Author Topic: I've 100% had it with these loving islam asylum seekers  (Read 27522 times)

This is what happens when you don't thoroughly screen people for criminal behaviour, the extremists and the criminals get mixed in with the good. Follow in Canada's footsteps!

The problem however with saying "X% of refugees are rapists!!!", especially such a large percentage like 10 or 50 percent is that there's no such statistic. For that to be a statistic we'd have to know exactly how many refugees are in (we can know an approximate number) and exactly how many are rapists, which we simply don't know. It could be the same group of 5 people just going around raping people over and over again or it could be thousands of groups. There's no way to tell just from the amount of crime that's gone on. Yes, crime has risen, we all see that, but don't pin it on such a large group of people.

Now, I don't claim to be a follower of the teachings of Islam, nor do I agree with them in any way but just like the bible it can be interpreted in pretty much any way you want, that's the problem with holy books and scriptures like this. Everyone has their own version and everyone believes firmly that their version is the right one without any good reason. Some people will have more extreme views (Westboro Baptist Church anyone?) and the majority will have milder views. If they just so happen to believe that they deserve to have love with anyone they choose, they'll cherrypick the crazy parts of the scriptures that seem to say they should be able to, and will ignore the ones that say they should be kind and respectful, something which would totally go against their beliefs. This only strengthens their already existing beliefs. Same thing happens with Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Shinto and so on.

Since when has helping others ever worked out. People learn the hard way.

lets start the 10th crusade

are you comparing native americans to seals
seals>native americans
better pets
2x cuteness
better swimmers
good at finding food

I think it's weird that almost every problem with politics and violence in the world that I read about have their roots in the Middle East. Maybe it would be best to ignore the innocent people that live there and saturation bomb the whole region.

I think it's weird that almost every problem with politics and violence in the world that I read about have their roots in the Middle East. Maybe it would be best to ignore the innocent people that live there and saturation bomb the whole region.
you literally can not get any more tribal than this

you literally can not get any more tribal than this
can I get the blueprints for the stuffposting machine gun you made?

can I get the blueprints for the stuffposting machine gun you made?

you literally can not get any more tribal than this
fun fact: if I was alive in the time of European colonization of everything I'd say the same thing about Europe.

Maxwell is a squid so how do you explain that?
he said seals are a lie created by the government, we are now enemies

you literally can not get any more tribal than this
tribal? lol no how is it tribal

brutal and excessive? yes