Author Topic: We get it, I want to kill children in videogames.  (Read 17969 times)

There is way more quotes than this and it's the same three people that keep bringing up I like killing children in unrelated threads wondering why I don't get sent to cyber jail for killing children in videogames.

It's already been debunked that videogames cause real world violence.

Killing entities in a videogame is okay because it's not real life.

Killing a child is no different than killing a teenager, adult or old man.

I'm completely fine with killing children in video games,

"Fallout 4 doesn't include rape" and "You can't murder children".

Let's not forget the time he complained a lot that he couldn't murder children in Fallout 4.

"you can't kill children" or "the game doesn't include rape"

He's almost as obsessed with me, blockchip, and path as he is with killing children

You seem to want it to be realistic so let me ask you something, do you want to kill children in real life?

You forget this is the same person that thinks kids should be killable in Fallout

Morals are just chemical reactions. Let's murder every last man woman and loving child in the fallout universe, starting with that little cooze in the princess dress from fallout 3

Let's loving crucify them and rake their limbs with forks and spit on their little naked bodies as we roast them over a slow flame and 6-pointer kobe apple-sized rocks into their near-obliterated chest cavities

Let's take all the mines and explosives and shove it into their eye sockets and throw them off tenpenny tower and watch the kettle corn pop as their lifeless bodies litter the facade and promptly explode their guts onto all the rich white people and their distraught affluent Caucasian faces

In other words, let's kill em

"I should be able to forget goats in video games because they aren't real life"

Blockchip, MoltenKitty and Path are belligerent arseholes whose opinions on Game Design mean nothing. In fact, their opinions on just about everything should be ignored, lest you want to induce a massive loving brain tumour.

forget these stupid twats.

Blockchip, MoltenKitty and Path are belligerent arseholes whose opinions on Game Design mean nothing. In fact, their opinions on just about everything should be ignored, lest you want to induce a massive loving brain tumour.

forget these stupid twats.
Totally agree.  It's funny how turds tend to befriend and support other turds like this eh?

They really upset you, huh? Enough to even make you lock your topic for the fifth time.

They really upset you, huh? Enough to even make you lock your topic for the fifth time.

yeah i was gonna ask why you keep locking and unlocking your thread

chill tony all you're feeling is just chemical reactions making you angry

yeah there handicapped but your still switching polls and locking threads

They really upset you, huh? Enough to even make you lock your topic for the fifth time.
the one about his girlfriend? because, even if he switched polls (again) he'd look bad (not that he wouldnt either way)

chill tony all you're feeling is just chemical reactions making you angry
so you're saying you wouldn't feel the same if you had 2-3 people stalking your forum account and stuffting on you every time you post and then making a drama every time you say something disagreeable?

actually, yeah you would feel the same as tony. forget off this is a legitimate thread.

They really upset you, huh? Enough to even make you lock your topic for the fifth time.
when they turn an innocent loving topic into a warzone for no goddamn reason, you would bitch and moan if he left the topic open as a warzone and you would bitch if he locked it. he's locking it to prevent it from becoming a total disaster.

when they turn an innocent loving topic into a warzone for no goddamn reason, you would bitch and moan if he left the topic open as a warzone and you would bitch if he locked it. he's locking it to prevent it from becoming a total disaster.
The topic was already dying and on the second page, when Tony bumped it again for more attention.
But the attention was apparently too sour for his gentle heart and he locked it again.

The guy wants to have his cake and eat it too.

The topic was already dying and on the second page, when Tony bumped it again for more attention.
But the attention was apparently too sour for his gentle heart and he locked it again.

The guy wants to have his cake and eat it too.
but you let other people bump threads from the second page without nuking them with bullstuff?

Every time these idiots call each other out for 'stalking' or 'trolling' each other, they turn around and do the same thing right right back to the other guy. It's like a hate circlejerk between Tony, Blockchip, Path and Moltenkitten.

The most annoying thing is that every time one of you idiots lash out at the other you turn around like "SEE?!? I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!" every gat damn time.

Gotta be honest thought this is all Tony centric, if he got permanently banned, thing would most definitely return to peace

but you let other people bump threads from the second page without nuking them with bullstuff?
People weren't nuking him with bullstuff because he bumped the topic.
They were returning to discuss the topic, which is essentially that Tony is a massive cunt to his girlfriend, and he deserves her walking out on him.

Now Tony decided to get pissy about the fact that everyone was against him, so he started to take swings at people.
They took swings back and his poor fragile ego couldn't take it, so he locked the topic and made a drama.