
Should we destroy the last bit of the smallpox disease?

Yes, but not for several years

Author Topic: Opinions - Should we destroy the last bit of the smallpox disease?  (Read 103024 times)

I say death penalty for cold blood killing. Life in an industrial prison, basic slavery, for negligent homicide, drunk driving and killing somebody, and such. Then for involuntary manslaughter, hitting a biker on the street that wasn't necessarily your fault, or whatever, parole with a certain amount of money paid to the family of the deceased.

Theft, rape, and other such lesser crimes would be temporary work in the industrial prison and then parole with a smaller sum of money paid to the victim.

I'd go in more detail, but I am tired.

They should be hung by their thumbs.

I am a firm believer in the death trial, and against the whole "life in prison" thing. What the hell is the point in sitting in a cell the rest of your life? You're just going to sit there, you know damn well what your ending is and so does everyone around you. What the hell's the point in living or even keeping the prisoner alive if what they've done (or been convicted for) has been so bad that they deserve to spend their life in prison anyway? They most likely won't learn a damn thing and even if they do they'll never have a chance to even show it.
The only reason they aren't just killed is a fallback in case they are ever found not guilty later. That and all the hippy humanists and stuff who value life too much.

Rape (not with people but with love toys or something) him/her so hard he dies.
Hahaha what the forget?

The only comment I have to make about the American penal system is that there (at least seems) to be a lot more emphasis put on retribution (and incapacitation) than rehabilitation and reintegration. In comparison to most of the west, that is.

I say kill all of the prisoners. The world population is too high, and I'm sure people would stop commiting crimes if it always meant death.
well thanks, now my uncle is dead, an old friend of mine is dead, 2 of my friends parents are dead...
And honestly what they did does not deserve death.

And the population is not to high. That's just what social studies teachers shove down our throats. everyone in the entire world could fit in Jacksonville Florida, twice. And studies show that all the produced food in the world at any one time, could feed a world of twenty billion.

Turn them all into hamburgers for the evil overlords to eat for dinner.

like stuff, theres a resion why there in jail i don't know they get fed, sleep, and get something for no good resion IF i  controled the jail i would give them HELL! one meal a day, if there any talking or yelling i would bet  the stuff out of them. And if they escape and we get them, forget forget the chair kill them slow and painful death. Thats my jail right there.
Now, imagine if you were the prisoner.

like stuff, theres a resion why there in jail i don't know they get fed, sleep, and get something for no good resion IF i  controled the jail i would give them HELL! one meal a day, if there any talking or yelling i would bet  the stuff out of them. And if they escape and we get them, forget forget the chair kill them slow and painful death. Thats my jail right there.

imperial japan, national socialist germany, and the confederacy agree with you

Why are some of you so respectful to criminals?  Honestly, why should we respect them when they fail to respect life or ownership?

Depends on the crime.  But for serial murderers, serial rapists etc etc, I think the penalties should be A LOT harsher.

Why are some of you so respectful to criminals?  Honestly, why should we respect them when they fail to respect life or ownership?
Because they were unable to so it isn't really fair.

I think prisons in most first world countries are fine as they are, people are able to survive as a healthy human there but it's miserable enough to make people not want to go there in the first place.

Maybe you should have read the latest post before posting.


Not to mention that most killers are psychologically disturbed and mentally ill, so in reality, you're torturing someone who doesn't actually comprehend the value of a life.
Or maybe you put to much value on life. There are 6,775,235,741 people on earth and a possibly infinite number of people in the universe. This is why I do not value the life of any single person.

I bet most of you would be squealing the most for more lenient punishment if you managed to commit a crime and you would be prison bound. Based on some of the answers, I wouldn't even trust my pet rock on you, let alone a whole loving country.

What is more likely to make people less likely to commit certain offences? Brutal, but uncertain punishment (let's say you were caught stealing bread from a shop and you'd be mutilated right on the spot; however at some other random times one would even get away with stealing a whole fridge) or a proportional, but sure punishment (you steal a bread and you'd have to pay a fine or possibly do some community service, and only a very, I say, a very few people could get away with theft and they would face the same punishment).