Author Topic: patton360/grimlock: massive starfish to everybody he doesn't like  (Read 36083 times)

i like to judge based on like/dislike ratio.

from what i see you probably have a like dislike ratio of about 1:12 so either way you're stuff
for comparison the average user is like a 3:2 or 1:1 and drydess is a 100:1, while users like matthew tony and brozie are at 1:30

that just goes to show where you are on the scale of "this user is stuff"
hes just below buzzwaker who was much worse than brozie or tony

that's just 10 people out of 100K.
"whole forums"
nice job there

News flash dipstuff: Not every single person on here knows who you are

i like to judge based on like/dislike ratio.

from what i see you probably have a like dislike ratio of about 1:12 so either way you're stuff
for comparison the average user is like a 3:2 or 1:1 and drydess is a 100:1, while users like matthew tony and brozie are at 1:30

that just goes to show where you are on the scale of "this user is stuff"
what is my like to the dislike ratio

i'm guessing neutral chaotic
i don't understand this message

how do you guys factor people who haven't seen nix's posts, people who don't care, or people who just plain don't dislike nix into those fake statistic things?

i don't understand this message
failed joke

i'd say you're neutral with a few haters but those haters are stuffty users anyways so

Off Topic: Uh, who's Brozie?
Neventii, known autist/social outcast whose posts always seem to have absolutely nothing to do with this known universe. Not a single person on this forums genuinely enjoys his company.

I honestly agree with this. the only times I've seen patton were when he started being a richard to someone he doesn't like.

I honestly agree with this. the only times I've seen patton were when he started being a richard to someone he doesn't like.
The issue at hand is that the users Patton tends to pick on are literal scum. He only attacks users who are diseases to this forum. Maybe those users, nix being a great example, should be the ones to stop first.

Hate the stuffposter, not the person who hates the stuffposter.

imho if someone on the internet is making you angry enough to fling insults at them whenever you have the chance you should probably re-evaluate yourself

Did critawakets do something bad that I missed?

act dumb and psychopathic in general

imho if someone on the internet is making you angry enough to fling insults at them whenever you have the chance you should probably re-evaluate yourself
who said i'm angry
The issue at hand is that the users Patton tends to pick on are literal scum. He only attacks users who are diseases to this forum. Maybe those users, nix being a great example, should be the ones to stop first.

Hate the stuffposter, not the person who hates the stuffposter.
this is a really great explanation. i leave people alone when they arn't utter stuff 

The issue at hand is that the users Patton tends to pick on are literal scum. He only attacks users who are diseases to this forum. Maybe those users, nix being a great example, should be the ones to stop first.

Hate the stuffposter, not the person who hates the stuffposter.
well he's still yelling at crit for something he did like 2 years ago

hes just below buzzwaker who was much worse than brozie or tony
buzzwaker was an ass who managed to get himself banned twice within the same week because he was just that handicapped
brozie is a druggie who always posts unintelligible ramblings and got very angry when i called him out on them
nix is just a stupid kid who doesn't really understand when and what to post
the only reason you guys are hating on this forget is because you're mildly annoyed by what he's posting and are trying to get at him at any chance you can until the tsar bomba equivalent of sperging becomes unleashed from him and he gets banned (this happens far too often and then everybody celebrates it by quoting the ban that they caused and ignoring the fact that they pretty much trolled them into doing it)

also i don't think constantly associating yourself with tony will help your case much considering that he's a hardheaded unemployed emo with an adult swim special interest
you are very similar to tony because you both attach yourself to a subject matter and don't really let go until you're not allowed to go on about it anymore (tony: the election, ponies, harvest; you: furries, harvest)
it's like when he couldn't shut the hell up about ponies and eventually got a specific rule for him where he couldn't talk about ponies and nobody could goad him into talking about ponies
i think you're headed in that direction
Hate the stuffposter, not the person who hates the stuffposter.
lmao but patton is a stuffposter
he's always posting stuff

yeah, don't know why phanto is talking about how individuals are collectively viewed when virtually everyone wanted him gone a few months ago for obnoxious trolling