Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 279573 times)

god dammit its not earth its kerbin
I think 'earth' was used here as a general term (falling back to earth, as in, to the surface of Kerbin, as in, made of earth, as in, dirt)

The demo is a really old version of the game, so no reentry effects, other planets, rover wheels, etc.
It is actually not too old of a version, just that the devs removed most features from it to make it a demo. I think it is version 0.18

what happened to deterium

I just bought KSP because the demo seemed pretty cool and I want more things to attach rockets to and fire into space

where i will make orbit filled with proud kerbals and rockets
Anyone wanna play this together? I can host.
Just PM me and i'll decide if i'll let you in on DA CLUB and tell you how to join after you install it.

Whelp, back from my first full-version game of KSP.

two groups of three are dead, two groups of three are stuck in a desert miles away from eachother after my experimentations for a manned-rocket-satellite.

Meanwhile I've landed on Duna.

The proud "Duna Base"

Jebediah on the surface

Jebediah, Bob, and the flag

The flag's plaque

The flag's plaque

Heart breaking
Poor Bill will have missed out on death.

Rescue mission to come eventually.

It seems my manned-rocket-satellite program has not been working well. I have been attempting to use large fuel tanks (the big orange ones) to get enough fuel to get to orbit and make it successful.. But my luck hasn't been going so good, since I started using the orange ones it weighs the rocket down, prevents it from launching, and collapses, blowing up right under our groups. I have one group that seems to be going through all these.

It's amazing how they're still alive.

EDIT: Nevermind, they were the closest to orbit but they ended up sinking into an ocean off the coast of another country. There was another group that I gave up on after that since they had certain death in just a few seconds of fast-forwarding.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 01:40:21 AM by Decepticon »