Author Topic: Maxx: A Case Study on BLF's Worst User  (Read 45242 times)

If somebody joined a cytube I owned under the name McZealot and started spamming, would it be reasonable to believe it was you because you have a history of spamming? Because both you and Maxx have a history of spamming.
It would be very reasonable to assume that, because the name McZealot is password protected.

It would be very reasonable to assume that, because the name McZealot is password protected.

I can't tell if you're comically missing my point to deflect me pointing out the irony of this situation or if you're just stupid

It would be very reasonable to assume that, because the name McZealot is password protected.

congrats the point went right over your head

It would be very reasonable to assume that, because the name McZealot is password protected.
So lets say your name was never registered and it was open for grabs by anyone.
Some guy logs into gatysh's old cytube, and starts spamming and posting a bunch of stuff
He sees your name, thinks its you, you get drama'd about it, you try to defend yourself, and everyone hates you
What would you think to do in that situation? I've been trying to justify that I haven't done stuff for the past few hours because I haven't, and it's so easy for whoever to have a close ip as mine

It would be very reasonable to assume that, because the name McZealot is password protected.

Yea, I got the point. I didn't disagree with it because it's true and kinda uncomfortable for me, to be honest.

I can't tell if you're comically missing my point to deflect me pointing out the irony of this situation or if you're just stupid
I didn't really deflect your point, it seems pretty valid. Yea, I have a history of spamming. I'm not really ashamed of something I did when I was 12 or 13 years old, and Maxx shouldn't be either in 4 years. So to answer your question, yes, if someone is spamming, it's more likely to be me than Port.

Yea, I got the point. I didn't disagree with it because it's true and kinda uncomfortable for me, to be honest.

its uncomfortable maybe because its showing you why this argument that you're making about maxx spamming is stupid

Zealot if you feel uncomfortable in an argument it means you're getting your views shifted

Zealot if you feel uncomfortable in an argument it means you're getting your views shifted
What? No, for the same reason a Christian Minister might not want to talk about internet research, I don't really like talking about things I did in the past that I'm not proud of. This is true of everyone.

What? No, for the same reason a Christian Minister might not want to talk about internet research, I don't really like talking about things I did in the past that I'm not proud of. This is true of everyone.
i mean you are basically forcing maxx into the same situation you just described

Connection to boss battles server
[6/18/16 05:08:26] Maxx 30412

Connection to boss battles server
[6/18/16 05:08:26] Maxx 30412
Ok? Where's the proof that cc is connected to me? you only have 4 digits and that could still be someone who has a similar ip as me but who was also spamming

Connection to boss battles server
[6/18/16 05:08:26] Maxx 30412
Well there it is

i mean you are basically forcing maxx into the same situation you just described
Okay, this is actually a pretty good point. The difference I think would be that I haven't allegedly started spamming somewhere, so it's not quite as relevant. If I allegedly raided a Discord and someone linked this topic, I think it would be a completely justified uncomfortable discussion for me.

I'm not really ashamed of something I did when I was 12 or 13 years old

You spammed a server I administrated and then attempted to bait and troll me in IRC. I do not fault you for this now whatsoever, but believe me when I say that your history and Maxx's history should not discredit anything either of you say in this thread. My point even stands for bringing up the spamming in your VAC ban thread when Maxx posted. I'm not completely certain, but a larger part of me believes that Maxx isn't the culprit and he is indeed being impersonated. It just seems more likely.