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Topics - IceBlue

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Off Topic / FaceBook Shenanigans
« on: December 20, 2009, 04:54:25 AM »
Got bored, saw some random hippy-try-hard at my school got into a relationship with someone. Decided to rip him apart. Turns out, I destroyed their relationship in 4 hours!!! Yay!!

Discuss, Comment or Upload your own FaceBook Shenanigans

General Discussion / I am handing all of my work to Seph.
« on: December 17, 2009, 08:37:09 PM »
Just wanted to post this to clear up any future dramas.

As of friday, 18th of December, I am handing all my past and present works to a close friend of mine, Seph. These include:
  • Zombies in the *Bluzone : Role Play
  • Zombies in the Knazone|| : Zombie Survival
  • Zombies in the Knazone|| 2 : Zombie Survival
  • Zombies in the *Bluzone 2 : Role Play
  • Horror House : Puzzle
  • Mars base : Role Play
  • Space station : Build
  • Catacombs : Zombie campaign
  • Gaol Break!: Jail Break
  • Airborne in the *Bluzone : Zombie Survival
  • Wild West : Role Play
  • Rp Chat : Add-On
  • PPSH SMG : Add-On
  • Glowstick : Add0on
And anything else I left out.

Seph's Blockland ID is 18139.

Love and kisses,


Off Topic / The English language is one huge conspiracy
« on: December 15, 2009, 12:39:57 AM »
The English Language is one massive conspiracy.

It's true, Seph and I have discovered so. 'Oh IceBlue, please elaborate on this magnificent feat!' you ask? Well, 'Thank you for asking, and since when the forget did you know such big words?' I reply. The following statements bring me and you to the next paragraph, the elaboration of grave doom and immense horror.

Maths, as we all know/should know/will know by reading the following paragraph, is the foundation for everything in existence. And if it is not, it loving should be. In Mathematics, there is the rule that 'two negatives make a positive'. The same rule is present in English, with a double negative such as how 'don't not' technically means 'do'. The same rule as ‘two negatives create a positive’. Another rule in Mathematics that English has stolen is the cancelation or simplifying of expressions/sentences.

Quote: “Answer my rhetorical question!”

That sentence cancels itself out, by applying a verb that has the opposite meaning of the adjective. Much like how multiplying something by 0 is completely pointless, or that +X – X resolves back to nothing. So with this greater level of understanding, there is only one question left to be answered: is the English language a form of Mathematics? Clearly it must be, as the be-founding evidence Seph and I have elaborately discovered makes far to greater sense being correct then it to be incorrect.
This conclusively making each word in the English language an algebraic term; which each give the illusion of them being pronounceable ‘words’, but words do not technically exist therefore.

So with that answered, where does this leave humanity? Well clearly in the exact same spot to where it is at the moment, that was a rhetorical question and I didn’t really need to answer it. But from answering that question arrives another two questions of grave importance.

Firstly; why the forget did I bother answering that original question?

Secondly; from knowing such valuable information, what comes next?

For the first one; I am just clearly handicapped. But for the second one, a much more deep and complicated answer must be constructed. As we all know/should know/will know by reading the following paragraph, in algebra a pro-numeral represents a specific number, and since every word is an algebraic term, each letter must have a specific value. Each letter has the same value it does in the game Scrabble. A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U equal to 1, D and G equal to 2, B, C, M and P equal to 3, F, H, V, W and Y equal to 4, K equal to 5, J and X equal to 8 and Q and Z equal to 10.
This makes each word have a specific value, such as the ‘forget’ being equal to 3 x 1 x 2 x 5, being 30. With this remarkable knowledge and colossal understanding of the topic, the only logical explanation is that the English language is a code.

‘But a code for what, oh so wise IceBlue?’ you ask. Well young grasshoppers, a code left to us by a co-existing league of supernatural squirrels from the forth dimension which we shall use to discover the entrance to Hell. Doesn’t make sense? Well go get your brain checked you moronic piece of elephant dung, because it’s the only thing that does make sense. But clearly not all ‘words’ or ‘algebraic terms’ can lead to the entrance to Hell. Only one can, a two worded statement of significant magnitude. The ancient words of grave mythical importance are none but; Blum Connector. Blum is equal to 9, and Connector is also equal to 9, meaning the longitude and latitude of the entrance to Hell to be at 9°S and 9°E.

The entrance to Hell is located off the west coast of Angola! Now knowing the location of the entrance to Hell is great and everything, but there is a slight problem with that.

2012 is the Apocalypse, the end of the world as we know it, or ‘Doomsday’ to quote Atreyu efficiently. But why has the Apocalypse come upon us? If you know anything about mythology, or watch Supernatural, you’d know the only way for the Apocalypse to take place is for the seals to be broken. ‘But so wise IceBlue Sir, I do not know what these seals are!’ you exclaim loudly. Well ‘Stop exclaiming things so loudly!’ I demand back, I shall elaborate on the seals now.

