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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25732 times)



Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Nothing
Location: Wallack, Central Boulevard crash site
Cash: $11,100
Karma: 0
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Nothing

Bruce began to walk around and see what I have done to the warehouse. Due to habit I walked over to where my scooter usually was. I realised that it was still at the hospital. Either that or somebody stole it from the curb. I exited the warehouse and felt the rain patter on my face. Bruce walked up to my box where I keep clothing I find and tossed me a sweat shirt. I zipped it up and tucked my hands in the pockets. "We might as well get rid of this cop car" Bruce said to me. I nodded and began to move the boxes. I opened the warehouse doors some more so the car would have an easier time of exiting. We already lost a mirror and got some scratches on the way in. Bruce pulled it out and I shut the warehouse doors. I exited from the door next to the huge doors and entered the passenger seat. Bruce began to drive off. "Maybe we should cut through Central Boulevard" I said to Bruce. Bruce smiled and turned the corner. We then faced an obstacle. There was a crash. We tried to sneak around but a cop stopped us. We exited the vehicle. He gave us strange looks. "What are you doing with a police cruiser?" he asked. "We have to get it back to the station. Somebody asked us to fix it up for him" Bruce said. "May I see your license?" the cop asked. "Sure!" I said. I walked up to the car. I pretended to attempt to open something. I signaled Bruce to come help. He came over and I pulled his head down. "Dude, we're toast if we don't get out of here!" I whisper to him. "You're right, well what do we do then?" Bruce asked back. I walked back up to the cop. "Must have left it at the garage!" I say. The cop looks at us in the eyes. He takes a little slip of paper out of his pocket. I noticed it was two pictures. One of me walking out of my cell and the other of Bruce battling with a cop. He looked at the our faces then back at the pictures'. He slipped the paper back in his pocket. He went to reach for a gun but then he turned around and looked at a little girl. He slowly moved his hand away from his gun. "Get in my car, NOW!" he said to us. He had his hand on the gun but it was still in it's holster. We entered the cop car that belonged to the cop and he locked the doors. "I got the two convicts. They were in possesion of a stolen police cruiser" he said over a radio. "10-4, want somebody to come get them since you're busy with the accident?" somebody over the radio asked. "No I got it" he said back. He lowered the radio and gave us one last look. He went back to the crash. "What now?" Bruce asked me.

Name: Bruce
Status: Worried
Items: ID, 10mm pistol (hidden from sight), combat knife, and 10mm ammo
Location: Wallack, heading back to Goodyear Maximum Security Prison
Cash: $2,056
Karma: -31
Objective: Get out of grasps of the police
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Nothing

"I have no idea. Keep your cool," Max whispered back. "Got that 10mm pistol?"

"Yeah," I whispered back. I kept it safe for this entire time from the prison break. The cop was still talking on his radio. I didn't pay attention too much but I heard something about prison and the chief I knew all too well. "stuff. He's taking us back to Goodyear Maximum Security! Do something," I whispered a bit loudly to Max. Enough for the driver to hear. The cop turned around

"Hey, shut up back there," the cop yelled at us. Unfortunately he wasn't paying attention and ended up slamming right into an oil truck. The impact crushed the guard from the fact he had no seat belt on and the air bag that came out upon impact. I took off my seat belt and looked around the car.

I shouted, "Max! Are you okay?." I searched around frantically moving bits and parts of the car out of the way.

"Yeah. I'm outside. Get out of there before the truck explodes," Max responded back.

I got out of the car until I heard the radio. I decided to say something back to make this situation of good use. I said back to the operator, "The convicts are on the run. I repeat, the convicts are on the run. We need multiple backup. They seem to be headed back towards Wallack. They are trying to head back to Central Boulevard. I repeat, they are headed back to Central Boulevard." I tried to sound as scared and and urgent as possible.

Moments later, after I got out of the car, the oil truck exploded along with the car and the crushed officer. Max and I took no time to wait. We had to get out of the way of the cops who for all they knew had to go to Central Boulevard. We ran across an alley.

"Here. Let's go to my house in Bright Annex," I said.

"But that's on the other side of town!" Max exclaimed. He was trying to slow down and catch his breath. Obviously, he didn't have enough stamina left to get to Bright Annex. I came up with a plan

"We'll go down to Wallack and steal a car. I know a few people who can get us a ride"

"Got it." He stopped in the middle of running through a person's backyard and sat down on the grass. I decided to stop with him and sit down with him. I wanted to keep running but I knew I couldn't do this without Max. We caught our breath and went inside the house to find some food and ended up getting nothing but a woman waving a broom at us. No idea why she would do that when we are armed felons but whatever. Max and I went back to running towards Wallack for a ride after that little scoff.

