After installing your emergency vehicles, I get things like
setWheelTire: datablock does not exist (or is not a tire) x 4 everytime one of your vehicles is spawned
Also back to the crashing I was having,
Sometimes when the crown vic 2016's spawn in, random players crash with a message:
(Invalid packet WheeledVehicle::unpackUpdate())
In my nearly-default setup, I spawned every single one of my vehicles without this error. Something else is interfering.
So, it doesn't give a datablock name when it says the datablock isn't a tire? That would mean setWheelTire has somehow been called without any datablock specified.
I would have to guess that some other add-on parents onAdd, and somehow interferes with the process of spawning a vehicle.
Then again...
setWheelTire is called only twice in the Crown Vic. So, without outside interference, it couldn't fail four times.
Do you have any add-on that has to do with customizing wheels, or changing the way a vehicle is spawned?
Do you have a very old version of Custom Vehicle Support that supported switching wheels?
Is it only my cars which cause this error?
If all else fails, you may need to use trace(1); then quickly spawn a vehicle, close Blockland, and provide the console log so that we can see what functions fired in the process.