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Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1117 AD]  (Read 112153 times)

Yes, make more tools for political marriages!

That's like.

Really bad for the genepool and for the girls getting forgeted but okay.

you know this exact thing happened in Canada during the 1920's?

There's one problem with that.  Mortality rates, more specifically infant mortality rates.

I think pre medieval that doesn't really matter too much

Aurian intellectuals begin planning aqueducts and recommend them to the engineers.

A large library is being made to house some of Auria's greatest scholars in Argent.

The Avalonian armed forces are sent through special training.  Both the army and navy go through a round of regular training around the concept of amphibious landing and invasion.  Similar training is to be done annually to keep the men sharp and identify those showing particular aptitude or particular ineptness.

Avalonian agents in the former Calzone send very detailed maps of the land, several major cities and the surrounding countryside, and coastline.  This is also done to a lesser extent throughout the rest of Avalonia's trading sphere.  They also report that resistance in Southern Calzone to Northern control has diminished as things have settled down, important political figures have died or been exiled, and armed rebellion and sabotage of the Northern Regime have been met with brutal and effective opposition, which has proven a drain on the resources of the Northern Regime.

A number of West Plexians are armed and trained for war as Avalonians would be.  Avalonia hopes to establish a small native army to protect Plexia, much as what's happened in the Britonic States.  Avalonia still intends to maintain a direct military presence in Plexia with the fortified port city.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 05:55:02 PM by Plethora »

Troops start heading west, numbering 5,675 total. 1,675 are archers, 3,000 are melee troops, and 1,000 are infantry. They have siege machines with them.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 06:06:17 PM by mlockha »

Random Events No. 11

Lotavik:  Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Erinaum:  Soldiers of Bēlänese descent who fought in the Bequelan War become discontented that they are not equals in a nation their brothers laid down their lives for.  Throughout Bēlänia, local leaders call out for better treatment and more local control.  (POL: 30%)

Atenisia:  Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Avalonia:  Fearing that Avalonia has grown far too powerful already and getting wind that Avalonia intends to invade the former Calzone, Ormica and Espul agree to aid each other should Avalonia attack either one, cut ties with the Avalonian Council, and expel any Avalonians living in their midst.  Ormica annuls its ancient call to arms agreement with Avalonia.  (NPC:  30%)

Galaumia:  Calaumian forces are attacked and slaughtered during the night when the watchmen fall asleep.  The siege machines are burned.  About 100 soldiers escape, fleeing to the East in an attempt to warn the rest of the army.  They can see that they are followed by a good sized army.  (MIL: 10%)

Aspidis:  Almost constant warfare has left the government of Aspidis broke.  In an attempt to levy taxes to improve the situation, the government infuriates large swathes of the population, causing riots.  Soldiers, following the example of their commanders, refuse to suppress the unrest until they are paid.  (ECN:  0%)

Caprica:  With agriculture producing an immense food surplus, Caprica experiences a baby boom.  (POP:  80%)

Varansk:  Major economic troubles in Aspidis hurt Varansk's economy, and the nation falls into similar straits.  The monarchy attempts to flee the country along with vast hordes of treasure, but the treasure ships are lost at sea.  Varansk begins enslaving some of its citizens, mostly for use in Varansk, but also for foreign sale.  (ECN:  30%, DOUBLE: 10%)

Hlaohamarr:  The Aldegar continue their march into Hlaohamarr, sacking and pillaging as they go.  Guerrilla tactics have proven mostly ineffective due to rampant disorganization, but have caused some enemy soldiers to be rerouted from the front to maintain order behind the front lines.  (MIL:  30%)

Auria:  Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Espovon:  Peoples from the North of the island revolt in an attempt to regain sovereignty.  Soldiers in the area put up some resistance, but many flee or surrender, including two of Espovon's most experienced generals who have chosen to defect rather than face death.  With better commanders and a lessened immediate threat, the enemy forces begin to organize into a regular army.  (MIL: 30%)

