the creator of the game wants to acknowledge a favourite or not. That's why I think there will be a lot of "first" trailers made by hopefuls. I don't see why you have to be so loving venomous on an internet forum dedicated to a game about playing with a virtual toy. Makes me feel kind of bad for you if you can't relax over something so petty.

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: October 10, 2013, 02:23:41 PM »
What corner of your ass did you pull this piece of advice from?

Is "don't copy and show good clips" bad advice or is it too obvious? I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:41:57 AM »

This isn't the best example. That trailer actually ends at ~1:43 with the rest being credits that were put in for some reason. That cutoff also doesn't give any indication whether that's because the viewer has been satisfied and doesn't need to see any more or if it's because they've lost interest in a negative light. I guess you could compare sales data at that time to see if it was effective.

The video was posted in Q4 of 2010, which is in the neighbourhood of that big spike in the middle (I don't think it's responsible in any part anyway). Since stats have been disabled, I can't see how many views were made when, so knowing it has over a quarter of a million views in three years doesn't help this kind of brown townysis. This doesn't take into consideration other factors that lead to people hearing about the game and/or buying it like word of mouth or banner ads (are those still used?) or other youtube videos. The point is that you can't base a big part of a project off one piece of information from one incident that might have also become irrelevant to today's version of Blockland or the nuances (like attention span) of today's target audience.

If you want to find the best length of a trailer for a game about personally building anything you can think of with so many bricks that a limit to them becomes meaningless, do your research. Look at trailers for popular games, look at trailers for unpopular games, for big budget games, for small budget games, for shooting games, for racing games, for building games, etc and it's not just about length. Look at content and presentation style too. It's not about copying, it's about making something that's effective.

And this is all whether Badspot decides to use a fan made trailer anyway.

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: October 07, 2013, 11:17:22 PM »
I think this is the best Blockland trailer made right now. There's some issues with it, like bad camera angles when showing building and eventing. It also does a lacklustre job of making sense of the game types it shows and illustrating the scope and scale of builds possible. If anyone's going to make a trailer, be sure to show building with other people and the giant stuff you can build. Just an idea, but a bird's eye view snap zoom out from the roof of a previously shown building as a huge city build (with clearly seen default road baseplates) loads around it would look pretty cool.

e: fixed the link

Development / Re: 2013/10/03 - Steam Status
« on: October 04, 2013, 12:46:35 AM »
Blockland trading cards would be the only ones I'd bother getting a whole set for.


Just be careful if you're doing poses like the middle one, it gets a little confusing seeing which floating hand belongs to which body. The hips part looks a bit too small and the smooth curve of the piece stands out from the rest of the model. The model's great, there's just that one piece I don't like.

General Discussion / Re: Does Badspot Work All By Himself?
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:43:19 PM »
I've pressed F1 a few times before.

General Discussion / Re: BLOCKLAND WAS GREENLIT
« on: August 28, 2013, 03:59:00 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Lego Movie (2014)
« on: June 18, 2013, 09:48:34 PM »
Also watch the trailer.

I don't see any 3D Animation...

Watch it again. In any case, the cool thing about modern filmmaking is that you're not limited to one "medium." It's stop motion and CGI.

(I think)

Off Topic / Lego Movie (2014)
« on: June 18, 2013, 08:50:04 PM »

Cool stuff.

Edit: Changed to the official Warner Brother's Video

Now that's what I call edgy

Gallery / Re: Just a preview of somthing to come in the next few weeks.
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:39:23 PM »
I like how it's on the side of the street like someone's going like "Oh, I'll just pop in for a quick prayer to the lord of evil and corruption and I think I'll slit the throats of a couple sacrificial goats while I'm at it"

Gallery / Re: Official V21 Screenshots
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:31:04 PM »
That's nice. The lighting's got the hazy TF2 feel to it.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Walk toggle
« on: August 06, 2012, 06:58:49 PM »

I don't really see the point. Most games which have a walk control have it keybound to a button held for as long as you press it for, and so there's no real reason why it needs to be any different.

Are you being serious?

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