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Topics - Kyuande

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For a while I have discovered that ForceRequiredAddon loves to kick the non-dedicated users telling them they should install 1 missing add-on, but doesn't tell them how many add-ons they are missing. So my solution is to make a function simply to check every add-on, unfortunately it doesn't do any chat messages (maybe I should of thought of this earlier) to tell them what they are missing. Include it as a support file or include it in your server.cs, then make a main.cs or some file to exec where the real stuff should go.

Though this is a small problem for non-dedicated users it is still annoying to not be allowed to host due to missing 1 or more add-ons.

Code: [Select]
//Accepts both full file and add-on name (add-on name is RECOMMENDED)
function isRequirementsMatched(%files, %doWarn)
echo(" Loading required add-ons.");
%fields = getFieldCount(%files);
for(%i = 0; %i < %fields; %i++)
%match = isRequirementMatched(getField(%files, %i), %doWarn);
%invalidMatches += (%match == 0);

if(%invalidMatches >= 1)
%curPath = strReplace(filePath($Con::File), "Add-Ons/", "");
warn("   Found " @ %invalidMatches @ " missing add-on" @ (%invalidMatches != 1 ? "s" : "") @ ", will not run " @ %curPath @ ".");
return false;

return true;

function isRequirementMatched(%file, %doWarn)
%addon = strReplace(%file, ".zip", "/server.cs");
%addonName = strReplace(filePath(%addon), "Add-Ons/", "");
%addon = "Add-Ons/" @ %file @ "/server.cs";
%addonName = %file;

warn("  Invalid add-on \"" @ %addon @ "\"");
return false;

%curPath = strReplace(filePath($Con::File), "Add-Ons/", "");
if($GameModeArg $= "Add-Ons/GameMode_Custom/gamemode.txt" || $GameModeArg $= "")
%error = ForceRequiredAddOn(%addonName);
if(%error == $Error::AddOn_NotFound)
warn(" ERROR: " @ %curPath @ " - required add-on '" @ %addonName @ "' not found");

return false;
if($GameMode::LastAddOnCount $= "" || $GameMode::AddOnCount != $GameMode::LastAddOnCount)
$GameMode::LastAddOnCount = $GameMode::AddOnCount;
for(%FC = 0; %FC < $GameMode::AddOnCount; %FC++)
$addonName = $GameMode::AddOn[%FC];
$GameMode::NameAddOn[$addonName] = 1;

warn(" ERROR: " @ %curPath @ " - required add-on '" @ %addonName @ "' not found");

return false;

warn(" WARNING: " @ %curPath @ " - required add-on '" @ %addonName @ "' not enabled in gamemode, forcing");


return true;

isRequirementsMatched(%files, %doWarn) - You can either use files or add-on names (add-on names is better); warn basically echos to the console that things are missing

Example of server code:
Code: [Select]

Off Topic / Never realized how bad the youtube community is until now
« on: January 05, 2018, 01:09:00 PM »
One of the videos, a person is going ape because the author of the comment likes Ronan (villan from Guardians of the Galaxy), so person tells the author that liking Ronan is bad, the author replied, not even hostile, and then the person replies and insults him even more. He gets called out and writes unnecessary paragraphs on the people who respond to him. I say a few things and he gets triggered. What a nice community!

Add-Ons / [Script] Clear projectiles
« on: January 05, 2018, 01:18:42 AM »
You can either:

Download (Admin only)

It has been a few years since my last add-on dump (an actual one), and it is hard to decide whether I want to keep developing mods on Blockland or not; I still have a few projects left but after that, not sure what I really want to do. My life choices have been escalating exponentially and some choices are very critical.

I have tons of mods to release, especially essentials. Here are the major mods that I plan to release (or important):

GameMode Maker v2
    You may remember this maker, but it is riddled with problems, and needs to expand. My plan is to have the ability to use Slayer, or use the default minigame system with more options, set the colorset, have the possibility to edit the server script in the gamemode (using scratch or use your favorite editing software for scripts), better environment options, and more. At this rate you mind as well just ask a robot to do it for you.