Following the actions of Ormica and Espul, and knowing that neither nation has the intention or ability to resist the Avalonian invasion of the former Calzone, Avalonia goes ahead with its plans.  The groundwork for the invasion being so long standing, the initial invasion goes well, and tens of thousands of soldiers land after warships sink a large number of moored Calzonian ships.  As North Calzone fails to protect its Southern assets, South Calzone enters into a panic and many cities and settlements simply surrender rather than fight an overwhelming Avalonian force.  In North Calzone where there are more people and troops, the fighting is less decisive, and Avalonian troops quickly leave by boat and reinforce the "front line", a stretch of land fifty miles or so North of the Argent-Dabo road, after inflicting moderate damage of enemy forces.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 06:13:15 PM by Plethora »

Jesus christ everyone just got bombed.

OOC: Nothing special in Auria... ho hum...

But man... some of those random events. Must be the dark ages looming.

Hlaomarr is fortifying positions along the front line while battles continue with the Aldegar. Great stone fortresses once abandoned after the civil war are being re-purposed as central organization centers for troop and supply movements.

Ivēxür Erin XVII, a great advocate for change into a more representative system for Erinaum, opens up a hearing for the interests for the Bēlänese race in the courts and by the Ivēxür himself.

(Plethora, please RP as the Bēlänese through this process, for the spirit of fairness.)

A large number of Bēlänese attend an audience with the Ivēxür.  They are split into two factions: one desiring total or near total independence, mainly made up of elites, and one that sees some of the improvements to the land that Erinaum has brought but desires greater freedom and better treatment, made up mostly of people of lower rank.  Both factions chafe under Erinamese "oppression and tyranny".  The one faction is led be a venerable older man, slow to open his mouth but a powerful orator when he does, this guy is a real Cato.  The other is led by what is effectively a demagogue whose fiery orations whip people into a frenzy.

The first leader commences:  "The Sun rises daily, but each day Bēlänia passes farther into the night.  Every thousand years the Moon eclipses the sun for just a brief period, but this eclipse has brought an almost eternal darkness to our lands.  The Moon slinks behind the sun, unable to show herself in her beauty in the presence of the greater luminary.  This is not the natural order, what we have between our races, our union is one opposed to the Gods and nature.  It must end."

The second follows:  "By the powers of the almighty Sun, Moon, Sword, and Plow, what has Bēlänia done to deserve its current state?  Why are the Bēlänese eternally defecated upon?  Our proud race deserves far, far better.  As my colleague has said, this is not the natural order.  No people are meant to live in chains that bind generation upon generation, and no people will tolerate it longer than the Bēlänese have.  I speak for the many: if nothing is done, the popular will shall cause rebellion."

A smaller group arrives from Tsekenaum with similar grievances, mainly Zenia's favored position in the Erinamese system.

Violence continues in Calzone.  A few cities are holding out in the South, but for the most part it's just happy to be out of the North's hand, and under the wing of Avalonia.  The rapid takeover was facilitated by Northern neglect of the South, but by this, of course, the North is better supplied and armed (unknown to Avalonia, it's also being aided by Ormia and Espul, both of which are supplying food, weapons, and training).  As a result, fighting on the front has proven much more difficult.  The lack of any large scale battles has also frustrated Avalonian plans.  A major offensive against the Norther Capitol proves fairly successful, and the city's walls are breached and much of it burned before the Avalonians withdraw.  Following this, North Calzone calls for peace, which Avalonia is happy to grant under the condition that North Calzone recognize Avalonia's claim to the South as legitimate.  North Calzone refuses at first, and only accepts when threatened with a coup if peace isn't reached.

Avalonia sends stuff and all that to South Calzone for rebuilding efforts.

Aurian explorers are sent west to look for new trading areas.

The great library is under construction. Scholars are anxious to see it fully built.