Author Topic: NC/THOT PATROL/etc has to go.  (Read 40664 times)


Says the one who keeps harping over Nix.
If he's really that annoying, block him out. It isn't hard. Because unlike Patton, Nix isn't stupid enough to warrant a ban from hate propaganda.

i can't come up with a counter arguement better say "Oh autism is overused!"
if you aren't overusing the word autism then the earth is flat

you see these?
you probably thought those were headphones but they're actually earmuffs.
and they do a pretty solid job of blocking out sound too considering you thought i was the autistic one.

i can't come up with a counter arguement better say "Oh autism is overused!"you take yourself way too seriously lmao
Copy Kirby, why are you here? All you're doing is proving the point further that the insult "autism" is overused and you're furthering

looks like i got to ban edd again

And you're furthering that point*

Wasn't talking to you gock, my post was meant as a correction cause my wording got cut off at the end

Wasn't talking to you gock, my post was meant as a correction cause my wording got cut off at the end
he was joke

your argument kind of loses it's entire punch when autism as an insult has been overused so many times AND you're attempting to mock me
By that logic your argument has no punch either.

We're all autistic now.

Lol copy kirby, who pissed in your wheaties today

Copy Kirby, why are you here? All you're doing is proving the point further that the insult "autism" is overused and you're furthering
if you get mad over the word autism i honestly don't know what to say

on and unrelated note insert uses big words to make himself sound smart

jesus Christ what happened to you

if you get mad over the word autism i honestly don't know what to say
Who said I was? The point is that it is overused and run into the ground, not because we're personally offended by it lol