Author Topic: 2015/01/13 - Blockland r1956  (Read 75312 times)

can i still use the anti-crash to catch speedhack users?

can i still use the anti-crash to catch speedhack users?
also blhack crashes on inject so its ded

courtesy of updates to the packString functions

Basically all the dll hacks are broken for the moment.

I'm surprised no one posted the testhat model yet, after it has been flaunted around twice or three times.

Strangely enough, when I loaded the model. It was a completely transparent mirror, that didn't allow for transparency. So it was just a big black shiny box hat.

Maybe it's because because I opened it in Blender and it didn't know how to translate the information, or it was just made that way.

Also it was the size of a damn church bell.

Here's what it looks like "fixed"

Basically all the dll hacks are broken for the moment.
that's awesome

People end up not caring about Minecraft because every update ever brakes nearly every mod possible.  Maybe if I could keep the same ones without slow and tedious manual updating that requires trial and error and not even a guarantee that they'll work.  Most of the content came from the people, yet every update just ruins that.  That's why I am not going to update my copy anytime soon.
Haha. Wow. You're comparing a game with official modding support that has a simple "make the thing and the game does the rest of the work" system, to another game that has no official modding support that has a "you gotta make the thing, hardcode the id which will get overwritten by default content, and make it work in every possible way" system.

Updates very rarely break add-ons for blockland, so don't use that as a point, please.

People get faithless pretty fast.  They are running into something to expect everything to be just sunshine and lollipops, but instead it's just a year long marathon.  It's like stepping into dog-stuff to expect it to be awesome, and then complain that 'it should smell better'.
Your brown townogies are terrible. You're implying that Blockland is dogstuff and that it smells horrible.

can i still use the anti-crash to catch speedhack users?
It never caught speedhack users in the first place? Besides, the blhack that was distributed is incompatible with the latest version.

I'm surprised no one posted the testhat model yet, after it has been flaunted around twice or three times.

badspot what is this...

it would be lotsa fun to make more 'good' dlls like the anticrash, just gotta convince badspot to allow posting of binaries/binaries with source for safety or something

I've probably brought this up before in a different development topic, but has the issue where you can change items while uploading a build been fixed?

Lol he took off clientCmdTimeScale

Now I can effectively enable all addons without worrying about datablock limits :D

Basically all the dll hacks are broken for the moment.

Not all of them apparently, computermix came on tezuni's server and asked me if he could test if his speedhack worked. It did. The little bugger ran around the jail at like twice a normal player's speed right after he spawned in game.

i only really did that to see what was exactly fixed, its not going anywhere and half the code is broken anyways
u lil goober
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 08:24:51 PM by Tenshi »

i only really did that to see what was exactly fixed, its not going anywhere and half the code is broken anyways

I think the only weapons broken are the...Portal, Gravity and TF2 Demo Pack (namely the Sticky Bomb).  Other than that, everything else runs smoothly.  Except for the lava not doing it's usual 20 damage per tick.

it would be lotsa fun to make more 'good' dlls like the anticrash, just gotta convince badspot to allow posting of binaries/binaries with source for safety or something
I can see how such things would be useful to make things that would run really slow in TorqueScript.