Author Topic: gender neutral kid switched up graduation  (Read 16087 times)

my flimsy social dogma meaning.... that i dont randomly ask people i know what chromosomes they have

If you really think I'm talking about randomly asking people about their chromosomes I'm assuming you have one extra? It's insanely frustrating I have to spell this stuff out to you.

I'm not talking about asking strangers about their chromosomes. A conversation in which your weird infinitely confusing 'gender identity' is brought up is just as easily a conversation where your biological love is brought up. One is a major determining factor in your biological, physiological, psychological and loveual nature. The other is just simply a label based on social roles that change fluidly throughout the course of time. AKA: Not loving important.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 12:40:47 AM by Rally »

considering the people i associate with this is never going to be an issue
Keep telling yourself that ;)

If you really think I'm talking about randomly asking people about their chromosomes I'm assuming you have one extra?
Yay! Ableism AND common sense!

weird infinitely confusing 'gender identity'
Gender identity is not confusing. Call a person by the name and pronouns they want you to call them by and don't police what they wear or how they act and you won't encounter any problems.

I'm not entirely sure what your position is. Are you saying that trans people have some sort of duty to inform you of their trans status at some point in a relationship?

« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 01:14:00 AM by Kearn »

Amade, I don't think your approach to activism is working here.


count so far:
404 counterargument not detected

Amade, I don't think your approach to activism is working here.
How so? There is literally nothing that can be said that would sway Kearn. When it comes to things like this, it's not about who you're arguing against, it's about everybody else who's reading the argument.

just cause some dude got his richard cut off don't mean it's normal to forget him

Transtesticles making us try to organize ourselves in alphabetical order

when they didnt even tell us their god damned last name

404 counterargument not detected

acute observation

There is literally nothing that can be said that would sway Kearn.

yeah pretty much

just cause some dude got his richard cut off don't mean it's normal to forget him
You have no idea what you're talking about.

yeah pretty much
Who needs logic or empathy when you can have bigotry, right? So, do you have any more arguments, or are you just going to admit defeat and keep trolling?

it's not about who you're arguing against, it's about everybody else who's reading the argument.
I wish more people understood this
just about everytime i join in one of these discussions, there's at least one person who messages me on steam/posts directly in the thread "why even try"

Yay! Ableism AND common sense!

I'm surprisingly unconcerned with what an angsty internet warrior labels me as. Keep using your silly buzzwords I guess.

Gender identity is not confusing. Call a person by the name and pronouns they want you to call them by and don't police what they wear or how they act and you won't encounter any problems.

I don't care what you want to be called or what you want to wear. It's not a priority to me. If you want me to call you a wet dog I will. What's confusing is this stuff:

I'm not entirely sure what your position is. Are you saying that trans people have some sort of duty to inform you of their trans status at some point in a relationship?

My position is biological love is a priority over gender.

like 99% of those were loving synonyms

I only see the need for two lovees and genders, Male and Female. The people who are convinced they were meant to be born as someone else are not going to be swayed, might as well refer to them as a man or a woman. Maybe Aphrodite if for whatever reason they decided to keep the extra parts.

However things like agender, pangender, meatstick, polmorpheausredpyrofox are extremely redundant and silly in my opinion. I understand that people who to recognized as special, but the world does not spin around anyone person.

I only see the need for two lovees and genders, Male and Female.