Author Topic: the forget wrong with hootaloo  (Read 20144 times)

COOL but does that excuse all of the nasty stuff said about me in this topic, and the topic in OP?
i basically said "who the forget are you to decide this for others", which minus the "the forget" is a normal thing to say to someone when they don't realize they are projecting, the projecting clearly wasnt even with bad intention. the "the forget" is the core of this drama, its rude, but its miles away from the horrible slurs and namecalls ive had in this thread because of it.

just look at unova's recent post here, calling me a "loving aspie". ntm i apologized to legolad 2 days ago.
it doesn't, but that also doesn't excuse the fact you took that aggression out on legolad.  you went into the topic immediately assuming the OP was concerntrolling or "just some alt forgetboy" and already primed to tear him to pieces, and only after having it pointed out to you several times did you go back and apologise.

it's good that you apologised, but you absolutely went into the thread of your own volition, intending to stuff on a user right out of the gate without even giving any thought as to where you were or who you were even intending to stuff on.  you're on the BLF, like 75% of the people giving you any stuff here are brainblastingly handicapped and should be disregarded.  most of them are literally only posting to piss you off because a) you're an easy target and b) there's this absurd mindset that stuffting on the target of the day makes you cooler.

you wanna throw hands with them, fine, but pay attention to who you're getting ready to lambast next time so you aren't an starfish to the people who don't deserve it.

someone: ((posts something handicapped and gets pummeled for it))

now put it in the trash can

sorry this is going to sound really mean but im not going to read this

Hootalo your avatar makes me want to throw up. Idk why.

First time I've seen / heard about it
first page nerd
whos the dinosaur guy? i wanna meet him

also hootaloo apologized to me in pms so we're good

Hootalo your avatar makes me want to throw up. Idk why.
his avatar kinda looks like it wants to throw up

Donnie why do you keep doing this? It doesn't work and I'm not downloading your gay script to make it work.

Donnie why do you keep doing this? It doesn't work and I'm not downloading your gay script to make it work.
...."my gay script"?
the bbcode table seems to be working fine?

unova, greenhb, and masterlegodude are the guys who really want me to use their "gay script" badly, i think youre confused

keep insulting my avatar by the way guys, the pointless and uncalled for slurs and namecalling wasnt enough

i havent done anything to some ppl here and they still take a blind stab even if this topic was already resolved before the weekend started, doubt that youre opening this topic again after sending your pointless insult, but i hope you get hit by a bus. 🤠

there was probably some argument to have been made rudeness but that's all a foregone conclusion now thanks to this thread

makes you wonder what's going through greenbh or unova's head when they freak out like this lmfao

unova, greenhb, and masterlegodude are the guys who really want me to use their "gay script" badly, i think youre confused
I don't recall ever telling you that

keep insulting my avatar by the way guys, the pointless and uncalled for slurs and namecalling wasnt enough

i havent done anything to some ppl here and they still take a blind stab even if this topic was already resolved before the weekend started, doubt that youre opening this topic again after sending your pointless insult, but i hope you get hit by a bus. 🤠
You can't play the victim card when you're knowingly doing something autistic, disruptive, and unnecessary, you even said so yourself
ignore me just seeing how autistic i can be

And yet you didn't listen to me when i told you not to do this, so you only have yourself to blame for the flak that you get

oof i didnt even mention or think about that some of the insults may be because of my avatar.
if thats the truth, imagine me, but then with even less forgets to give.
take your OCD medication, and get off my richard