    You heard me. All the way from 2013. This modpack will have a whole bunch of features included to satisfy the server:
        - Change connection messages and how they are seen (example: "The owner is here!" "The owner left!" | "Blockhead(333) joined." | "Blockhead(333) left.")
        - Block connection spam (this doesn't prevent DDoS attacks though) with unblock commands
        - Custom roles with tons of features (custom sounds for leave and join (don't abuse it pls), name color, custom icon from BLG if user has it installed)
        - AntiTroll system: Carpet commands are not tolerated (spammed commands in a very short time) will be automatically banned, and if you enable IP detection, they will be banned based on their IP, unless they are 'smart' enough to get around it.
        - Role cloud: If you do not feel like having to store your information on the server for your roles (admins, superadmins, owners, etc), you can set up a cloud server and allow it to sync with the cloud, your old admin prefs will be backed up before syncing happens of course.
        - Premade VIP system: If you want people to have VIP (sorry no auto, that requires an API *shrug*), you can add money onto a player's account, then package the commands for your other mods. Neat!
        - BLHack freeze detection: Although this is not super accurate and have kinks, it's off by default, but great to find out anyone who potentially may be using it.
        - "Timed out" connection messages: The freeze detection also can tell if someone is actually lagging and will flag them as lagging or 'lagging'
        - An admin level (1, 2 or 3) or above can see connection information: Players that connect are logged with their IP, name history, and BL_ID on that IP. This is how you can tell if you see a problem user avoiding bans, if possible.
        - Probably more features I cannot recall

uEssentials (used to be known as "VisoStuff")
    If you remember this mod, it has way more stuff than you can imagine, especially if you ever got the "leaked" version of it. It is full of potentially abusive fun stuff, but every mod out there is pretty much abusive, this just has fun stuff. This mod has been a thing since I first started coding (2011/2012), every few years I restructure the code, then add onto it.
        - The original spinme: The best part, is when you feel down and spin yourself insane in the air with endless tumble, but using your camera, good times.
        - Able to turn people into ticking timebombs using the bomb wand or the command: Blowing up people also bypasses minigame damage, may wanna rethink your decision..
        - Able to grant minigame damage bypass: Whether or not if you are in a minigame, you can destroy nearly any player and bot, and they may not be able to defend themselves | There is also a reverse option where anyone can damage you. Funny punishment.
        - Set people on fire if they aren't in the shade. Using math detection from the sun, if you aren't in the shade, you will be on fire. Enjoy.
        - Shields: You have 3 different types of shields, projectile shield, all-around shield which protects you from most attacks, and a velocity shield, where projectiles bounce back in a direction.
        - Able to revive corpses: Even if they are "gone" you can still revive people and possible give them their life back! Even with the weapons they died with!
        - Grim reaping: If you hate someone (inspired by Pecon's grim reap mod), you can grim reap them, another way to forcekill someone, basically.
        - Sorry, no talking as others :D
        - More features I cannot remember

Painting/building restrictions
    You can have either a whitelist or a blacklist, admins and above are automatically bypassed and can build either way. There are events, but they are admin only too. Using the 'client command hack' will not work, and making custom minigames will not work either.

Fixed version of onChatInput
    As you remember, this event used to search every nearby brick in the area instead of just using a few options that the game already has. This version should not lag at all.

Boss Battles
    I may or may not make this server, but either way I am tired of keeping this in the dust. Inspired by the original boss battles, you are able to customize your health boss scale, custom classes using a script, and even use the original boss battles client.

    The original fortwars hosted years ago. This puts almost every problem into the ground that normal fortwars have, but you can't make it 100% automated.
        - You can create range limits for building, such as maximum distance from the spawn, and maximum height for dumbells who decide to dup spam or something.
        - Custom team system for clans.
        - Antibuilder system: You have 2 modes, combat or building. Switching from builder to attacker clears your item and your datablock to prevent instant attacks on other bases. You cannot switch to builder near an enemy base, and there is a timeout to switch, especially if you attack people and then try to switch to prevent the problem you caused. There are consequences when attacking a builder, such as damage to self.
        - More special features that are small

Tower defense
    I am sure you remember this. Think of it as Bloons Tower Defense, but with bots instead, and you can also.. control the towers for a temporary time! Bots can fight your towers, but you can summon healers and even heal the towers yourself. Towers automatically heal each round. You can even play with difficulties, bots are introduced differently each difficulty, and even exclusive bot types for some difficulties! This is great for cooperative players, not for multiplayer.

Rainbow grenade
    This is an edit of an empty shape with spiced up rainbow emitters, this was my first ever weapon, not even sure why this was never released.

    The newer version of randomizer, no Slayer, and has more features than ever. Come join it and see for yourself!