For about a year now the seals have slowly been broken, without us knowing. Innocent, camouflaged and inconspicuous these seals are, being broken unknowingly by the civilians on Earth. These seals to open the gate of Hell are nothing but the small plastic seals underneath the lid to Famer’s Union Milk bottles. Farmer’s Union Milk is the devil’s liquid, for it shall bring the Apocalypse upon the Earth, unless we stop it. We must unite against the evil milk dwellers, and destroy the possessed demonic civilians before they destroy the Earth with their ninja arse satanic destructive bullstuff!

An elite army shall be formed, containing the bravest of soldiers from around the world, disincluding the British, and it shall be called Army of Bodom. Equip with salt filled shotgun bullets brought from the Good Guys, where you pay cash and they’ll slash the prices, the Army of Bodom shall defeat all demon possessed individuals who continue to break the seals under the milk lids, and stop the Apocalypse from occurring and destroying life as we know it.

I hope this has been informative and educational to your inferior minds, as I figured this was something all humanity should be aware of.
I bid you farewell, my name is IceBlue, and I am not smarter then a fifth grader.

tl;dr version = english is math, angola is evil, ninja milk dwellers are plotting the apocalypse.

Off Topic / What has been seen cannot be unseen... Or can it?
« on: December 11, 2009, 06:24:11 AM »
I have seen something I want to un-see. Seriously. Its been in my damned head for around three days and I'm starting to get both annoyed and somewhat creeped out. Any suggestions as how I could un-see the apparently un-seeable? I need someway to take it out of my head... :C


So, I made my own version of the pipe bomb, named my mode IBPipeBomb.dts, it was a private add-on and somehow been leaked. This guy also took credit. If anyone know who or how this has been leaked and to what extent, please tell me. This add-on is poorly made and causes alot of syntax errors and the model is a polygon clusterforget. For the good of the whole community; please tell me.

His ID is;
Please note the name 'WHOOPAH DA TERMITE'. Just for laughing purposes.

Also; if anyone can interpret the ban message, please do. I'm quite curious as to what it means.

Drama / An isolated ban is hardly drama worthy.
« on: November 25, 2009, 01:02:55 AM »
Please, stop making topics about these isolated bans. If you get banned randomly for no reason and you don't know why; don't post it. You'll be wasting your time and it is irritating to have to search through all these topics about how person x banned person y for no reason and person y now hates person x with a passion. There are other servers on Blockland. I ban instantly for no reason. I am a starfish.

Get over it.

Help / Problem with Trench Digging mod: No speed dig/place
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:53:52 AM »
Whenever I try to use the speed dig or speed place function, I get these in the console:

Speed dig
Code: (Speed dig error line #1) [Select]
Add-Ons/Game_TrenchDigging/BrickDigging.cs (11): Player::mountImage - wrong number of arguments
Code: (Speed dig error line #2) [Select]
Add-Ons/Game_TrenchDigging/BrickDigging.cs (11): usage: (ShapeBaseImageData, int slot, bool loaded=true, string skinTag=NULL
Speed place
Code: (Speed place error line #1) [Select]
Add-Ons/Game_TrenchDigging/BrickDigging.cs (19): Player::mountImage - wrong number of arguments
Code: (Speed place error line #1) [Select]
Add-Ons/Game_TrenchDigging/BrickDigging.cs (19): usage: (ShapeBaseImageData, int slot, bool loaded=true, string skinTag=NULL

Thats how they appear in the console. I've attempted running the game without any add-ons and only trench digging but still had no luck. Any suggestions as to how to fix it? It would be greatly appreciated :D

Creativity / Blockhead drawn in CS Flash
« on: November 21, 2009, 03:27:18 AM »

I really like how it turned out :D

Drama / Un-Ban Jimmg poll
« on: November 13, 2009, 01:12:15 AM »
Jimmg has been permanently banned from the forums for "Trolling".

Poll to get un-banned GO!

I loves you Jimmg :'(

« on: November 12, 2009, 05:13:25 AM »




Suggestions & Requests / REQUEST: Mirror to Racer's Rifle?
« on: November 02, 2009, 01:17:14 AM »
Yes, I have searched and it appears as though the link is dead. I was wondering if anyone had a mirror.

Racer's rifle was the one that was stronger than the gun but had a longer cool down rate as you roostered it. It also had an animation + sound.

Old topic:

Includes broken link.

Modification Help / Need help with AI teams
« on: October 09, 2009, 09:00:31 AM »
Recently, I've been making two AIs for a project of mine. The AIs are a Martian and a Heavy Martian. The Martian is equipped with a Alien Blaster and the Heavy Martian with a Flash Cannon. The problem is; They shoot eachother. I'm confused as to how to make them not shoot each other. I've attempted changing the
Code: [Select]
ZombieTeam =Line but with no success. They disappear from the in-game spawn list when I do this.

