Author Topic: Teneksi's Garage - LawnMaster '90 [8/25]  (Read 93742 times)

I tested out using the other vehicles I downloaded (Including Eksi's addons as well). However It's a bit impossible since the bricks I used were 8x8 modter blocks. Even at the peak of the speed I have to slow down by the turns otherwise my direction would get messed up and the car would get sent flying off from the ramps.

As for the three cars at once? I'm not sure I'll have my server open after I get from school tomorrow.
Just for the sake of not derailing the topic, could you PM me when the server's up?

Pls add some "stickers" on the car for headlights and taillights, along with a lot of advertisers too plx
I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to do this.

I would like to be able to use a single texture to wrap around the whole car, so anything can be painted on it without necessarily messing with patterns, groups of nodes to hide, and secondary colors.

But the only way I know to provide more than one livery is to duplicate the entire paintable part of the car and change its material. Every texture would require another copy of the mesh. That's terrible.

How do players and their decals work? Could IFL achieve what I want? Is there something else I might be able to use? These are probably questions for modification help.

You could try modelling them using flat planes raised up 0.0001 units from the body to prevent z-fighting, for the headlights, tailights, grill, and stuff. For the livery and advertisers, you can just use textures

Decals for the player model are IFL textures. The downside for using IFL textures is that every client needs to have the add-on if you want them to see the textures.

You could try modelling them using flat planes raised up 0.0001 units from the body to prevent z-fighting, for the headlights, tailights, grill, and stuff. For the livery and advertisers, you can just use textures
There's no reason to do that. Those parts don't need to have another face behind them. Besides, that doesn't have to do with the problem I'm having. It's easy to make 1 texture, but I need a different method for many alternative textures.

Also, they didn't have fake headlights in '93, which I am completely ok with

Decals for the player model are IFL textures. The downside for using IFL textures is that every client needs to have the add-on if you want them to see the textures.
It is a downside for sure, but very powerful compared to how I had to do the crown vic. VEH can tell the player they'll need the car for full textures, and I could include a default appearance.

Now I just need to know how to implement them.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 03:00:08 PM by Teneksi »

standard car is now available

It's a car! It has wheels! Best of all, it comes in teal!

After installing your emergency vehicles, I get things like
setWheelTire:  datablock does not exist (or is not a tire) x 4 everytime one of your vehicles is spawned

Also back to the crashing I was having,
Sometimes when the crown vic 2016's spawn in, random players crash with a message:
(Invalid packet WheeledVehicle::unpackUpdate())
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 09:38:40 PM by Luigi609² »

After installing your emergency vehicles, I get things like
setWheelTire:  datablock does not exist (or is not a tire) x 4 everytime one of your vehicles is spawned

Also back to the crashing I was having,
Sometimes when the crown vic 2016's spawn in, random players crash with a message:
(Invalid packet WheeledVehicle::unpackUpdate())
In my nearly-default setup, I spawned every single one of my vehicles without this error. Something else is interfering.

So, it doesn't give a datablock name when it says the datablock isn't a tire? That would mean setWheelTire has somehow been called without any datablock specified.

I would have to guess that some other add-on parents onAdd, and somehow interferes with the process of spawning a vehicle.

Then again...

setWheelTire is called only twice in the Crown Vic. So, without outside interference, it couldn't fail four times.

Do you have any add-on that has to do with customizing wheels, or changing the way a vehicle is spawned?

Do you have a very old version of Custom Vehicle Support that supported switching wheels?

Is it only my cars which cause this error?

If all else fails, you may need to use trace(1); then quickly spawn a vehicle, close Blockland, and provide the console log so that we can see what functions fired in the process.


road got a bit rough for a second there
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 08:41:38 PM by Teneksi »

Quote from: Teneksi
XC10 Coupe (sporty!)

Wait a minute...

Ecks See Ten
Ten Exee