Thread Loops
    A mod that basically messes with player threads, spinning heads and bodies. If a playertype has special animations, makes it much more fun.

Medic voice
    Press E if you cannot paint, and you yell "medic!" using random TF2 sounds. Even a silly emitter to show you need help!

    A dystopia where you somehow have a smaller version of you, controlled by something else. This bot follows you around, looks exactly like you, smaller than you, protects you if they know where the person is, and sometimes follow your every action.

Player collision dizziness
    Fast enough speed at someone, you will confuse them and they will be unable to move!

Clear projectiles
    A basic script to clear active projectiles running around.

Minigame listening
    Don't want to play but want to be like the NSA? Be out of the minigame and listen to teamchats and minigame messages that you normally cannot see outside of the minigame.

Another mute mod
    A mute mod that goes by minutes, also accepted decimals (converted), and sadly permamute that is temporary until the server restarts.

Speed run
    Used in Akio's challenge and Kong's Rocket Jumping server, the original speed run mod, but tweaked.

Toggle trust
    Though this is a bad idea, you can have temporary trust with any ID, useful if you are lazy to reload the bricks to your own or fix someone's events but don't have the trust. This is not my problem if the host is stupid enough to abuse it.

There are many tweaked mods I may also release, based on how I have used them, even with default add-ons or even just a few enabled add-ons, some of the mods I have used created tons of console spam. At least 30 add-ons have been tweaked, weapons, scripts, bricks, and models.

There is no known time when any of these will be released, but they are for sure going to be released sometime this year.
Feel free to send me an add-on to fix, if it is not too large.

Add-Ons / [Weapon] Banana Rifle (Updated 1/1/18)
« on: December 31, 2017, 01:51:05 PM »

+ Shoots spinning bananas (not cyclic though)
+ Banana handle
+ Looks like an Ak-47
+ Weird laugh sounds when you equip
+ Plays "pew" when shooting
+ Plays 5 different "splat" sounds when a banana hits something
+ Bananas have no gravity

Me (weapon script, banana animation)
ZeUberMedic (weapon model)
Trinko (banana projectile)

Weapon_BananaRifle (includes blends!)
This my 4th weapon, isn't that interesting?

Drama / Tragen47 (ID 187666) - Caught aimbotting with video proof
« on: December 25, 2017, 02:26:06 AM »
For a while (4+ months ago) I have suspected him using it but I wasn't completely sure, but today (12/25) I kept a sharp eye on him and saw him doing it, this video shows nearly everything that proves someone using aimbot. Clipping his aim at people randomly and even through walls. You can even see him turn at extreme rates (spazing) that nearly no one would do, especially getting it correctly on someone. You can even see him adjust in seconds when shooting at someone.

This is clearly obvious he is using blhack. Please ban him immediately. This is reported to Badspot, the point of this  drama is to show you if he ever pops up again you will know more about how aimbot looks (if you haven't see it much yet) and see if it's the same guy causing trouble.

Drama / SwiftHyena2593 - Bumping old topics
« on: November 10, 2017, 01:06:45 AM »;u=157679

This drama may have been a little unneeded but he is starting to bump useless crap in help, drama and a few other boards are included. Getting a bit annoyed by it.

Off Topic / What's with the Monika name?
« on: October 31, 2017, 11:41:27 PM »
Why are people naming themselves Monika?

Drama / [Rant] Blok's CityRPG - Horrible gameplay
« on: October 31, 2017, 09:30:14 PM »
First off before I start, I know that a lot of cityrpgs are the same but this one 'claims' to be different.
Yes, the server does say it's not done, but there's no excuse for bad gameplay. This is one of the reasons why I had to stop my cityrpg development - too many issues to resolve.

Let me give you some keypoints that I personally dislike about this server:
 + The build looks like it was rushed just to grab players - some of it does look good though
 + I was told by the host and a few admins that it is truely different - this is basically iban's gamemode mechanics but only worse
 + Gamemode mechanics are full of garbage it's not even a cityrpg, more like a level up deathmatch

I see why people play these servers, because it's either fun to kill a bunch of people (or trolling) - and some of these people are trying to get things done but unfortunately they just keep getting killed because of bad mechanics. All these problems occur and nobody (staff) acknowledges most of them. If it's a bug of course they will report it right away if it hurts the economy of the game - other than that, no one really cares what happens on the server.

