
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 431800 times)

Ok it's time, I'm finally going to play this game. I've grown kind of sick of MMOs ever since I moved out on my own and my time to dedicate to games has dropped to like 1-2 hours a day MMOs just aren't fun any more the progress is too slow. I was going to play starcraft 2 but I just don't like controlling more than 1 unit. This game seems like a good mix of casual and skill-based PVP so I'm finally going to give it a go.

Let me give you some tips too. I tried this game because a friend of mine played it, and I wanted to give it a go. The first days, weeks, months, might be a little bit boring, but if you keep playing, you'll eventually find your favorite champion (character) and you REALLY start liking the game. So if the game isn't like, so fun, still give it a chance and try it for at least a week, if not more. If you find yourself stuck that your skill level doesn't rise, you should go play PVP. You battle there against the same leveled guys, so you probably won't be facing against some super pro's. Also, this game is massive fun with friends, and I cannot praise how much this game is fun with a 5-man premade game, I once like, played the whole day nonstop with 5 people and I just had too much fun that I cannot really even explain it. Also, if you wonder like "Omg there is no champ that is my style in this game!!!" Now, that's just bullstuff. There is currently about 110+ champions with each one having their own skills, lore, gamestyle, what items you build to them, and so on. I'm sure you will find a champion what you like. Also, you'll probably notice that there is some very expensive champions available, but I NEED to tell you something: Price doesnt measure how good the champ is, and no certain champion can really beat everyone, there are counters to every champion. Now there might be some champions that are called "OP" (overpowered), but if you learn to play against them, they are not that hard. If someone says "X is so OP, you only won because he is OP" etc. It probably means that the player has practiced it, or just some champions require so small skill cap, what means that they are easy to play and learn. Also, if you wonder what "SS" means, It means "my enemy is out of the lane, he might be in a other lane trying to surprise allies, so be careful!". Also, this game has some magnificent strategy potential, and If you have steam, you can add me if you need to ask anything about the game. I think that is enough you need for now.

Sorry about this wall of text, I just want to tell you how much fun you can have here.

Add me if you want: Bull Dog - Steam
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 06:10:05 AM by Mocha Furrier »

It's also a ton of fun if you convince random people to do hilarious strategies
I met another guy who was like "Go AP GP go AP GP" when I hadn't even picked Gangplank, but I did anyway
We went AP GP and AP Pantheon top
No jungler, so bot lane was ok
Stomped to hard

AP pantheon is easier to play than AP nocturne :S

AP pantheon is easier to play than AP nocturne :S
Dude the guy almost went AP Lee Sin next time we played
fortunately he did AP Trundle instead

I found out that I can stream when I'm at my duo partner's house

Might start doing that.

I have recently started playing Ability Power Twisted Fate, and damn... He's fun as hell.

Ultimate lane sustain, (infinite mana resource and just buy a few pots), If you have managed to damage your enemies to 4/10th of their health, you can just teleport to your lane and stun the enemy immediately and get a kill, with about 95% chance if you have sheen.

^TL;DR^ Buy sheen, come back to lane with a free kill, and then proceed to farm/push tower.

I end up nearly every game with a average score of over 5 kills and nearly no deaths.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 08:37:09 AM by Mocha Furrier »

That's why twisted fate is banned in every ranked game at higher tiers.

That's why twisted fate is banned in every ranked game at higher tiers.
nah hes banned because of his ganking ability

he can gank bot/top and help them win lane

nah hes banned because of his ganking ability

he can gank bot/top and help them win lane
Well, one of the reasons, I mean.
I knew that much, tf is my main.

finally started playing ranked again, in one night made it from silver III 0lp to 100lp in one night, going to do my promo series soon. hopefully promo and start climbing the ladders a little more..

finally started playing ranked again, in one night made it from silver III 0lp to 100lp in one night, going to do my promo series soon. hopefully promo and start climbing the ladders a little more..
What is the LP system? I've just recently gotten into ranked

What is the LP system? I've just recently gotten into ranked
There are 5 tiers and one special tier where only 50 people are allowed, called challenger the top tier.
Anyway the 5 tiers (in order from lowest to highest) are bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond.
Every tier has 5 divisions (ex: gold 1, gold 2, gold 3, etc.) Gold 1 being the highest out of them all. to advance to a higher division you have to get 100 league points. Then win 2 of 3 games, or 3 of 5 games if going to a higher tier. You get league points by winning games, and you lose league points by losing games. Also challenger has no cap on how many league points you can get.

Also, having a higher Win/Loss ratio in ranked procs higher league point gains on a win, and lower losses on a loss

So it's best to keep your win/loss ratio as high as you can, or else you might get frozen in your bracket.

You can get demoted if you lose 1-3 games while you're on the bottom of your bracket, but there's a grace period of about 5 games after you get promoted to another bracket. You can not get demoted from a tier, ex if you're Gold 5 and you lose 10 games in a row, you'll still be in gold 5, but you'll probably be matched with silver players.

The only way that you can get demoted from a tier is from LP decay, which is caused by inactivity in ranked queues. There's a (1 week?) notice before the decay begins.