


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 151758 times)

Updated the UC post.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 01:22:10 PM by nickbond1 »

I'd like to add to the criticism of an antimatter weapon.

Economically, an antimatter weapon makes no sence. Antimatter is the most valuable substance IN THE UNIVERSE and you in your immense wisdom blow it up, when it could bring monstrous profits or support an entire country's energy needs for a year. Just briliant.

"in 1999 NASA gave a figure of $62.5 trillion per gram of antihydrogen"

Also, I think that all of the world should be pretty riled up about this. Antimattter with as much mass as the head of a pin could make rhode island a smouldering crater. If the user of an antimatter weapon has much of this stuff, we're all in trouble.

Noting that antimatter is extremely reactive to normal matter, you'd need a ridiculously small ammount of the stuff for a 10x10 explosion, and a slight miscalculation in what's in the bullet, and your gunner is caught in the explosion, as well as the target.

Frankly, an antiumatter weapon is a dumb idea.

I'm going to predict, after looking through the past few pages, a war between battlebrain and Feep.

That the case, Avalonia is beginning construction of an antimatter generator. i expect it to take years to successfully develop. It will power avalonia for vast ammounts of time. It seems that everyone's gotten a technology boost, so why not me, the guy whose country exists for the accumulation of knowledge?

Avalonian has secretly developed Shockwave rockets. Thye initial explosion is fine, the shockwave can throw a tank into the air 20 feet from the epicenter. Along with that, The automatons that Avalonia uses as shock troopers have been given an upgrade. They now have ion field generators that disable electronics within a 5 foot radius. The melee use of them is enhanced by redirecting the exhaust to superheat the blade, making it twice as effective at slicing. A short range, high calibur bullet can now be fired from the arm not bearing the superheated blade.

This won't be used as an offensive weapon, its just because feep and battlebrain are gonna slug it out sometime soon, and I'm not gonna be the sap in the crossfire ducking for cover.

The Republic of Iodine has announced that any war on Alderamin B4 will result in being removed from its allies and the person who begins the war will be asked to leave the planet. If they refuse, they will be pushed out by force.

I'd like to add to the criticism of an antimatter weapon.

Economically, an antimatter weapon makes no sence. Antimatter is the most valuable substance IN THE UNIVERSE and you in your immense wisdom blow it up, when it could bring monstrous profits or support an entire country's energy needs for a year. Just briliant.

"in 1999 NASA gave a figure of $62.5 trillion per gram of antihydrogen"

Also, I think that all of the world should be pretty riled up about this. Antimattter with as much mass as the head of a pin could make rhode island a smouldering crater. If the user of an antimatter weapon has much of this stuff, we're all in trouble.

Noting that antimatter is extremely reactive to normal matter, you'd need a ridiculously small ammount of the stuff for a 10x10 explosion, and a slight miscalculation in what's in the bullet, and your gunner is caught in the explosion, as well as the target.

Frankly, an antiumatter weapon is a dumb idea.



All the nations have more than a billion times the national debt of the USA.

Darskel announces plans to go back to Hera and recover old technology.

All the nations have more than a billion times the national debt of the USA.
In terms of spending money

a war between battlebrain and Feep.
If that happens, I would be happy to help my Allies.

The DSIS has researched plasma weapons.