Author Topic: I've 100% had it with these loving islam asylum seekers  (Read 27538 times)

brutal and excessive? yes
Barbaric even, but never xenophobic.

tribal in spirit
Im not going to reply because I'm sick of Internet fights, but I am interested in what you mean because at face value I don't understand what you mean.

Oh and I want to make it clear that I don't favor policy that includes killing millions of innocent people.

tribal in spirit
he wants to remove the source of many current issues both major and minor with extreme prejudice, race wouldn't matter

plus he said this
fun fact: if I was alive in the time of European colonization of everything I'd say the same thing about Europe.
so it's safe to assume if the same issues were instead originating from any other region, or if the race of the middle easterners was different, he'd still want to bomb the stuff out of them

i'm kind of glad that pretty much all of the refugees just used romania as nothing more than a road to the rest of europe

it's like they all collectively decided that our country sucks too much to be in lol

i'm kind of glad that pretty much all of the refugees just used romania as nothing more than a road to the rest of europe

it's like they all collectively decided that our country sucks too much to be in lol
its a downgrade from death

I think there is a lot of fear mongering coming from these tabloids where they make the situation look worse than it actually is.

Though I must admit i laughed my ass off after the French terrorist attacks happened, because there was a big pro-refugee protest in Finland a month before called "We have a dream" (in Finnish). When the terrorist attacks were happening, I was reading a Finnish image board where there was a thread with the title "#Dream came true in France". Amazing level of snark.

The problem in this situation is the prejudice of the nationals. It gives the refugees the feeling that they're not welcome in the country, so they either want to leave or start committing crimes because they feel they're being treated like crap. It's a very vicious cycle. Then the stupid pro-refugee activists and politicians swoop in and try to conceal info that this is even happening, because if people hear about the crimes they will get more upset about the refugees. Anti-refugee activists are smart enough to see through this concealment and they think that It's some big conspiracy to destroy their country. It goes on and on. I don't think people are smart enough to handle refugees, so I think it would be a better idea to just send them back just to clear this mess up.

its a downgrade from death

i mean i kind of prefer living here to dying but i guess germany is cooler

I think there is a lot of fear mongering coming from these tabloids where they make the situation look worse than it actually is.
tbh i'm sick of tabloids being paraded as legitimate sources and actual sources being dismissed as shill propaganda.

i mean i kind of prefer living here to dying but i guess germany is cooler
you keep telling yourself that

Army Guy, I'm loving baffled right now. There is some goof'd stuff going on over there and I definitely see your concern, but it's worse when people in this thread just deny it's existence and how it's occurring.

Just so you know, media over here in the US hasn't said jack stuff about this issue so that's prob why there's a good amount of kiddos saying "you're insane" and whatnot. I agree that they do need a place for refugees and all that, but it's even worse when they carry their "culture" over with them. Not being discriminating or tribal, it's a simple principle of rape is bad and violence is bad.

loving sickening, people need to realize this isn't a matter of racism, it's a matter of the people who live in that land just don't want they're women raped, I could care less too what color they are, the stuff some of them have been pulling (because I'm aware it's not the entire populous of the refugees) is sickening and it's worse when you're getting called tribal for being worried about your well being.

Oh and I want to make it clear that I don't favor policy that includes killing millions of innocent people.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 01:56:20 PM by rambo1220 »

Well that's your fault for taking in so many refugees. Shoulda forced those little Saudi's to take them in with their oil monies.

Well that's your fault for taking in so many refugees. Shoulda forced those little Saudi's to take them in with their oil monies.
Not my fault the elections are only once every 4 years and the last time was in 2012.

idk if you noticed but these are the native people here

so get the hell out of my country white man

I seem to remember someone selling off their land for SHINY BEADS

just googling with the keywords "refugee" and "rape" bring you up on all sorts of stuff.

sound like an issue to me (not sarcasm), and that people need to look at the bigger picture and stop screaming tribal.

America, you still have a chance. Vote Annoying Orange or whatever just do anything to keep them out, our government sees us as 2nd class citizens that need to make way for the new rape-culture islam invaders.
You know youve reached a new low when you think Annoying Orange is a good choice