Ran out of fuel?
I don't really remember haha.
I think I was using RCS to thrust, and there just wasn't enough power to slow it down.
I also made the mistake of thinking I wouldn't be able to make it back to Kerbin, so I didn't add a parachute...
Completely forgot about the thick atmosphere on Eve, but then again, I was planning on going to Duna.
Getting the hang of trajectories for planet hopping. But it's basically all just falling into the sun's orbit, then orbital rendezvous skills.
Space Planes are fun.
The view from IVA looks great when you spin it around, and landing in IVA is really fun.
And I made a very maneuverable scout plane.
It can drop "pods" that can act as targets for you to shoot for if you want to say you've been to a certain place, or need to explore a certain area with a ground vehicle.
Fairly accurate landing, I want to see someone else do better, I tried to get within 50 meters. But I guess 250 works too.
This is an older picture, but I ended up flying 2 or 3 more of those larger landers right next to each other and made a sort of Mun base.