Anyway, if you can help I'd really love it. You can find the codes right here;

Heavy Martian
Code: [Select]
datablock PlayerData(MartiancannonZombie : PlayerStandardArmor)
//category = "Vehicles";
minJetEnergy = 0;
jetEnergyDrain = 0;
canJet = 0;
maxItems   = 0; //total number of bricks you can carry
maxWeapons = 0; //this will be controlled by mini-game code
maxTools = 0;
runforce = 100 * 90;
maxForwardSpeed = 6;
maxBackwardSpeed = 6;
maxSideSpeed = 6;
attackpower = 15;
//jumpsound = "ZombieJumpSound";
cameradefaultFOV = 90;
cameraMaxFov = 120;
cameraMinFov = 10;
//minlookangle = -1;
//maxlookangle = -1;
minlookangle = -1.5708;
maxlookangle = 1.5708;
BrickDestroyMaxVolume = 250;
BrickMaxJumpHeight = 10;
uiName = "Heavy Martian";
rideable = true;
canRide = true;
BrickKillRadius = 2;
skinColor = "1 0.79 0.57 1";
FollowAnim = "ArmReadyright";
randomwalk = 1;
aimatplayer = 1;
SpecialAttack = 1;
NoBloodyHands = 1;
DoNotZombify = 1;
chance = 90;
ZombieTeam = "Martiancannon";
function MartiancannonZombie::SpecialAttack(%this,%onshot)
%ran = getrandom(-1,1);
%ran2 = getrandom(-1,1);
function MartiancannonShootMode(%this)
if(isobject(%this) && %this.getstate() !$= "Dead")
function MartiancannonZombie::ondisabled(%this,%obj)
function MartiancannonZombie::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %norm)
parent::oncollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %norm);
ZombieDefault::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %norm);
function MartiancannonZombie::onMount(%a,%player,%vehicle,%d,%e,%f)
function MartiancannonZombie::onUnMount(%a,%player,%vehicle,%d,%e,%f)
function MartiancannonZombie::onAdd(%this,%obj)

function Martiancannonfy(%obj)
{ = "Martiancannon";
%obj.chestcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
//%obj.hatcolor = "0.72  0.53 0.29 1";
%obj.rarmcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.larmcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.hipcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.llegcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.rlegcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.secondpackcolor = "0.0784314 0.0784314 0.0784314 1";
%obj.packcolor = "0.0784314 0.0784314 0.0784314 1";
%obj.lhandColor = "0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000";
%obj.rhandColor = "0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000";
%obj.headskinColor = "0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000";

%obj.chest = "0";
%obj.lhand = "0";
%obj.rhand = "0";
%obj.larm = "0";
%obj.rarm = "0";
%obj.hat = "0";
%obj.accent = "0";
%obj.pack = "6";
%obj.secondpack = "6";
%obj.lleg = "0";
%obj.rleg = "0";
%obj.hip = "0";

%color = %obj.getdatablock().skincolor;
%obj.setNodecolor("headskin", %obj.lhandcolor);
function servercmdsigheil(%client)
function servercmdunsigheil(%client)
package MartiancannonAttackPackage
function ProjectileData::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col,%fade,%pos,%normal)
if(isobject(%obj.sourceobject) && %obj.sourceobject.getdatablock().getname() $= "MartiancannonZombie")
%source = %obj.sourceobject;
%obj.client = %obj.sourceobject;

if(isobject(%obj.sourceobject) && %obj.sourceobject.getclassname() $= "AiPlayer" && IsInMinigame(%obj.sourceobject) && IsInSameMinigame(%col,%source))
if(%col.client != 0)
%source.cols = %col.client;
if(%col.getclassname() $= "AiPlayer" && %col.getdatablock().getname() $= "MartiancannonZombie" && %obj.sourceobject.getdatablock().getname() $= "MartiancannonZombie")return;