The gamemode claims to be different because of the main reason for being made from "scratch." The problem is that this is entirely different because it's pretty much a replicate of any broken cityrpg.
  • The mechanics for hunger are the same except you don't die from hunger - you either have to Self Delete when you are low so you can get your paychecks (you cannot get paid if you are hungry lol), or you pay people to get food which has 0 benefit, just a money grab
  • Wanted players no longer show a red name - I can understand that it shouldn't be that easy to find a wanted person but all you have to do is go to the police station to confirm the names, just a little step - or even just type /crims as a non-cop and still find out who is wanted.. this makes the no red name feature completely useless
  • Easy genocide is still a thing, just simply grab a weapon from a store and just start killing everyone - even worse when you have a buddy that will pardon you from jail every time
  • Gamemode has no actual goal other than to get a higher job that still does pretty much the same - just give you a higher pay and better weapons (if applicable)
  • Most admins on the server don't care much of what happens from what I have seen - doesn't make a difference to any other cityrpg hosted
  • Basically a server just wanting to be popular - host is barely online (for problems to be fixed) : as a cityrpg it's not surprising to get players easily due to its name and the history
  • A new job that basically allows you to hit someone and get free cash for it - it may get you wanted but hey what's the point if the maximum time to get jailed is like under 20 minutes? I could just leave blockland open for a while and do something else to kill time, then go and kill more people for free cash. This logic is horrible.
  • Being jailed is different (not saying it's a bad thing) - instead of ticks it's actual minutes - the max time I have ever seen with 6 stars is around 20 minutes. This doesn't really fix the jail problem other than mine ore to get money - sounds like a blessing to get free money in jail, on their side it may be nice but the mechanics of that is still horrible. Leaving people in a room isn't fun - of course it tries to replicate real life but this isn't real life - twist up the gamemode and make it interesting for players to have fun
  • If you join the server you can already tell the danger before spawning - never a good sign for a server that wants to be a quality server

If you want to have a decent server - avoid joining this. If you're going to claim the server is different because it was made from scratch, prove it, don't replicate features and call it new. If you're going to host a non-stabilized server don't put it up as a public 24/7 if it isn't done (some people can argue this point depending on which gamemode it is), host it only when you're online so you can see bugs, don't look for popularity. I am not even sure what the goal is for the host, he's coding this gamemode on his own (maybe with a few others??) but he's wasting time making bad mechanics - if that's what they like to do I guess that's the way they want to represent themselves.

Thoughts on this?

Hi, are you stuck on something and cannot figure it out? Check these topics before posting in help and see if you can fix your issue!
Topic is in progress and some answers may be vague or incorrect, so if they are, please help me revise them.

Notes in help section:
+ Always provide a console log - It is very useful for others to see what's going on in your Blockland, maybe it's just an add-on conflict, or some hardware problem, etc. If you avoid providing a console log most of the time we cannot fix your problem unless it is very detailed, it is highly recommended to post a console log. The log is located in your Blockland folder under "console.log", make sure Blockland is closed before uploading the console log somewhere. Use sites like Google Drive, Pastebin, Dropbox, Mega, Mediafire (not recommended but an option) if log is too big to upload on the forum.
+ Be specific as possible as you can be - if you're giving out bad descriptions we will not understand the problem, and we will most likely answer it incorrectly, good example for being specific: "my blockland crashed when I walked into a 2x4 brick" -> ok example: "my blockland crashed when i walked into a brick" -> bad example: "my blockland crashed" (I am sure the ambiguous rule will kick in from here). If you want help, we need help from you too.

Where is my Blockland folder??? (See "How to install add-ons")
If you are on steam, you should be able to right click the game and go to file location
If not on steam, usually it is under your documents.

My Blockland is having sqlite errors! (I/O error / file problems)
Cache: Blockland/cache.db is unable to be written, you need to make sure your blockland folder is not read only entirely (right click the folder, go to properties, uncheck read-only, apply)

For I/O problems - usually this is rare but it's due to permissions caused by software you installed that claims different permissions on certain folders/files - to fix this you will need to right click the file/folder and to go security, advanced, and change the owner from there by entering your username in the text box.

Unfortunately Blockland is barely supporting macs, and there is no way of fixing problems - unless you install Wine.