Name: Raymond Porello
Status: Healthy; normal.
Inventory: Tazer; 10mm pistol (30); police radio; flashlight
Karma: 10
Location: Wallack; Central Boulevard crash site
Objective: [ShortTerm] Report to an accident [LongTerm] Assist in finding William Forvetti
Cash: $1165

     It looked like another cruiser had been driving by, but when I flagged them down, two guys came out that weren't cops at all. Their faces looked familiar and then it clicked; these guys were wanted. Since I didn't want to totally terrify the little girl even more than she already was, I asked the gentlemen to give up the fight. Physically, I was superior to them - running wouldn't have been a problem for myself, nor would threatening them at gunpoint. I had the upper hand, and they surrendered without a fight which was becoming a rare occasion these days, or so I've heard. I ushered them in the back of my own cruiser and locked them in. I decided before I arrest them entirely, I could at least be a bit more certain they were lying. "What shop did you guys say you were from?" I asked them with a look that I hoped gave off the impression I wasn't buying whatever they said.
     "Uh... Blue Hills... Mechanical..," one of them stuttered.
     "Right..," I said sarcastically. I closed the door and they looked panicked back at each other. It was time to do some investigating. Jesus, this day was getting busy. The woman and the young kid that were in the accident had re-approached me, both with their information. I didn't want to, but I made them wait just a bit longer. Both of their days had gone from worse to worst as everything continued to go downhill for them. I felt bad but it was my job.
     "Dispatch, I've apprehended a few suspected delinquents... requesting some assistance... make sure the one that arrives has a partner, someone's going to have to do something with this extra car we have here."
     By this time, EMS was pulling up with an ambulance. Two men jumped out of the back as the driver of the vehicle backed up towards the scene, making for an easier work area. He put it in park, leaving the lights on, which really helped with the traffic direction.
     "I'll take your information, if you have it, both of you. You," pointing at the kid, "can go see the meds over there." I took the papers from the kid and the woman alike and headed back to my own cruiser, just as a back-up unit was arriving, pulling over next to the scene. I opened up the driver's door of my own car and sat down, typing away into the computer. Various information was entered - a VIN number, plate numbers, all of the good stuff. I heard a deeper, unfamiliar voice a few seconds later that broke the silence, since the men in the back were silent.
     "Hey, Porello," said the voice. I greeted the officer, and we carried on a short conversation before getting down to business. He introduced himself.
     "So, these two I have back here claim to be from - what was it? - Blue Hills Mechanics, Mechanical, whatever... you know of anything?" I asked him, expecting a negative response. I made sure the people behind the cage in the car were able to hear every word.
     "Oh, yeah, that's where my buddy took his Crown Vic," he said. I glanced back over to where the cruiser I took was sitting, traffic flowing steadily around it. "Crown Vic" was sure enough written on the front grill. I pointed with the pen in my hand at it. "What the hell... Alright, well, I'll get my partner over here to help you load these two dumbstuffs up and then we'll be off... I'll take the car off your hands."
     "Okay, thanks," I said. With that, his partner showed up, and I helped him get the two into the back of the squad car that the officer pulled up in not too long ago. The man I was just talking to took a seat in the car I myself apprehended, and took off, the other cop not too far behind. Just like that, the scene was back to normal.
     After the computer finished surfing the database about the information I got from the accidentees and came up positive, I got out of the car and walked back towards where the woman, her child and the teen were standing in a circle, having almost casual conversation as if they'd known each other for a while and were having a latte at a local cafe.
     "You're both fine... however, obviously, you cars are not." After a lengthy discussion with them all to discover what exactly had happened, a dispatch for two wreckers to come and help out, and an hour later, I was giving everyone a ride back to their homes. The whole situation was sorted out and it was a hell of a stressful day.

9:00 and the temperatures have started falling down past their normal lows - it's dropped down to around 25 degrees, and the roads soon become very slick with ice from the rain that built up during the day. The city is still experiencing a casual rain so the ice is patchy but constant...


