Author Topic: Terraria - 2D Minecraft More focused on RPG/Action, surprise 1.3 :^)  (Read 1445882 times)

omg those orange metal walls what
copper plating

ye olde abandoned mining village, locked out of the luxurious city on the other side of the wall
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 01:16:02 PM by Jubel »

amazing atmosphere you're creating there


Holy stuff when did they update it with so much loving stuff?

Holy stuff when did they update it with so much loving stuff?
Read the title.

Read the title.

"WOAH 1.2.1 IS OUT"
"WOAH 1.2.2 IS OUT"
"WOAH 1.2.3 IS OUT"
"WOAH 1.2.4 and then IS OUT"

the title is wildly inaccurate, young one

copper plating

ye olde abandoned mining village, locked out of the luxurious city on the other side of the wall
Looks great, but you should turn off the dynamic background from the settings next time when you make one of these compilation pictures.
They become much easier to understand that way.

This thing is loving impossible to get.
It certainly isn't easy but it is possible.
I have had it before and i am on my way to getting it again.
The components don't really have a large spawn chance. :/

Forgot to post this here, it's not done yet. Making it with my friends on new characters/world

It certainly isn't easy but it is possible.
I have had it before and i am on my way to getting it again.
The components don't really have a large spawn chance. :/
That's what I'm talking about, its like eleven items with 1% spawn chance usually.

That's what I'm talking about, its like eleven items with 1% spawn chance usually.
I have it on my paladin build. All my items also have the warding bonus with turtle armor

heavy yo

I found it decently difficult to build. I think I spent more time trying to get the paladin equips though. (Hard Mode dungeon is super spooky)

forget the hardmode dungeon. Necromancers are straight up cheaters with their undodgeable beams, all the enemies can inflict all sorts of long-lasting debuffs on you and Paladins just suck.