Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41439 times)

There's been a few things going on with the forums recently that I could do without, and I thought, in regard with the return of Lord Tony and the resulting drama, I could take this opportunity to give my two cents.

I don't know how many of you have been in the clan discussion board recently, but it's probably one of the least liked boards. Things like joke threads, trickshotting clans, and half-assed building/server hosting clans (guilty) are all over. This may not seem like a big problem, but poorly crafted joke threads don't do stuff for the game, trickshotting clans are short-lasting hotbeds of elitism, and inactive clans just end up watering down active clans like [CS], [BLC], Cohort, and, yes, The Harvest.

Lord Tony's return and his clan, The Sacred Order of the Harvest, bring attention and activity to the game, but while their maps may seem cool, and their add-ons inspired, the clan is still plagued by their public blacklist, their dissmissive posts, and their immature leader.

As the good badspot said,
good deeds are not a currency that you can use to purchase bad deeds
And while the good deeds here, builds and add-ons, do help the game, we must remind ourselves to balance them with things like fun and open servers, forum image, and our standards of clan quality before letting Lord Tony get away with these things.

So why is having a blacklist so bad? It's their clan and server--why shouldn't they be allowed to regulate who goes in and out of it? Well for one thing, it's unprofessional. People should know why you banned them, and having an entire open list of people, perma-banned for reasons god may not even know doesn't only give the game a bad rap, but also gives potentially cool people on the blacklist a bad rap. It's fine to ban trolls and richards from your server, but banning good people who only want to help your clan, and not even telling them why, is undoubtably closed-minded, and completly immature.

In fact, Lord Tony has been acting so immature lately that when he argues with 12 year olds*1, we have to ask the 12 year old to be the mature one*2. That's right, I said it. Lord Tony is 25 years old--he's not some obstinate troll baby. If a simple executive order got him to stop loving harping on ponies, then we should at least be able to stop him from picking on literal children. Seriously, Espio called me out for being an idiot when I was acting immature towards people my own age, why are his supposed friends like bisjac and mod-man letting Tony get away with this stuff? I mean seriously, Lord Tony's clan is cool, but Lord Tony has to step up, stop giving people reasons to hate his clan, and start acting like a clan leader because his clan could be so much more than just another sideshow.

The Harvest is invite only and I never sent you an invite. Your logic would only be plausible if I sent you said invite and then you rejected it.
He's those kind of people that wouldn't show up to a party anyways but would get mad he didn't get the invite.
But you keep showing up to the party.

can you stop
Blockchip, STOP

Blockland ID:    29865/35427
tbh im p impressed he banned my id and my little brother's id. he's thorough, i'll give him that.

man you guys are just jealous you can't get into the harvest

So let me get this straight. You're dramaing The Harvest and Lord Tony for being tired of an autistic 12 year old(blockchip) who has a personal vindetta against the clan, and refuses to stop stuffposting in the clans thread? Really? It's gotten so bad that users like drydress and Insert name here who are not in The Harvest are sick of it. All of these quotes are used out of context as well. Unless you have some personal vindetta against Lord Tony and The Harvest, its pretty easy to see that blockchips in the wrong.
Don't belive me? Read the clan thread or blockchips drama. There is MORE than enough material there to understand the situation

not shown in the OP: how blockchip was in the thread constantly complaining about every single thing.

wouldn't you get mad if a moron, kid or not came into your clans thread and started whining because he didn't like the clan leader?

seriously look at lord tonys other drama, he was the primary whiner.
if he wanted to continue whining he should've just made another drama thread since apparently he has a reason to complain, so it should warrant a drama, right?

the kid is bitching in lord tonys thread and wondering why he is getting stuff by clan members in the clan thread
he isn't getting stuff because he's a kid.

it's just another way to get attention, like everything else tony does. He's less annoying when you realise how sad his life must actually be lol

So why is having a blacklist so bad? It's their clan and server--why shouldn't they be allowed to regulate who goes in and out of it? Well for one thing, it's unprofessional. People should know why you banned them, and having an entire open list of people, perma-banned for reasons god may not even know doesn't only give the game a bad rap, but also gives potentially cool people on the blacklist a bad rap. It's fine to ban trolls and richards from your server, but banning good people who only want to help your clan, and not even telling them why, is undoubtably closed-minded, and completly immature.
AFIAK most of the people who lord tony blacklisted hate him and argue with him on the forums so it's a little understandable why he'd ban him even if its pretty weak.

Also are you implying that everyone blacklisted had their reputations tainted because lord tony, lord loving tony, the same guy who got banned 12~ times already and confirmed troll, blacklisted them?

you made qi, you have absolutely no room whatsoever to talk about anybodies clan.

In this world, it's harvest or be harvested.

Though really, I have no idea who to support in this case. Some people are genuinely stupid and stuffpost so it's no wonder they get targeted, yet the harvest isn't exactly something to be highly proud of either.

/Neutral on this one.

you made qi, you have absolutely no room whatsoever to talk about anybodies clan.
being the creator of qi doesn't render his points of opinions invalid


May I also add some cents to the vending machine?
Misery loves company.

Lord Tony only trolls for attention. Cut off that attention streak and he'll move on to something else that makes his richard wet. He sounds like a sad man who needs a reality check.
Just don't give the guy attention. Doing so only fills his ego.