Author Topic: Black Lives Matter hi-jacks orlando shooting morning ceremony.  (Read 47198 times)

If jitank can't get anywhere in life because he's black and that's how it works for black people apparently, then why is my friends dad a loving doctor?
He's probably one of those light-skins.

Isn't Obama black?

How did he get to where he was from racial oppression?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 11:42:35 AM by Lord Tony® »

I imagine getting jailed for being gay in Africa or being stoned to death for being gay in the middle East is a tad worse than being called a monday.

What oppression is your melanin kind facing in America other than words?
This is actually a good point. The West is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to discrimination of race/love/orientation

I imagine getting jailed for being gay in Africa or being stoned to death for being gay in the middle East is a tad worse than being called a monday.

What oppression is your melanin kind facing in America other than words?

Black Lives Matter is a moderate Black Panther movement and will become radicalized (as it is already happening), turning into a pure white hate group.

This is actually a good point. The West is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to discrimination of race/love/orientation

But Jitank's life is so hard! He has food, water, internet but his life is so hard!

His life is harder than people over in third world countries because his life is so hard!

Lord Tony, no hard feelings, but how asinine of a mindset is it to believe that Africans should, in any way, be GRATEFUL for the colonization of their continent by Europeans and other nations? You're failing to realize that if it never happened, the ENTIRE course of history would be altered; you cannot look at the state many impoverished countries in Africa are, now, and somehow equate that to how it would be if everything preceding its current state did not occur. That should be common knowledge.

To Tezuni, it is completely understandable how your perception of blacks could have been swayed by your little experienced with them firsthand as well as simply looking at statistics and what the media portrays. I place no blame on you for that. However, you must be a bit more compassionate, and intelligent, in how you get your points across to other people; for example, do not claim scientific knowledge on a subject in which you are not educated on, such as violent crime somehow being immersed in black DNA.

This is a basic fact of any debate. Again, I don't blame you for how you've thought of things in the past, but it's time to step up a bit, you know? Thank you for your apology however, that was very kind of you to do.

Overall, I love how there were so many EXTREMELY elegant points made by posters such as SeventhSandwich, WaterOre, F-22 Raptor, and several others here and there, but instead of actually reading the thread and taking their wise words into account, 5-6 people simply hopped on the "Poke holes in Jitank's argument!" train and completely nullified any hope for their actual understanding of the issue at hand. Seriously, grow up.

There is irrefutable evidence that there are long-lasting effects of not only slavery, but racial segregation and oppression in America. I honestly cannot see how someone could think that things are in any way "equal" regarding racial equality in America if the topic were given any real thought. Yes, on the surface, and to someone who does not experience what others experience, it is easy to say "Oh, well by law, blacks have the same rights as whites, so we're equal!" By law, that is true, but you must open your mind and think with a slight bit of compassion and understanding regarding the fact that racial equality is not as black and white as we'd all like to see it (Black/White in a metaphorical sense; not referring to race).

As SeventhSandwich brilliantly brought up, for example, the War on Drugs has caused the unnecessary and disproportionate mass incarceration of poor blacks when compared to their rich white counterparts who, also involved in drugs, were not nearly as severely punished for their actions. This is something that still affects America today, for one.

Instead of simply dismissing any sensible voice in the thread and focusing on an easy target (Not saying Jitank is an easy target in what he was trying to get across, but in that it is too easy for a group of 5-6 people to tear at his words.), try to actually LISTEN to the voices of not only those who experience the long-lasting effects of these issues on a daily basis, but of those who are obviously well-educated enough to speak on the matter.

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read through my thoughts on the subject.

Jesus christ write a book next time

5-6 people simply hopped on the "Poke holes in Jitank's argument!" train and completely nullified any hope for their actual understanding of the issue at hand. Seriously, grow up.
This isn't the loving BLM Forums, you cunt. Nobody here has any power to actually change anything, and I really doubt anybody cares that much about these issues to want to go into giant paragraphs of debate given that very few people tried to bring the serious discussion back. I just want Tony to post more so I can cheer him on for once.

Everybody was against Jitank because he was being a massive Tumblr-sourced Drama Queen, and it was loving annoying. He derailed any possible good quality discussion to start claiming that white people are evil or some stuff. Telling people that they're acting like cunts is infinitely more interesting than social issues or history.

Instead of simply dismissing any sensible voice in the thread and focusing on an easy target (Not saying Jitank is an easy target in what he was trying to get across, but in that it is too easy for a group of 5-6 people to tear at his words.), try to actually LISTEN to the voices of not only those who experience the long-lasting effects of these issues on a daily basis, but of those who are obviously well-educated enough to speak on the matter.
Oh my sweet loving jesus, are you trying to play the "I'm more educated than you so only I'm allowed to speak about it" pretentiousness card? Holy forget, get out of this thread and get your head out of your arse, mate.

You are not the be all and end all. Your points of debate will be completely irrelevant the minute this thread goes dead. I also like how, looking through your post history, there's quite a lot in slavery topics but not much else. Nice. One-track mind, I like it.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 05:48:52 PM by McJob »

This isn't the loving BLM Forums, you cunt. Nobody here has any power to actually change anything, and I really doubt anybody cares that much about these issues to want to go into giant paragraphs of debate given that very few people tried to bring the serious discussion back. I just want Tony to post more so I can cheer him on for once.

Everybody was against Jitank because he was being a massive Tumblr-sourced Drama Queen, and it was loving annoying. He derailed any possible good quality discussion to start claiming that white people are evil or some stuff. Telling people that they're acting like cunts is infinitely more interesting than social issues or history.
Oh my sweet loving jesus, are you trying to play the "I'm more educated than you so only I'm allowed to speak about it" pretentiousness card? Holy forget, get out of this thread and get your head out of your arse, mate.

You are not the be all and end all. Your points of debate will be completely irrelevant the minute this thread goes dead. I also like how, looking through your post history, there's quite a lot in slavery topics but not much else. Nice. One-track mind, I like it.

I'm quite confused at your last statement, considering I haven't posted anything on the BLF since June 18th, 2015. Please, point these out for me.

This is not the BLM forums; I am fully aware of that; however, this thread is centered around a BLM protester's actions and the movement in general. Move to a different thread if you dislike talking about it. Simple.

Jitank had obviously gotten tired of attempting to speak his mind to a group of people whose goal only was to ignore his point and tear at his lackluster presentation of his points, so he stopped trying to get his point across at all. What I'm saying is, he may not have been accurate with everything he said, but it is too easy to jump on one person when SO MANY others are making beautiful points of discussion. You have to choose what is worth arguing over.

Not once did I, myself, come off as trying to sound better than anyone else; I DID however, say that many posters, such as the ones mentioned, were coming across as more well educated on this subject than posters such as yourself. That, I did suggest.

Your post brings up a large issue in itself: The concept that "nothing people do can change anything, so why try?"

I personally don't mind if people's minds are changed on the issue or not; I was presenting my viewpoint. However, if even one mind was changed, or enlightened, on the issue, then some change has occurred. I don't need to be on national television preaching about these topics to have an effect on people.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 06:04:41 PM by Evan5626 »

However, if even one mind was changed, or enlightened, on the issue, then some change has occurred. I don't need to be on national television preaching about these topics to have an effect on people.
Ah-huh, good luck with that, mate.

Ah-huh, good luck with that, mate.

Appreciate it, man. Thanks.