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Topics - Blockoman

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Off Topic / Best Gaming Computer for $1000 or less.
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:13:26 PM »
Title says what you should need to know. I've been considering a new computer for a while now, and wanted to know, from your personal experience: what's a great gaming computer (lots of space, great processing and graphics capabilities, capable of running demanding modern games at maximum settings) that can be bought for preferably $1000 and under?

Note: I've got a friend who's pretty good at building computers, but personally have no experience in building my own computer. I'd probably prefer a prebuilt one, if possible.


Games / Minecraft Ripoffs: They're Getting Worse
« on: July 17, 2011, 05:38:40 PM »
Ever since the Alpha mode of the much-hyped indie game Minecraft, clones or ripoffs have started popping up everywhere. Fortresscraft is one of the older ones, but gradually it's begun to get farther and farther away from where Minecraft started. Cubelands is a Classic mode clone, and there are several other games that are obviously inspired by Minecraft.

But then, Total Miner enters the arena.
(or entered, as this is old news by now)
Oh boy! A cheap trailer!

Featuring: Unique landscapes

100% Original Textures

Terrifying (And Completely Original, Of Course) Lava Caves

Self-explanatory. When I get the time, I'll recreate the exact picture in Minecraft and then post it. You can't do THAT with a game that isn't a rip-off.

Now, you might be saying "But Blockoman! A game can have randomly-generated block-based worlds with mining, building and surviving elements without being a rip-off! After all, it doesn't have the CRAFT part of Minecraft!"

Hmm, you're right!

No, wait, never mind.

I've read that they even go so far as to have identical tool crafting recipes, and some "blueprint finding" system for faster crafting, whatever that may mean. Oh, and did I mention there's a "Creative" mode? Either way, it's terribly sad that any game developer could go this low.

However, there are a whole heap of features that this game has that should be in Minecraft, that no modders have made, including these features:


I'm sure your mouths are all watering after that huge list of awesome features, but remember the game is a rip-off. If any of you still aren't convinced, look at their explanation for the game.

Total Miner: Forge is a block mining sandbox game. It has Creation, Combat, Survival, Crafting and RPG elements.

Do some simple replacing...

Minecraft is a block mining sandbox game. It has Creation, Combat, Survival, Crafting and RPG elements.
It's true, isn't it?

Also, one of the developers posted some information not seen in the trailer, such as this tidbit about world size
...256 x 256 x EXTREMELY DEEP. You won't believe how deep this world is. The Minecraft and FortressCraft worlds are but a puddle compared to an ocean in this regard.

As well as the three surface caves, there are another 20 underground caves. Some are actually caverns, they are quite large, and some are just awesome, massive, monstrous wormholes winding through the rock. You can only find these underground caves by digging, unless you are lucky enough to find a surface cave that happens to intersect one.
Wow, 23 caves total in each world! That's much bigger than Minecraft's infinite worlds!

NOTE: Before you rage at me / post how this game is actually fun, notice how nowhere did I say that the game isn't entertaining. It's mining, building, and fighting in a huge world with monsters and grenades, what's not to like? Plus, it's cheaper than Minecraft or Fortresscraft (I think.) I'm sure that, just like Minecraft, its developer(s?) will continue to add content, and maybe eventually it will be unrecognizable from its current form.
But as it is, the game is not original. They add things like TNT with the exact same texture as Minecraft, acting like it's a brand new original idea (PREVIEW OF BRAND-NEW TNT!!), instead of actually trying to make it a new game.

Post your thoughts...

Games / Spelunky! (New Topic)
« on: May 26, 2011, 12:43:07 PM »
DISCLAIMER: I searched before creating this thread and there were already several topics about Spelunky- however, the last post of the most recent one was February, so I'm making a new one.


What is Spelunky? Well, if Super Mario Bros. and the recently released Terraria had a child, this would be it. In Spelunky, you play a fearless adventurer on a quest for treasure and glory. Going back to its roguelike roots, this game is very hard to beat- there are probably hundreds of different ways to die! However, it is incredibly entertaining and addicting. You'll find all sorts of areas and enemies, such as icy caves and underground jungles, gigantic spiders, explosive frogs, or pesky monkeys.


The adventure begins...

The underground jungle

Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water...

Damsel in distress!

Are you stuck and need some tips? Look here.

Go to this page to download the game.

So, now that you know more about this game, discuss it! Do you like it? Do you hate it? Have you beaten it? Post away.

Off Topic / Avatar Request
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:47:27 PM »
Calling: someone with Portal 2 and decent photoshop skills.

I want a picture of a cube-turret

but from an angle so it is possible to see some of its front and side

and with a transparent background.

