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Topics - blueblur121

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Off Topic / Gabe Newell AMA
« on: March 04, 2014, 06:31:33 PM »
He has not answered ANYTHING about HL3. Brilliant.

Suggestions & Requests / Better blockland news.
« on: March 03, 2014, 04:02:57 PM »
The current "news" page on the website is not a very current one. It only ever gets updated every few months. My suggestion is that they should replace or merge the current news page with the topics from the development forum. And then there should be a button on the bottom that takes you to the actual topic so you can see the replies. Also they should add an RSS feed for the development forum. That way the BL website will have all the more current update news (as well as some other BL news from the dev forum) and there will be a way to reply to every news post.

Off Topic / Ubuntu internet problems
« on: February 24, 2014, 03:24:18 PM »
I have an Ubuntu desktop that requires a wired connection in order to use the internet. (It doesn't have a wireless card)
The desktop is not on the same floor as my router so a wired connection to the router is out of the question.
I have an Ubuntu laptop that has a wireless connection to my router.
I want to use an Ethernet cable to share my laptop's wireless internet with my desktop.

Anyone have any ideas?

Off Topic / Ubuntu help?
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:58:54 AM »
I recently installed ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop computer, but when I boot it up the bios does its thing and then I get a black screen with
The current input timing is not supported by the monitor display.
Please change your input timing to 2048x1152@60Hz or any other monitor
listed timing as per the monitor specifications.
in the middle of it.

That really sucks for me because I don't have another monitor nor do I have a way to change the resolution to something lower than it is currently.

Any ideas?

Suggestions & Requests / Blockland themed emotes on the forum
« on: February 02, 2014, 08:25:03 PM »
We should have the ones from steam here. I bet it wouldn't even be hard for badspot to do. He should keep the originals though so past posts don't look stupid.

Games / TrackMania^2 Stadium?
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:44:01 PM »
I have an extra $10 on my steam account. But is the game really worth that much?

Off Topic / A new BF4 ARG!
« on: January 28, 2014, 08:28:24 PM »

Holy stuff this has the potential to be amazing.

Off Topic / Level up!
« on: January 24, 2014, 01:03:26 PM »
I'm 14. I got animal crossing NL and a burrito from chipotle. Leave your praises of epic proportions below.

Off Topic / 20 steam emone wat do - 10 EMONE REMAINING
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:33:20 PM »

Games / Xbox Live Megathread
« on: January 15, 2014, 08:59:24 PM »


What is Xbox Live?
It's online compatibility for Xboxes you silly!

Forum Username == Xbox Live Gamertag
blueblur121 == Hobb121
Nal == NalNalas
Frontrox == Frontrox
Rooged == Kohna14
OrkusBorkus == Skrynijr
AcornCake == Sgt EpicMuffin
richard == Mr Mosecakes
uno_da_cat == ACD Tinker
Muslim == nicefruitsman
SlayerZ99 == Thirtieth Spy
Stick Man == PlasmaStickMan
MrLoL == TheMisterLoL
Artificial Blocko == DatBassDawg
sir dooble == SirDooble
dargereldren == dargereldren
KillerCop311 == xXAlex311Xx
termibrown townlyCapricious == Axyrion
Kevso11 == Desire Peace
Sentry == Face Food2
Blockguy345 == flightguy123
Tonkka² == Tonkka558/Tonkka885
superslayer == modern hippie12
Mouse droidz 21 == DroidZ21
beachbum111111 == beachbum111111

If you would like to share your Xbox live gamertag here please post it in a reply to this thread! I'll update it sooner or later don't you worry.

Suggestions & Requests / Server Pictures
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:22:44 PM »
For the loading screen. I get tired of looking at a cartoon desert. Maybe it could be gamemode specific. Or set in your blockland folder.

Help / Running BL from a flash drive.
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:15:55 PM »
Ok, what i did is this:
I downloaded this
and extracted it to my flash drive. After that I clicked "RunMe.bat" but an error message popped saying this:
Windows cannot find H:\Blockland\RunMe.bat'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
So I thought something might be wrong with the flash drive, so I tried installing it into a folder on my desktop. The same thing happened.

What do I do to fix this problem? I am running Windows 7 32 bit if that makes a difference.

Drama / ~Thinker, thinking every day
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:03:24 PM »;u=133846

My problem with this guy is not that he is using a signature on every post. (That is very annoying though)
My problem is that he makes a stupid post, ignores everyone's responses, and then goes to another topic and does the exact same thing over again.
And then when he actually did respond it was these two posts right here:
Hahaha that was a good one!

~Thinker, thinking every day
edit: Sorry, I forgot to rate.
0% Since you reminded me to fix my signature.

% is not a dollar sign... $ is the dollar sign.
Thank you for reminding me to put my signature in. I forgot.

~Thinker, thinking every day

The first one was just plain stupid and in the second one he failed to see the sarcasm in the response even though people have been telling him to stop with the signatures. (He probably just ignored those people though)

and also he might be an alt

Me and my brother both like to play the same games and steam family sharing allows this. However I ran into one problem. We can't play games like Blockland or other games stored in the common folder in the steamapps folder because we will both have the same BLID and name and everything. Is there a way to have two folders of a game that we can both access from different steam accounts? Like instead of being put into the "common" folder it's put into each of our accounts' folders?

And if it is then how is it done?

Off Topic / Youtube changed again.
« on: January 06, 2014, 06:42:14 PM »

What the forget are those tabs?

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