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Topics - Rigel

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Off Topic / Do you believe in the heart of the cards?
« on: February 01, 2018, 11:33:59 AM »
Okay guys, I jokingly had my future divined by online tarot cards, and on the bit of the celtic cross that's supposed to represent my future, I drew the ten of swords. Now the image on the card ain't no loving joke. It's a brother getting stabbed by ten swords. It's supposed to represent "an unavoidable end, mortality, ruin, and ultimately a new hope." Now, that's a pretty scary card to pull for your future, but it's all fake stuff right? I think I also pulled another card that read something like "You will have a time of momentary respite, enjoy it while it lasts"

Well, two days later, I have a super depressed friend talking about killing themselves. This freaked me right the forget out, not only because I have a friend threatening to end themselves, but also because I just drew a card that's supposed to predict "an UNAVOIDABLE end" and "mortality."  So now I'm wondering what the hell to do, aside from be a friend and talk to them. I'm a bit shaken right now because I have a friend saying that they're gonna kill themselves, and a card confirming it like, "yep, she ain't joking"

Have you guys ever had any divinations that came true? Like crystal ball stuff or something? I mean, sure it could be pure coincidence, but holy stuff what a coincidence.

Games / What are some games where you fight swarms of enemies?
« on: January 02, 2018, 01:32:27 AM »
I want to play another game where the main character is totally awesome and can fight loads of dudes at once.

Notable examples:
Star Wars Battlefront 2 classic (as any force user)
Saint's Row
Payday 1/2

Off Topic / can someone help me find what this mp3 file is from?
« on: December 26, 2017, 01:24:16 AM »
so I was clearing out space and found a 35kb mp3 file in my downloads and it sounds quite alright. it's named "crash test 5" and I decide to go looking for where I downloaded it from. A deep dive into my browser history later, it appears I downloaded it on the same day it was uploaded, which was july 5th, 2017. I tried mozilla's backlink checker and got nothing.

original link:

it sounds nice, and I was just curious as to who made it, or where it came from because I have no idea how I ended up finding it or why I downloaded a 35kb song that's 37 minutes long.

Help / How do addon makers get their sound effects?
« on: December 13, 2017, 09:00:01 PM »
Just curious, since I'm trying to find one for a gun I'm making.

Off Topic / A glass of milk
« on: November 24, 2017, 09:41:21 PM »
A friend told me to keep it safe, but I've gotta head out for a moment. Could you look over this for me while I'm gone?

I'll be riiiight back.

Off Topic / Rigel becomes an ordained minister
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:52:38 PM »

Get ordained here.

So now I can legally start my own church, marry two people, dunk babies in water, and preside at a funeral. Yey.

Off Topic / what would you need to be paid to suck a richard?
« on: October 09, 2017, 02:50:33 PM »
socialogical survey


Off Topic / Rigel Needs Legal Advice
« on: October 06, 2017, 03:24:27 PM »
I'm trying to buy people's souls when they're most vulnerable, during Halloween.

Is there anything that I should add/take away? Anything to ensure me ownership of these souls in the afterlife? Any loopholes that you see?

Points of the contract so far, in no particular order:

Quote from:  Soul Contract
*Gingers need not apply.
*Persons of the age twelve (12) or under need their biological parent's permission.
*After the deal is concluded with the signing of the contract, the holder of the signed contract is the owner of the soul.
*The responsibility of the candy quality falls solely on the contract signer.
*I.O.U.s are not applicable.
*The contract signer forfeits their mortal soul to the contract bearer for three (3) full-size pieces of candy.
*A signature should be accompanied by the signer's full, printed name.
*The contract cannot be reversed by any means.
*The contract holder may transfer ownership of the contract signer's soul, and this contract to anyone of their choosing.
*With the stipulations of the contract signer's mortal soul being bound to the physical contract itself, upon the contract being burned or buried with a corpse, the souls bound to this contract are now under the permanent ownership of that corpse's spirit in whatever afterlife they may be in, and the souls may be traded as currency or otherwise in that same afterlife.
*Destruction of the contract by any means that does not include those listed above forfeits the soul bound to this contract to the Dark Lord Satan.

Note: Drachma is now valueless Greek currency, The ferryman ought to take benjamins instead and liven up the place.

Off Topic / loving coconuts
« on: August 06, 2017, 04:54:40 PM »
So there's a subreddit named "Today I forgeted Up."

Here's some of the recent posts.

"TIFU by cumming into a coconut"
He forgeted a coconut for a week straight, and one day pulled out to find maggots on his junk.

"TIFU by not listening to a TIFU post and getting my richard stuck in a coconut"
He drilled a hole that wasn't big enough to pull out of.

"TIFU by not listening to a TIFU about a TIFU about using a coconut as a fleshlight."
He found out that he was allergic to coconut water, and his schlong swelled up inside and got stuck.

"TIFU by jumping on the bandwagon and trying to penetrate a coconut."
He mistakenly forgeted a pineapple instead.

"TIFU by being tempted by the magnitude of coconut loving posts. NSFW"
He got caught by his mom, and ripped the coconut off, making his richard bleed.

"TIFU by reading the TIFUs of coconut forgeters.."
He didn't actually forget a coconut, instead he accidently spilled boiling water onto his leg while reading the other 5 posts.

