
Would you be able to run Blockland if shaders forced minimum?

79 (87.8%)
11 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 90

Author Topic: How do we force darkness on people without shaders?  (Read 30313 times)

Rally, the problem is that for some people a game that they've played on for years is suddenly unavailable, or harder to run.

Rally, the problem is that for some people a game that they've played on for years is suddenly unavailable, or harder to run.
Well rally doesn't care, every new game should need a good graphics card, 12gb ram and 3.6ghz or above to run as no game should be played by low-end computers because we're "holding them back"

rally dude calm down why are you so angry about this issue

you seem to be incredibly ticked off that other people have bad computers and no way to upgrade them, and i cant understand why you care so much about that. the lack of growth in bl has nothing to do with letting low-end users play the game.

holy stuff people need to learn to control their anger. damn

basically using the -visual illusion- of brick physics to make it look like you get crushed by a giant brick or something

so if your brick physics are off they don't appear and you have no idea what happens

it's their loss don't force it

Exactly this. People will lose out on the illusion of a huge boulder smashing down on them without brick physics, however they still have the outcome of straight up dying. With brick physics on, you may be able to avoid the trap due to visual cues. Similarly, you could have a server dedicated to creating complex rube goldberg machines, and the server will have zero value to anyone with physics disabled.

On the other hand, shaders being less than minimum can directly affect other players on the server, not just the ones with shaders off. For the individual enjoyment of players having shaders on or off doesn't matter... it's when players disable shaders to negatively affect the gameplay or gain an unfair advantage that it becomes a problem.

Pretty much all issues could be solved with making shaders be a serverside setting with. Perhaps 3 settings: Minimum, Maximum, Range. Minimum allows all shaders from its value and higher to join, maximum lowers higher values down to its value, and range allows all shaders between two values to be used. By default servers would be set to minimum with OFF as its value.

But then again this requires an addition to the base game to enforce its policies, and even then there will likely be workaround add-ons involved, but at the very least you have most people who are too lazy to seek out said add-on and will just work within the server's settings.

You can't make a stealth game without server sided darkness.

You can't make a stealth game without server sided darkness.

Of course you need shaders for a stealth game. But forcing shaders on for every player to support those few gamemodes that require shaders, ruining freebuild in the process, scaring away low-ends who haven't started yet and breaking the fan base is a bad idea.

You'll have not to make a stealth game in Blockland, or you can try setting shadows to absolute black.

ruining freebuild in the process
If you're running a gamemode that requires some sort of stealth gameplay, chances are that the players are not going to be building anything.

Of course you need shaders for a stealth game. But forcing shaders on for every player to support those few gamemodes that require shaders, ruining freebuild in the process, scaring away low-ends who haven't started yet and breaking the fan base is a bad idea.

You'll have not to make a stealth game in Blockland, or you can try setting shadows to absolute black.

I've had people with low end computers demanding that I clear my 100k brick castle because it is lagging them.

Should I stop what I am doing and clear it so my server can be 100% flexible for everyone?

I've had people with low end computers demanding that I clear my 100k brick castle because it is lagging them.

Should I stop what I am doing and clear it so my server can be 100% flexible for everyone?
Well they're just idiots, but that's not a good brown townogy.
Tons of blockland players are on low-end computers, and can't run anything above minimum at all. It's not their fault for not taking the effort and cost to upgrade their computer at all.

If it's server side for gamemode purposes then I don't see how it would discourage anyone from playing Blockland. It would only discourage low end players from playing on that server specifically.

That's fine if they can't support high end graphics but that doesn't mean servers need to start downgrading their stuff either.

That's fine if they can't support high end graphics but that doesn't mean servers need to start downgrading their stuff either.
When was that ever mentioned? I agree with you on this but I don't understand where that came from
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 04:21:19 PM by Drydess »

there's a difference between blockland physics slash how many bricks are in a server

and not allowing entry if they can't handle shadows (which is a moot point)

the only way would be to find a stealth-like game style that fits blockland perfectly

You can't make a stealth game without server sided darkness.

Similarly, it's difficult to create an aura of uncertainty in a horror scenario without server sided darkness.

The number of times I've had people tell me that some horror things I've built "aren't scary" and then immediately boast that they turned shaders off is rather astounding.

Enforcing shaders in your gamemode (and therefore, modifiable for "custom") would really be that "step forwards" that seems to be going on in this thread. Traditional gamemodes can remain open to all players, but it would allow server hosts to make their experience true to their vision.

If you cannot upgrade your computer that's fine, it just means you won't have access to specific servers because of your hardware limitation. That server's host wants to host a gamemode or server with those rules set in place then they should have the power to enforce said rules. It prevents the hassle and heartbreak of spying on each player you assume is "cheating" and then having to ban them from your server simply because their hardware isn't up date.

Use alternate brick-textures. They are visible to players on your server.