Hello, my name is corderlain, and I am a heroin addict. I started out using low level stuff, like marijuana and stuff and things like that. Eventually I just kept needinf more....I had to have more. I moved on to heroin and my life continued its downward spiral.
Why did I start using, you ask? Well, it all started nine years ago. My kids were growing up and I was terrified of the point where I would have to explain to them how, you know, I'm not there father...stuff like that. But more pressing matters were at hand: I spent my spare time on an online game forum, chatting and stuff. All the youngbloods around me kept mocking me for being smarter than them, so I did what any person would do---I won the argument. How, you ask? Thank my kids, once I posted about them everyone shut up about all the politics stuff. My life was going great and things were great, but over time they wouldn't stop talking about my kids and stuff like that. One day a man harassed me endlessly, stalked me, and posted my picture for the world to see. THis man was named Frankie. After two years of this going around my life was in shambles. I couldn't get away from my laptop so my girlfriend left me, I stopped showering for months at a time, stuff like that. I was a wreck, my house reeking of urine and sweat and stuff, and I needed a way out. The attention I needed just wasn't coming. I just borrowed a joint from a friend, nothing more. It ruined my life and I have spent my time since then hunting down this frankie character, avoiding the youngbloods mocking me for my past as best I can...i can't stop hunting......