Author Topic: ArmA 2 - Fairly Realistic Combat Simulator  (Read 36056 times)

i'm going to guess it's FADE and you have a non-legitimate copy.
Or it could be that. I've tried out using fade switching to a non valid key in game, only affected my accuracy, nothing else happened.

Meeses and I played some Wasteland and we geared and went to the NA airfield,  had my FAL and he had an M14 AIm, we saw a biplane continuously flying around so we wasted our ammo on it. stuff got serious when I got hit by an M107 and somehow didn't die.
We ran into cover, and he found a G36K in a pickup parked nearby, as we hid, I saw the sniper sitting on top of the ATC, aiming where we were. I took meeses's G36 and the dumbass sniper didn't shoot and I got like 3 shots on him and he died.
We waited a while, and we saw his friend on an MG checking the area, on top of the ATC again, and I took him out with ease. He raged, then we saw another dude but he disappeared, and the previous biplane pilot flanked us and killed us both. Funny thing is we killed him earlier in Grishino.
Was really fun.

Yeah he had beef with me because i decimated him in Grishino. I shot him twice when you died and it broke his legs, but there was an ambulance like 10 feet away so.......

Yeah he had beef with me because i decimated him in Grishino. I shot him twice when you died and it broke his legs, but there was an ambulance like 10 feet away so.......
Yah but it was the awesomest thing I've done in wasteland, but it kinda pissed me off we got killed through the back because I knew it was going to happen, I even checked our back like a minute before.
We should do that again tomorrow

U cigaretteets need to invite me next time :c

Holy stuff fun day with meeses and phayzon today at wasteland. We start at a server restart, meeses got the 1st plane, phayzon got a bmp we grouped set up awesome base and went to fight. We found an enemy base and after awhile of fighting and the bmp being wreck me and meeses had to stay in one of their bunkers. I took out 5 or so guys during that amount of time and i got shot and broke my legs. After some regrouping and help meeses pulls next to me in a truck and we got the hell outa there. Its was a good day

Holy stuff fun day with meeses and phayzon today at wasteland. We start at a server restart, meeses got the 1st plane, phayzon got a bmp we grouped set up awesome base and went to fight. We found an enemy base and after awhile of fighting and the bmp being wreck me and meeses had to stay in one of their bunkers. I took out 5 or so guys during that amount of time and i got shot and broke my legs. After some regrouping and help meeses pulls next to me in a truck and we got the hell outa there. Its was a good day

Holy stuff that sounds intense, let me play with you guys.

I also lightly tossed a frag grenade on top of the bunker 10 feet above me to kill the guy shooting us with an AA-12 xD

when all you guys left and I had the T-55, I destroyed another one who was hunting 2 pretty cool guys I had talked to. The tank never saw it coming and I had to go so I gave the 2 people the tank and they started freaking out. My final request was for them to shoot me with the main cannon lol. We also have our base with like 30 ammo caches. What a waste.

Oh and that one headshot with the AS-50 I made.. mmm delicious.

wasteland is fun especially when you find weird ass vehicles.

i've survived a total of three helicopter crashes in dayz
all of them i was flying, all the same character

^Keep dayz poop in the dayz thread

also this morning played wasteland again, got lovey kills trying to defend my friend and also played again with meeses and basically mistook one of our friends for an enemy, drove, saw a convoy, ran away, got chased (we think) and kept hearing heave mg fire, circle around and went to the runway, went prone up a little hill and on top was a massive base of holy stuff. We were attacked and me and ryan died meeses got away (i think)

Basically its a scavenge TDM

you can either be opfor or blufor which each member needs to work together as a team for both teams or you can join independent and kill anyone without penalty.
People drive around and almost every car carries a weapon but you can also look for ammo caches or other items like food stands or water cause you need to keep those up. Once you got what you need you can load base parts into trucks and set up your own base.
People on the op or blufor teams usually communicate well so they can cover a good area well together and their bases usually grow to a massive size.

in general its explore->loot->build->team up->Fight

Basically its a scavenge TDM

you can either be opfor or blufor which each member needs to work together as a team for both teams or you can join independent and kill anyone without penalty.
People drive around and almost every car carries a weapon but you can also look for ammo caches or other items like food stands or water cause you need to keep those up. Once you got what you need you can load base parts into trucks and set up your own base.
People on the op or blufor teams usually communicate well so they can cover a good area well together and their bases usually grow to a massive size.

in general its explore->loot->build->team up->Fight
Do I need a mod file? If so, link?