"TIFU by trying to forget a coconut....#4"
In which he doesn't even open the coconut, he stabs his hand while trying.

"Tifu by reading a comment about loving a watermelon on a post about loving a pineapple"
He forgeted a watermelon, tried holding it up with his richard, and it fell and broke his toe.

"TIFU By getting distracted from cumming into a coconut and crushing my balls"
He actually successfully forgeted a coconut, but then ran around with it on his richard and tripped.

"TIFU by actually wanting to forget a coconut"
He tried loving it in a shower, but slipped on a bar of soap and got a concussion.

Those are all the posts... For now. Any of you guys feel like injuring yourselves while trying to fulfill a fruit special interest?

Modification Help / question about how to fix bones
« on: June 19, 2017, 06:33:32 PM »
So after having some difficulty with milkshape, I tried finding a different way to model things for blockland, and stumbled upon a page of our own wiki (forgot we had that)! There was an image of a TF2 turret in Blockland with the caption "Modelled in SketchUp, post-processed in Milkshape 3d, and rendered in Blender" I'm curious as to how one would go about processing a SketchUp model through those two other programs.


This is a thread for general discussion about Warhammer 40K. Anything goes, from debates regarding the fluff to more specific things like the tabletop or 40K novels. Note that for discussions for things like new or upcoming 40K games, it might be worth to check if there isn't a thread in other games

Some superhandy links:

-The 40K wiki
-Lexicanum, another 40K wiki, is more complete than the previous for certain topics
-1d4chan, also a 40K wiki, but much less serious and very tongue-in-cheek
-40K Lore in a minute (youtube video)

Thread rules.
Read 'em, learn 'em, love 'em.

1) Keep faction fanboyism to a minimum. This includes bashing another faction or incessantly promoting your own. Giving critique of a faction, or giving your opinion of why you do or don't like something is fine, but try to ensure your stay coherent and make actual arguments, instead of just spouting empty propaganda.

2) Resize large images. You can resize images by adding "width=x" to the image tag. For example: [img width=500]. If you only give a width, it will also change the height to keep the image in proportion.

Off Topic / oh brother
« on: May 07, 2017, 10:15:14 PM »


Off Topic / I've been blessed by the Plaugefather Nurgle, AMA
« on: April 25, 2017, 11:27:54 AM »
I found a cyst on my arm this morning, it was like an inch in diameter, bulbous, and yellow. It went boom in class and I didn't notice until like a whole period later when I found the blood and pus seeping through my jacket. I'm going to a doctor either tomorrow or some other day this week.

Off Topic / Someone was caught fapping in my class. AMA
« on: March 31, 2017, 11:33:11 PM »
Someone asked for clarification, so I'll post the whole thing in vivid detail.

Half of my 5th period class caught someone fapping through his basketball shorts. It was horrifying.

The classroom is set up so one half of the desks is on one side of the room facing the other half of the desks on the other side of the room, and there's plenty of space in between them to walk though. This kid, Hunter, is like semi-handicapped. He's got some major issues, but he goes to normal classes. I was looking around the room because I'm bored, and I was told to do something school related instead of writing more stuff for D&D. So naturally, I don't do anything school related. ANYWAY, as I'm looking around, I see this kid with the stupidest loving smile laughing and listening to some video he's watching. I also see that he's rubbing his thigh vigorously. I look away, but look back after a few seconds to ascertain my assumptions, and he's still going at it. I look some more, and I see his richard poke out from his gym shorts as if to completely prove what I thought was correct.

So this continues for like 6 or 7 minutes until I hear classmates next to me whispering amongst themselves. Their conversation and expressions could be summed up as "you seein' this stuff?" This carried on for another few minutes until someone in that group called the Teacher's Assistant over. They told the TA, and she just looked loving mortified. After getting everyone's complaints, she told them to be quiet and that she'll deal with it, and then went on to pretend to help them with their work. Then she went to the teacher, probably passed the message on, and then everything was pretty much quiet, except for disgusted whispering.

So there was a girl, Heavenly, sitting in front of him. She's usually very nosy, and I'm pretty sure she saw what he was doing when she was going to her seat from asking the teacher something. So after sitting down, she turned around and asked what he was watching. He turned his screen around to show her, but I didn't see it. It couldn't have been anything bad because the teachers can see our laptop screens from her computer. That, and Heavenly didn't look disgusted when he showed her. Every few minutes, she'd turn around to ask him another question, but I don't remember what the rest were.

At the end of class, when people are putting their laptops away, I hear someone ask their friend "Do you think he nutted?" One minute before class ended, Heavenly raised her hand and said that she really needs to tell the teacher something. Class ends, people are laughing their asses off to try and get over the shock, and some people stay  behind to make sure the teacher got the message. I didn't stay around long enough to hear the teacher's comment, but I know that she knows.

I share my 7th period class with 3 other people in my 5th period class, and we all tell the teacher there, too. Because that teacher's a soccer coach, and Hunter's on the soccer team. And from there, the rumor's probably growing from stories on the bus, over Facebook and other social sites, and many other things. This kid's life is effectively ruined now.

Ask for any details you'd like. He's also uncircumcised.

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