Author Topic: Ide/Wound + Cca/Thorofane (43054)  (Read 47263 times)

whats shady is that you keep dodging my questions

Yes Gock, it had positive chapters, and negative chapters. I gave him the PDF directly. He doxed him. Then Maxx and I talked for a bit one day after Grimlock found out he did it, then Maxx said he lost his dox and he kept begging me for the PDF back because I guess he lost that too.

I gave Maxx the dox to remove his own though, same with Nobot, except Nobot didn't care to have it so I explained it step by step.

I gave Maxx the PDF* to remove his own though, same with Nobot, except Nobot didn't care to have it so I explained it step by step.

Noedit lol

so what you are telling me now is that you gave him a pdf that contained material on how to dox, correct? but you say your intention was to help him remove the dox.

that is what im getting from your posts, that is correct right?

Basically yeah, don't twist the intentions though.

One night, Nobot and I were on discord and I found the guide, It took a few days to remove my stuff. Nobot's actually took less. The next day Nobot and I were in discord and I asked Maxx if he wanted to remove his as well, he was curious and I gave it to him because I didn't feel like snipping the PDF, or re-explaining it like I did the day before.

I gave him the gun, whatever he did was his choice.

so when you say, "this conversation never happened before it begins" what did you mean? along with, "have fun maxx," and, "I'm not suggesting you on how to use this guide" what exactly did you mean??

i might be crazy, but it almost looks like influenced maxx into doxing grimlock.

when you respond to this don't say "he deleted his messages so the context is gone"

That picture proves my point  l o l.

The entire reason I told him I didn't want this conversation to be relayed because of THIS EXACT situation, because of stuffs like you who twist stuff up.

One night, Nobot and I were on discord and I found the guide, It took a few days to remove my stuff. Nobot's actually took less. The next day Nobot and I were in discord and I asked Maxx if he wanted to remove his as well, he was curious and I gave it to him because I didn't feel like snipping the PDF, or re-explaining it like I did the day before.

I gave him the gun, whatever he did was his choice.
Can confirm, he helped me remove an old investigate on me.

and i'm the shady one


so which alt keys is cca using

mostly just responding to op

when you respond to this don't say "he deleted his messages so the context is gone"

"hey here's the flaw in my argument, i'll put it here in my post!"

So explain to me how I'm a, "stuff who twists things up" when saying, "this conversation never happened" is OBJECTIVELY extremely shady?

"hey here's the flaw in my argument, i'll put it here in my post!"
Instead of being roostery to try and deflect my argument ( a poor tactic ), explain to me what Maxx might have said inbetween those lines that makes what you say less incriminating?

Also it literally makes 0 sense that you would send Maxx a link on how to remove his dox. What did you expect to happen? You just implied you thought he was going to do something bad.

Also it literally makes 0 sense that you would tell him to not share it when you sent Maxx a link on how to remove his dox. What did you expect to happen? You just implied you thought he was going to do something bad.