I'm getting a little confused so I'm just gonna guess what happened here. After Ipod and I were shoved into the back of the car, some other guy came up and took us away. The man that exploded in the car was the guy who took us away who isn't caution. Now we are on our way back to Wallack. Correct me if i'm wrong

I'm getting a little confused so I'm just gonna guess what happened here. After Ipod and I were shoved into the back of the car, some other guy came up and took us away. The man that exploded in the car was the guy who took us away who isn't caution. Now we are on our way back to Wallack. Correct me if i'm wrong

You go into my car.
I call a guy to come and take you guys away, and to bring a partner to take your guy's car with.
You guys leave. :P

Story Arc Three - Flashback
Name: Giovanni Vespucci
Status: Healthy
Inventory: Browning Hi-Power, several fake IDs, bankbook
Karma: 0
Location: South Bint to Kelton
Objective: Meet Brother; Narrative (12 Years Ago)
Cash: N/A

*Just arrived in Highler Ridge, waiting for a ride, thinking and talking with friend - Giorgio. Spoken in Italian. *

  "Now listen, Giorgy, it's a routine job. I've waited before. I can do it again. Don't be such a worry ward. You can't be in this town, I hear." I had spoke with up-most assurance in my voice. There wasn't a doubt in my mind I couldn't take on all the world had to throw on my shoulders. I was waiting for my brother to pick me up. He had worked closely with Francesco, a local mob boss, who was willing to give me work. Claudio could get me in well with the high society folk.
  "I know. But...I don't understand. We had it well back in Napoli, we didn't need the violence." Giorgio frowned.
  "Yes, but there isn't excitement back there. There is no opportunity. Mother was wrong, why settle? I'd rather be running around than laying by idle anyday." I gave a suave smile, as always, a nice front. Letting out anything beneath would be deadly.
  "I suppose. Here's our ride" Giorgio and I made our way through the shuffling crowd to a smooth, black limousine. The material within was a crisp leather, a fact that made me uncomfortable, and the face waiting was all the more a melancholy yet pleasent sight. My brother, in youth, sat across from us. His deep set eyes glowed of hope, happiness. His mouth, crescent as was mine, smiled.
  "Fratello. You have finally joined me, out in this beautiful land. A world fresh to be carved and molded."
  "Or shattered." Giorgio was always such a happy person.
  "Ignore him" I scoffed "He's just bitter we didn't ride first class."
  "Sorry about that." Claudio smiled, ready to refocus the discussion to important matters "I'd hate to give you an assignment so early in  your arrival, but you know how it is in Kelton - Ha. Wait, perhaps you don't. Oh, well. All work and no play, you know the bit. Just a standard run. Pick up a package, bring it home, no grave issue. The men upstairs just want to test you."
  "We're in a limo, Claud, there is no upstairs" Giorgio laughed.
  "Shut up." Claudio was bothered by the man. "Fratello, you'll have all week. Everything you'll need is in this briefcase. Don't mess it up"
  Claudio stepped out on cue, the limo had haulted on a street corner. An unnamed avenue in an unnamed neighborhood. But then that seemed a custom now, in this mysterious town. I was ready, though. Ready for a new future. Ready for a new beginning. Ready for anything than what would come.

Just a fun little one to set up the next angle. C:

« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 12:51:27 AM by *Magick* Mage »

Time to ditch morning.

Name: Jake Kosh
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 9mm Pistol(9/9, 26 9mm Rounds), A knife.
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack, near Central Boulevard.
Objective: Rescue Max.
Cash: $30
Gained: Nothing.
Lost: Nothing.

"No, I'm not coming along, I want out while I still can." Carter finally said back to me after taking a painful few minutes to decide.

"Fine, I'll see you around I guess." I was slightly disappointed that he wasn't coming along.

I begin shutting my car door. "Good luck." I heard him say before the door was closed, and with that I was off, driving in the direction Max and the other convict had gone.

It took about an hour, considering that the traffic was heavy and the roads were slick. I saw Central Boulevard, apparently there was a wreck and a cop was directing traffic. I saw a police cruiser leave with what looked like two men in the back, I followed the cruiser from a far distance, trying not to draw attention. The light ahead goes red, but the driver of the cruiser obviously wasn't paying attention and fails to stop, T-Boning an oil truck. I slammed on the brakes before I got too close, and got out of my car and ran to the cruiser to help who I could, even if its a cop I'm not going to let him die if I don't have too. I saw a man get out, he looked familiar, as I got closer I realized who it was, it was Max! A second man came out of the car.

"GET AWAY! ITS GOING TO BLOW!" they shouted at me, sprinting towards me. I turned and began to run. The truck went up into a large fireball. I could feel the shockwave of the blast, knocking me down.