My Blockland is crashing (hosting / not hosting)
If it started from the beginning, could be a driver problem.
If it started after installing a "few" add-ons, there's most likely a bad add-on in the bunch that caused your crashing, put all recent add-ons you installed into another folder and install one or two at a time. If it crashes during this process, you will most likely find the problem.

I cannot find an add-on!
First, look at this archive: - If you do not see what you want, move on.
Use Blockland Forums search button. Select Add-Ons and Modification Help for a specific add-on - or select one of the other categories that relate to what you are trying to find (music/face/decal/print/etc). If you know who the author of the post is, may be a lot easier to find it (replace the * with the author (whoever posted it) - their in-game name may be different so try to avoid putting that author in if you have no clue who exactly posted the add-on)

The more you search the better you will find stuff - so before you post a topic in S&R please make sure to use the search button and use tons of keywords along with methods (use spaces, combine words, etc). Some add-ons may be in General Discussion, so only select that after not finding add-ons in Add-Ons and Mod Help due to tons of posts making it harder to search. If you check everything always note that you are only making it tougher on yourself finding what you want.

This topic is in progress, and definitely will have some vague/incorrect answers for a while. It's all I can write for now.

Add-Ons / [Event] Change vehicle tires and springs
« on: October 04, 2017, 11:28:26 PM »
Have fun guys, this finds all the datablocks of springs and tires on your server and you can set them as you wish on almost any vehicle (as long as it is not a bot) - unfortunately if you enable more/less vehicles they might goof up if you intend to save the bricks. Some vehicles may not get tires, such as the magic carpet.


(There's also events on the Vehicle output too)
The second parameter is for setting the tire to a specific slot from 0 to the max tire count (minus 1), leave it -1 for setting all tires to that data

Changing tires to jeep style

Changing springs to skis

This event only reflects that vehicle, does not mess with other vehicles.

Note: You can also ride and add tires to vehicles that do not have tires! (It sets 4 tires on it with 1 mount)

Off Topic / Google drive logic (save dates fail sometimes)
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:31:47 AM »
While uploading my homework to my drive, I get funny dates. Imagine google being around that long..


Off Topic / Best donation sites?
« on: September 29, 2017, 12:53:10 PM »
Other than PayPal, what can you use (recommend) to accept donations? Been thinking about this for a while and tried to do some research but I see a bunch of crazy policies on some sites - some even require to see if you're in an actual business.

What do you recommend/use?

General Discussion / Visolator's Randomizer (Modes) - Life tickets?
« on: September 24, 2017, 03:32:50 AM »
Hey guys remember when I hosted RandomizerDM a few years ago?

What's new?
  • Recoded Randomizer from the ground, no more "DM" - which means the gamemode is open for a lot of new ideas such as: objectives, gamemode styles (team deathmatch, one man army, and more) - They may not all be in but they will be eventually
  • [0] New category system - for ease of use on my side, I can now add more categories (such as OP weapons only, explosives only, etc.) and put a rarity that is different in another category, the older system only used 1 type of rarity and category system
  • No slayer - Slayer has its limits which is understandable so instead of making workarounds I made my minigame system inside of the default system, much easier
  • [0] Random vehicle types! Some maps will support vehicles and will randomly have different type of vehicles each round. Vehicles are balanced with less armor.
  • New weapons! Of course there will always be weapons!!
  • [0] New map change system

    Randomizer will have all sorts of new features coming your way. Instead of just a old fashioned "Randomizer DeathMatch" there will be all kinds of modes and special rounds that will twist the game. Fun!

    It is currently in development! Any ideas you would like to share? Please do so! Music suggestions are also accepted!
    Server discord:


Maps submitting:
The server usually had about 16-24 players daily back in the old days, so if your build is fit for that many of players, go ahead and send it through a PM (discord or forums)! You can submit your map in this topic or submit them in #maps channel in the discord
Recommended colorset is Trueno Original - You are allowed to use any colorset you want, as long as you submit the colorset to me so the build will use it.

Weapon submitting:
If you have a private add-on and you would like to have it used on Randomizer you definitely can send it to me and it will only be used on this server.
If it's a public add-on please post a link to the topic/Blockland Glass (if it is private but you are allowed to post it please do as well)

Music is accepted too! I can loop songs if you cannot find any songs pre-looped. Please PM me a download or post the link!

Other information

Maps so far:
Dig site
Quake arena

Donations will eventually come too - Thinking of perks that won't hurt the gameplay as bad, maybe chances of a random custom weapon for donators only??

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