
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 479120 times)

where is heartseeker kogmaw

his autos can shoot those chalky candy hearts
his puke crap can be melted chocolate

Went 6-4 in promos.
Silver 4. Honestly not that bad, could have been bronze right outta promos.

tfw most dmg on team but 1 kill out of our 27...

I'm at Bronze 3 now. There's hope. :D

Anyone know how to open league client without updating?

Anyone know how to open league client without updating?
you could try disconnecting from your internet in the patcher and reconnect once you start up the client
idk if it'd work

Anyone know how to open league client without updating?
For what reason...

For what reason...
I got a sick clip last night and wanted to record it but you can't view replays from a different patch

This aram. God. Times like these you realize you're a beast.

Played with my brother and his wife (that pretty much means one less player on the team cuz, yeah she can't really play). Well my bro had connection issues and didn't play until the last 3 minutes of the game. Welp, so we pretty much were 3v5. Me on Amumu, a friend on Sona and a random lvl 20 dude on Xin. The Xin was pretty much dead-weight too. Only did Xin zhao things.. jumping in and dying. So they sieged for ages and it p much was gg. But of course I pull out my godly mumu skills and score a frikn quadra even tho we're under af. Well, it didn't slow the progression and we only had one turret left when we won fights under it with good mumu and sona interactions. And then my bro came back, and we just pushed and pushed through everything and won. ez

Just played for the first time in a year, why do my champions have levels now and what do they do?

Just played for the first time in a year, why do my champions have levels now and what do they do?
Give shiny icons at level 5.

new shen is so fun
his passive is beyond broken tho
at 16 (i don't know if this is the same at every level), passive has a 10 sec cd but every ability that affects an ally / enemy champion reduces it by 6 secs
now i don't know if it stacks (i.e, hitting 2 guys with shadow dash instantly refreshes shield) but it sure felt like it

I had a pretty good match
then i remember i was playing against bots

God I hate Morgana so much
She needs to be updated to do something and have a couple more counterplay options.