"Everybody ok?" Max said, I had nodded as did the other man.

Max looked at me for a second. "Jake, why the hell did you come back? I told you to run!" he said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I have to repay you somehow for helping me complete my contract." I responded.

"Yeah thats great and all, but we have to get out of here before the cops arrive!" said the unknown man with a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Hurry, get to my car!" I said. We all ran to the car and got in. We sped off.

"So where are we going, and who is this?" I asked.

"This is Bruce, the guy who was escaping from Goodyear prison." Max answered.

"Escaped" Bruce corrected. "We are heading to my house in Bright Annex."

I took a left turn, towards Bright Annex. This Bruce guy didn't seem to be the type to be trusted, but perhaps I will be proven wrong. After all he is helping us.

I'm still confused. Jokey and I are going to Wallack. Then, Caution finds us near the crash site and arrests us? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I feel bad for that guy in my story not looking where he was going, crashing into an oil truck, and not wearing a seat belt. All too ironic C:

Sounds good to me. Sorry if my story was confusing. :c

Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: Nothing
Karma: 0
Location: Bright Annex

Two weeks after the hospitalization

The ceiling fan rotated slowly across the wooden roof of my apartment. I was on the third floor, and the apartment was on the corner of Druid Avenue and Dwaine Street. The street sloped violently downhill, and at the end was the Rolai River, that separated the Boroughs from each other. The brown water often reflected into the room, giving it an eerie glow. Three Police Interceptors sped by, chasing after a dark black van. This van was different. it had some kind of padding on it. A man leaned out the left window, and fired a tommy gun at the police car. The driver must have gotten hit, because they collided into a pole.  Soon enough, they were almost at the waters edge. They must have been going at least 110, and they didn't have enough room to turn. I closed my eyes as the dark van barreled off the pier, but then continued on in the river. It must be some kind of van that turned into a boat, because it soon was out of sight. But the interceptors could not stop in time, and crashed through the gate of the pier. The heavy plating made it almost immediately sink to the bottom of the murky river.

I'm still confused. Jokey and I are going to Wallack. Then, Caution finds us near the crash site and arrests us? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I feel bad for that guy in my story not looking where he was going, crashing into an oil truck, and not wearing a seat belt. All too ironic C:
we're now just going to your house with star

No no no. We went to wallack to get a car to get to my house. I need a bit of guidance. Also, I am liking the idea of partnering with you guys. I really do

Name: Bruce
Status: Healthy
Items: 10mm pistol + ammo, ID, and combat knife
Karma: -31
Gained: A ride
Lost: none

After meeting with Jake, Max and I continued on our not so long trek to Wallack while avoiding officers bound to be at the crime scene. Luckily, we made it to where we needed to be, Pofo Avenue and Thankless Street. I remembered the address I was supposed to visit. I walked down a couple more garages and found my friend who could help

"Guys," I said introducing my friend to Jake and Max. "This is Noah. He was a friend of mine back in the day and still is helping me in a jam."

Noah offered a handshake to Max and Jake. They all shook hands. "So. What do you need Bruce?" he said getting right down to buisiness.

"I need a ride to transport all of us to Brighter Annex. We need to escape some cops on our trail."

Noah flipped a switch in the back of the garage. The floor flipped over and revealed a taxi which looked rather new and unused.

"Found this scavenging the taxi parking lot. I fixed it up good as new," he explained. "You can use it for as long as you can until you can finally pay me back either the car or cash."

"Sounds good for me," I responded. I motioned for the keys lying on the workbench right next to the car.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

"What?" I asked confusingly.

"Tell me where these two came from," Noah said eying Jake and Max. "Are they friendly?"

"Of course. I found them while escaping Goodyear Maximum Security Prison. And that is all I know about them."

"I smell a long story ahead of us," he said. He obviously didn't want to hear a jail story. He tossed me the keys and gave me a nod.

Max, Jake, and I all got into the car. As we drove off, Max and Jake were discussing some things.

"I don't really like this Noah guy, Bruce," Max said. "He creeps me the hell out."

"Same. He doesn't look like a person to trust," Jake agreed.

"He has been a family friend for as long as I can remember. I think you guys should have a bit more trust in him," I said defending Noah. And it was silent for the rest of the trip

Correct me if I left out some key things I didn't note.

Wait, I drove to you guys and we took the car I arrived in.
ARGH. We must fix this. Jokey, its you're turn, do something. D:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 11:06:34 PM by star9578 »