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Author Topic: [Version 3.1] Dueling Weapons - (Medieval Pack is Out!)  (Read 147249 times)

Maybe before we bombard OP with what we want weapons to do
We let him finish the basic core of the mod
Then we can talk additions

Now if only he added special elements to these weapons. Like if a hammer hit you upwards (Upward stroke) you'd tumble and fly up a little. Same thing with down strokes.
An upward stroke would look super awkward in animation. I've already added a knock-back to each hit for the heavy sword, and I will be doing the same for the hammer.

Maybe before we bombard OP with what we want weapons to do
We let him finish the basic core of the mod
Then we can talk additions
It's fine; someone could come along with a really great suggestion.

If I wanted to, I would have to use MarbleMan's sword block script thing.
What his script does is when you right click (with the weapon that the script supports) it changes to a completely seperate 'weapon' if you will, with it's own couple of state-names. After you de-click the right mouse, it will send back to the original supported weapon, triggering the activate state again.

I could go to coding help with it, though I'm pretty sure that they would just recommend me to do the same thing for something that I really don't want to add in the first place. (Use MarbleMan's script.)

What if you made each weapon swing shoot a wide, invisble (or maybe make it a streak of light sorta thing) short range projectile, and blocking sorta does what the reflector gun does except it needs to be timed. If that works I would also reccomend adding a sound for 2 projectiles colliding. Because in all honesty, I think people should ditch Marble's script.

Projectiles can't collide, but it could still be possible to make parries/sword clashing through some overly complicated checks with raycasts. (basically checking "is the target swinging?")

Projectiles can't collide, but it could still be possible to make parries/sword clashing through some overly complicated checks with raycasts. (basically checking "is the target swinging?")
I probably just won't add it then, 'cause ray casting has crashed my server before, multiple times.

Uh? That sounds incredibly unlikely, lol.

Uh? That sounds incredibly unlikely, lol.
Believe what you like; it's true. http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=244025.0
Even after applying that fix; my ray-casting weapons still crash. It never happened until as of the last few months, though apparently it doesn't happen to everyone.

You're doing something wrong then, the main system I use for my own weapons is raycast based and has no issues.

You're doing something wrong then, the main system I use for my own weapons is raycast based and has no issues.
Well it wasn't only mine, I don't know how it happened but it was doing it with all raycasting weapons that were shot into the air.

EditUpdatetoNotbeDoubleToasting@$#Hat: As mentioned in the OP: all the melee weapon animations for the new pack are finished, expect a download within the month.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 04:15:32 PM by Deadzone »

EditUpdatetoNotbeDoubleToasting@$#Hat: As mentioned in the OP: all the melee weapon animations for the new pack are finished, expect a download within the month.

All of them? Really?
We can't be talking about my models, right?

Here's an idea: one with even more varied controls, where left click does horizontal attacks and right click does lunging attacks.
- Swing (LClick): Fast, doesn't do much damage or knockback unless you string it together in a combo.
- Stab (RClick): A lot more aiming is involved, and it's slower, but it does more damage and a LOT of knockback.
- Spin (Hold LClick): You spin in a circle, attacking everyone around you with significant knockback, but it takes forever.
- Slash (Hold RClick): Jump at your opponent with a vertical strike and deal a lot of damage, but it takes aiming and time.

Here's an idea: one with even more varied controls, where left click does horizontal attacks and right click does lunging attacks.
- Swing (LClick): Fast, doesn't do much damage or knockback unless you string it together in a combo.
- Stab (RClick): A lot more aiming is involved, and it's slower, but it does more damage and a LOT of knockback.
- Spin (Hold LClick): You spin in a circle, attacking everyone around you with significant knockback, but it takes forever.
- Slash (Hold RClick): Jump at your opponent with a vertical strike and deal a lot of damage, but it takes aiming and time.
I, personally can't do any of this.
With the stab; aiming is involved anyways since it's not possible to make a WeaponImage have a collision box of it's own. They all fire projectiles.

Unless if we somehow had collision detection for the swords; this wouldn't be possible in a flawless way either. The only option would be to use an explosion, but if 'self damage' was turned on in a minigame, then you would blow yourself up with the explosion.

This seems more possible, but again; I'm no scripter.

All of them? Really?
We can't be talking about my models, right?
Not all of your models are included in the next pack.
The Warhammer, the WarAxe (battle axe).
Club, and the 2-handed mace (I scaled down the mace to be 1 handed).

Some of the other models I will include in 'skin' packs, like some of the swords and hammers. The more ridiculous models will be saved for something else entirely.

EditUpdatetoNotbeDoubleToasting@$#Hat: As mentioned in the OP: all the melee weapon animations for the new pack are finished, expect a download within the month.
Oh sweet!

A dagger would be neat. Maybe 2 daggers.

A dagger would be neat. Maybe 2 daggers.
I thought those were Duel_G but I guess they're just smaller swords.

Duelshields would be an excellent weapon, not common but very deadly, especially when you can turn your elbow and the bottom point is exposed.
Then its just a Heavy shield and a huge ass spear.