Thanks to whoever does it.

Off Topic / Gimp Selection Help?
« on: February 18, 2011, 04:07:51 PM »
I'm trying to make an object with a single-color background transparent. Sounds easy, right?
Well, part of the object has a shade that is similar to the region behind it, and Gimp can't tell the difference. How can I get Gimp to delete the color around that area, without deleting that section?

Games / Garry's Mod Help- Freaky Lighting Issues
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:14:34 PM »
Well, on several custom maps I have these disturbing lighting issues...
Check this out.

I've tried turning every setting down and nothing helped.

Games / Evolution Games
« on: December 24, 2010, 05:17:29 PM »
I'm looking for something reminiscent of Spore, or other similar games. Here are some examples I found.


So please, give me any examples of games that fit this genre. Free or not, doesn't matter. Preferably free.

Off Topic / Problem with Fraps Quality
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:27:51 AM »
So I take a video of some random game. The quality is very good, just as it was in the game itself. Then I upload it to YouTube, and it looks like this:

What the hell? You can barely see the bat. Is this YouTube's problem? Is it because I'm lazy and have the Fraps demo?

Off Topic / The best way to resize pictures is...
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:02:43 PM »
what? It seems anything I find just screws up the quality. Boy, I wish the forums' max avatar size was 100x100...

Off Topic / A Short Topic of Praise
« on: November 13, 2010, 03:00:40 PM »
I just realized that, while people can complain and moan about these forums, they're actually so much better than most other forums. Here are some of the problems frequently encountered in those places, and how they are fixed here...

Signatures can be annoying, but also interesting at times -> signatures are pm/profile only. So you only see them when you want to see them.

Strict moderators (god, how many good forums ruined by this.) -> only two or three moderators who are very fair.

Message box running out of room... -> unlimited inbox size

Et cetera.

Off Topic / Minor edit please?
« on: October 08, 2010, 04:15:49 PM »
Could somebody get rid of the annoying crosshair on this Creeper image I made?

Just zoom in a lot and replace the white/blue with the colors next to it. It shouldn't be too hard but I personally don't know how.

Music / Request: Shortened Oblivion Music [Download!]
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:51:09 PM »
I found a gigantic pack of music from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and was disappointed when most of them are too long to be played by normal music bricks.

The only ones that work are the five "Town" tracks.
I'm asking if someone could shorten these tracks (at a believable loop area) so they are small enough for Blockland to accept them.

Here's the ginormous music download: click.

Suggestions & Requests / LEGO Plant Bricks
« on: August 31, 2010, 12:29:06 PM »
I've always wanted to see these LEGO bricks


in Blockland. These would immediately become my favorite bricks- I use them all the time when making landscapes in real life, and it would discourage people from making mediocre cubescapes.

Someone said one or two of these have already been made- I searched, nothing.

Anyway, can someone make these (or at least give a link to the ones which were apparently already made?)

Off Topic / "Lego GTA"
« on: August 27, 2010, 05:46:58 PM »
Do you remember a while back, some idiot made a gloriously stupid video of Blockland, narrated by himself, called "Lego GTA"

if anyone can give me the link to that topic...

I dunno, something.

Drama / Tenda- "you been smellin crack"
« on: August 26, 2010, 09:15:58 AM »
Ah, I love the smell of a drama topic in the morning, don't you?

Anyway, I go on Disconnected's server to monitor the server for a bit. There are a couple of newbies there, and I tell them to put their stuff on a baseplate and other basic rules. We're messing around for a while, and then this guy called Tenda joins.

I had made a bot of myself, which- when clicked, would play the "talk" animation and say "Don't talk to me, mortal fool."
This was a running joke in Disconnected's server.

Now comes one of my pet peeves. He begins clicking on it over and over and over, for at least a minute. I tell him to stop twice.
He says "Why?" and I said
"Because it really annoys me. I hate how I spend time eventing something, and then everyone acts like they have ADD and must constantly click it, basically ruining the eventing."

This shut him up for a little. Then someone called "ZBlocksertar" starts making a big red baseplate and spawning gigantic vehicles on it.

I said "Stop" and deleted the two bricks. Then he started raging about how "HE'S ON A FREEBUILD, NO SA WILL STAND IN MY WAY, I BUILD WHAT I WANT, YOU NOOB"

I ban him for five minutes (the equivalent to a time-out for the little kid.)

Tenda now starts saying about how I'm a badmin, or that "You're not immortal, you're just smelling crack"
I let him go on for a little, and then ban him for ten minutes. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of that part, but it's not that important.

I get an IRC from him about two minutes later. A picture's worth a thousand words, and I've pretty much used up my word quota. So here.


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