Code: [Select]
datablock PlayerData(MartianZombie : PlayerStandardArmor)
//category = "Vehicles";
minJetEnergy = 0;
jetEnergyDrain = 0;
canJet = 0;
maxItems   = 0; //total number of bricks you can carry
maxWeapons = 0; //this will be controlled by mini-game code
maxTools = 0;
runforce = 100 * 90;
maxForwardSpeed = 8;
maxBackwardSpeed = 8;
maxSideSpeed = 8;
attackpower = 10;
//jumpsound = "ZombieJumpSound";
cameradefaultFOV = 90;
cameraMaxFov = 120;
cameraMinFov = 10;
//minlookangle = -1;
//maxlookangle = -1;
minlookangle = -1.5708;
maxlookangle = 1.5708;
BrickDestroyMaxVolume = 250;
BrickMaxJumpHeight = 20;
uiName = "Martian";
rideable = true;
canRide = true;
BrickKillRadius = 2;
skinColor = "1 0.79 0.57 1";
FollowAnim = "ArmReadyright";
randomwalk = 1;
aimatplayer = 1;
SpecialAttack = 1;
NoBloodyHands = 1;
DoNotZombify = 1;
chance = 90;
ZombieTeam = "Martian";
function MartianZombie::SpecialAttack(%this,%onshot)
%ran = getrandom(-1,1);
%ran2 = getrandom(-1,1);
function MartianShootMode(%this)
if(isobject(%this) && %this.getstate() !$= "Dead")
function MartianZombie::ondisabled(%this,%obj)
function MartianZombie::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %norm)
parent::oncollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %norm);
ZombieDefault::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %norm);
function MartianZombie::onMount(%a,%player,%vehicle,%d,%e,%f)
function MartianZombie::onUnMount(%a,%player,%vehicle,%d,%e,%f)
function MartianZombie::onAdd(%this,%obj)

function Martianfy(%obj)
{ = "Martian";
%obj.chestcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
//%obj.hatcolor = "0.72  0.53 0.29 1";
%obj.rarmcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.larmcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.hipcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.llegcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.rlegcolor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.secondpackcolor = "0.0784314 0.0784314 0.0784314 1";
%obj.packcolor = "0.0784314 0.0784314 0.0784314 1";
%obj.lhandColor = "0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000";
%obj.rhandColor = "0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000";
%obj.headskinColor = "0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000";

%obj.chest = "0";
%obj.lhand = "0";
%obj.rhand = "0";
%obj.larm = "0";
%obj.rarm = "0";
%obj.hat = "0";
%obj.accent = "0";
%obj.pack = "6";
%obj.secondpack = "6";
%obj.lleg = "0";
%obj.rleg = "0";
%obj.hip = "0";

%color = %obj.getdatablock().skincolor;
%obj.setNodecolor("headskin", %obj.lhandcolor);
function servercmdsigheil(%client)
function servercmdunsigheil(%client)
package MartianAttackPackage
function ProjectileData::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col,%fade,%pos,%normal)
if(isobject(%obj.sourceobject) && %obj.sourceobject.getdatablock().getname() $= "MartianZombie")
%source = %obj.sourceobject;
%obj.client = %obj.sourceobject;

if(isobject(%obj.sourceobject) && %obj.sourceobject.getclassname() $= "AiPlayer" && IsInMinigame(%obj.sourceobject) && IsInSameMinigame(%col,%source))
if(%col.client != 0)
%source.cols = %col.client;
if(%col.getclassname() $= "AiPlayer" && %col.getdatablock().getname() $= "MartianZombie" && %obj.sourceobject.getdatablock().getname() $= "MartianZombie")return;


I'd really love it if you could help out :D

Off Topic / Crying Leaf podcast
« on: October 05, 2009, 05:41:08 AM »
One of my mates has created a podcast called Crying leaf and, as they describe themselves, "We're an Australian comedy show who get wasted and talk about whatever comes up" which pretty much wraps them up. Its something interesting to listen to in the background while you do stuff. I do, sometimes, when I play GMod or over long periods of building in Blockland. They're looking for some votes n' comments.

Link pow!

Suggestions & Requests / REQUEST: Flame thrower projectile
« on: September 30, 2009, 04:53:20 AM »
I've been really wanting a flame thrower projectile for a long time. I remember it in the old homing projectiles event. I was really cool. I want to use it for my next version of Zombies in the Knazone||. In the old version, I had a flame thrower turret. I've got a picture of it here:

I would greatly appreciate it if this could be done again and I'm sure others would, too.

Drama / Rifle - Caught stealing Zombies in the **Bluzone
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:54:28 AM »

As a lot of you may know, I use to host a role player called "Zombies in the *Bluzone". I created a very large city for this role play and alot of effort went into this. Whilst server browsing today, I came across Rifle's server. He stole the whole city. Every part of it. He didn't even bother to change the events. the tutorial still had my signature in it.

Zombies in the **Bluzone thread

Picture evidence

Note how part of my name is on the wall.

Knaztek, one of the main buildings in the city. In the chat, you can see the welcome message that is displayed once you are warped out of the tutorial area.

Another main building, Dealer's.

When I was in the server, he wasn't there. He was AFK. Apparently the server was a Zombie Deathmatch but there were no zombies. He also had a custom colour set which ass raped the build.

He is banned from my server. This occurred before I came across this. He spammed my server, abused players and spammed trust invitations.

I have alot more images but I need not take up too much space. I have already.

All in all, Rifle's ID is 7058 and he stole Zombies in the **Bluzone and I suggest you ban him not only for the theft, but because he is an outrageous idiot.

Spam time.

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