
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 499641 times)

this needs to happen or at least in a lesser form, ugh

i feel like they dont let themselves buff it cause it would make rammus too strong

adhesive glue being grounding makes a ton of sense, but maybe with how slow it makes people at max rank its too strong. personally i wouldnt mind that being nerfed a bit if they added a mini glory passive to his passive
thornmail change is already on pbe

To be honest I'd like to see lifesteal changed or reworked entirely. It makes adcs that are ahead so much more of a pain to deal with.

Spellvamp got removed because it was being abused, but how tf are burst mages abusing spellvamp any worse than an adc being able to face tank the entire enemy team when ahead?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 06:26:34 PM by Cappytaino »

I never really noticed spell vamp being useful on mages except for a few
like vlad/swain/fiddle, but then it was just to help their own sustain
on burst mages like annie I never really noticed it helping much

heyy I'm back because I lost contact with the forum as it was coming back up and have been moving stuff from one location to another

anyhow, rumble changes kinda screwed me in a match vs kennen. it hurt. a lot. was sad.
new champ looks cool but I dunno how fun he's going to end up being. having a champion that isn't super difficult to play(other than getting that ult timing at key moments) in the jungle like Yi and still do well is good. Mastery can't really be shown unless people get really creative with jungle pathing or his ult.

looking forward(tm) to the new rune system. somewhat excited but also terrified at what they might bring along for the ride.

I play a lot of tanks at top lane(malph, galio, maokai) as well as a lot of adcs/sups. I like the thornmail change on the pbe but I'm down with having lifesteal reworked. I love having extremely high sustain in any role, but I'm buying death's dance on every champion I can get it on after the buff they did. mostly on arams since I tend to frequent the abyss but it's all around overpowered. at least by some margin. basically if they nerf bork/dd/etc on ranged champs or something. I feel like bloodthirster should be that main lifesteal item that you have to sink a lot into and relies on other items to really get any use out of it.

I wasn't around for it but I've seen some older content via videos and I'm pretty sure spellvamp was a tad more busted. lifesteal is busted tho. love it, but needs change for game health

I never really noticed spell vamp being useful on mages except for a few
like vlad/swain/fiddle, but then it was just to help their own sustain
on burst mages like annie I never really noticed it helping much
Spell vamp being "broken" wasn't my personal opinion but rather the discretion of riot's balance team.

I just don't understand how life steal (which provides consistent healing vs spellvamp gated by cooldowns) is somehow fine in its current state when something like a caitlyn can drain tank your team if she gets the tiniest lead. Unless you have a fed assassin that can one shot her, she'll just heal back up and laugh.

hey ive been switching mains from support to adc and ive been finding a lot of success with jhin and ashe. are there any different adcs i should try out?
also i feel like i play pretty well mechanically, but could i also get some tips on CSing and positioning if you guys have any?

Tristana is a pretty good adc to pick up, she's never really out of meta, and your team can't flame you because you don't have any skill shots and her W lets you get away in case you position poorly

Tristana is pretty great, as long as your W and ult are up you pretty much control the lane. They can't really engage on you because you can just forget off or make them forget off, and on the same end, you can engage on them and with some proper positioning knock them back into your tower.

I just wanna mention that you can get out of some pretty nasty CC like a blitz hook if you time it right so I suggest using the practice tool for a little if you do go with Trist. she's a load of fun and I've taken over games with her before.

Sivir isn't exactly a suggestion but I like playing her a loooot. more team-based but you get a spellshield, a passive and an ult for self peel. Really good pick into Juggernauts like a fed Darius because he just can't catch you. might still need flash tho. she's out of meta due to going triple crit first but it's ESS reaver first/IE and rapidfirecannon/PD. seen some shiv buys tho. If people let you farm then it works out.

turns out I forgot to hit post. oops

hey ive been switching mains from support to adc and ive been finding a lot of success with jhin and ashe. are there any different adcs i should try out?
also i feel like i play pretty well mechanically, but could i also get some tips on CSing and positioning if you guys have any?

Ashe is great starting point for an ADC. Jhin is very different from the rest with his caster style game play, and can suffer against oppressive lanes being unable to farm easily or tanks if the game goes on too long.

Practicing last hitting in practice mode or custom games, without runes, masteries or items until you can repeatability bag the gold is a good exercise. It's still different than farming against another bot lane but being able to land the final hits will improve your CS even under pressure.

For positioning you should be mindful of hard CC your enemies have, their cool downs and approximate ranges, looking for openings when they spend them, unless your confident in your ability to dodge, until then you keep your distance and hit closest target if you safely can, until they're dead or a higher priority target becomes available

she's never really out of meta

Shes just becoming meta again almost a year of near negligible play rate, not that she was that bad but the crit itemization changes have helped her.

In-general she is a pretty safe pick with self peel and an escape who later on scales in to a late game monster with 6th highest range (1st if you don't count the other ability based or non-free scaling) with massive tower taking ability.

Sivir isn't exactly a suggestion but I like playing her a loooot. more team-based but you get a spellshield, a passive and an ult for self peel. Really good pick into Juggernauts like a fed Darius because he just can't catch you. might still need flash tho. she's out of meta due to going triple crit first but it's ESS reaver first/IE and rapidfirecannon/PD. seen some shiv buys tho. If people let you farm then it works out.

Sivir is good despite her low range, she can blow up team fights with her W being able to crit now and she can also blow up squishy targets with W AA reset, the biggest challenge with her is the build and how terrible it feels to play her until you can get ER to enable your perma push. And depending on the lane and match up you might have to concede a lot of pressure and farm on the lane.

Statik used to be go to Zeal item back in season 4 to amplify her wave clear but now you'd ideally go BF, Zeal into ER and PD for mana, CDR and survivability with the passive as you usually don't get  LS until later on if at all.

Imo sivir and trist are garbage. I love seeing them because I never lose to them. Sivir has too low of range and using her ult effectively in soloq is a crapshoot.

Tris just takes too long to "come online" and like sivir, her ult used improperly makes her useless. Her bomb is good for sieges but otherwise she just doesn't pump out damage like a Draven or Caitlyn will.

Imo sivir and trist are garbage. I love seeing them because I never lose to them. Sivir has too low of range and using her ult effectively in soloq is a crapshoot.

Tris just takes too long to "come online" and like sivir, her ult used improperly makes her useless. Her bomb is good for sieges but otherwise she just doesn't pump out damage like a Draven or Caitlyn will.

Yeah, I kinda agree, Sivir is just FeelsBadMan to play and Trist comes online at like 3 items now with the W'sB crit build, just like Cait but she doesn't have much to offer in soloQ until that point unlike Cait.

Yeah, I kinda agree, Sivir is just FeelsBadMan to play and Trist comes online at like 3 items now with the W'sB crit build, just like Cait but she doesn't have much to offer in soloQ until that point unlike Cait.
tris isn't as bad as sivir, but her upfront damage isnt very good early on, her range early lvls is poor, and her ult is ike a ranged lee sin kick (lol lemme just save the enemy carry real quick)

Again, there isnt rlly an ad carry that's "awful" but imo tris and sivir are suboptimal and not hard enough carries. Kind of like kalista at the moment.

I enjoy tristana
issue is, I never really use her ult, so it's just everything except that
her ult isn't enough damage to finish people off (most of the time)
and if trying to use it to get an assassin off, you're probably already dead because the cast time is huge

i just realized the forum reboot did some funny stuff