constant gay pride marches
It's called activism.
You do realize that LGBT issues are still very much a political issue?
The supreme Court may have ruled banning gay marriage as unconstitutional, but there are still many states where it is completely legal to fire employees solely for being gay. LGBT youth represent a very significant percentage of homeless youth. There are still many issues left.
There have been marches and protests and assemblies for every human rights issue ever, do you think it was reasonable for people to respond to them with "ok we get it, you're black, no need to shove it down my throat"?
If you don't want to see a pride parade, don't go to one. Simple as that. I didn't even know where or when my state's was until some friends wanted me to go with them.
LGBTQ week is a thing now in my school
My high school made a big deal out of the entirety of Black History
the constant vidoes on youtube about how people are gay,
the constant insta pics of people typing paragraphs on their gay pride
Then don't watch/read them.
There's tons of content on the internet that doesn't interest me. I just go elsewhere. It's not worth my time ranting about stuff I'm not interested in
gay people disclosing they are gay when they meet someone new,
Alright, that's a fair complaint.
There's a time and a place for everything, and someone you just met isn't the right time.
But again, as I said earlier: 17, high schoolers, children, blah blah
also have you realized that a majority of these LGBTQ people never say anything about the dehumanization of gays in Arab countries?
Sure, it's awful, but I don't really have a say in Arabic country governments