How do I switch my model back to normal polys after clicking on the subdivision set?
BumpAnyway, when I add a cylinder, how do I get it to be a certain number of vertices?Like in 2.49, you hit add cylinder, and it would ask for the number of vertices/sides you want on it.
Using 2.54 here, I don't see it, all I see is mesh options with something talking about topology and some other stuff.
Try restarting Blender. It doesn't show for me always either.
Still not showing, going to have to do this the old way...
Would the fact that I'm on a 64bit Windows 7 computer have ANYTHING to do with my problem?
Ahhh nooo 2.5 :SI absolutely hate version 2.5; they moved everything around, I dont know where anything is anymore.
Help.Blender 2.56 beta says "error initializing quicktime"and then everything is screwed up, and I can't save.