Author Topic: Pokémon VG Megathread  (Read 739017 times)

because they look like a joke, and I'd much rather them be an elaborate ruse than have someone at game freak actually ok-ing surfer dude diglett/dugtrio, balloon head persian, and whatever the hell golem is supposed to be

all the other alolan forms up to this point were so good, I didn't like rattata/raticate but I know that was just a preference, the ones that were datamined are genuinely all around awful

maybe it was because they wanted to show the best of the best pokemon so far to hype people up? it's a good marketing tactic. show the good stuff and leave the person to who already bought your product to find the bad stuff.

Why are all the officers black? This is like, reverse racism >:(

Uhh, i can't pre-order Sun/Moon, so i don't think i'll actually be able to transfer my Greninja and rewards that i'm working for :(
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 12:24:20 AM by Masterlegodude »

Why must all cool new Pokemon stand upright? Can't they just be animals?
I don't really think any generation is really exempt from having Pokemon like that

I don't really think any generation is really exempt from having Pokemon like that

I mean sure, but there is definitely a larger quantity of upright humanoid-looking Pokemon in this generation.
It was mainly unfocused dissapointment towards Littens final evolution. I was really hoping they wouldn't do what they did. I'll still have no issue using buffcat though.

because they look like a joke, and I'd much rather them be an elaborate ruse than have someone at game freak actually ok-ing surfer dude diglett/dugtrio, balloon head persian, and whatever the hell golem is supposed to be
How can you hate Garfielf and Hansen?

arin hanson bird is fine honestly.

my only issue is the god damn muscle cat out of nowhere.

They really missed the opportinity for a barn owl Pokemon.

hey someone should compile all the dates in the demo in order from nearest to farthest
i dont want to forget any secrets like the one today you guys reminded me of thanks
Maybe i'll just do whatever i find no biggie
  • Lady near City Hall, 4 days from today
  • Pikachu's Birthday in City Hall, 11 days from today
  • Shady deal at the Ferry, 17 days
  • Lady in Ferry, 23 days
  • Guy outside Pokemon Center, Today, Mentions someone you have to see in a few days??
  • Mysterious Man is still at the Mahalo Trail, says he wont give you anything else, Maybe after a few days he will?
  • Cafe shop in PokeCenter, about a month(?? maybe?)
I'll update the list if you guys find anything else!
(I thought there were move dates than this.. hmm...)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 03:53:27 PM by maplelink64 »

(I thought there were move dates than this.. hmm...)
There are these
• Greninja's date met is 10/17/2013, this is the date that the Pokemon XY anime began airing in Japan
 • The date met for Kukuli's Pikachu is 5/10/2016, this was when Nintendo officially announced Pokemon Sun/Moon
In addition, during the post game, there is a woman in the ferry terminal who is nervous and wants you to see her off in 24 days, 24 days from October 18th is November 11th, November 11th is the release date of the Alola collection of Pokemon trading cards

And there's an officer on the pier that mentions some kind of deal happening in 18 days, November 5th, i can't really find out what this relates to other than a 'pokemon club', a pokemon tournament being held in Michigan, and some kind of 'lure-a-thon' and a meetup/photoshoot at Youmacon, which is also being held in Michigan

October 19th, the guy outside the pokemon center will give you something, not today, not the day after tomorrow, it HAS to be the 19th

To the far left of the city is a woman who hurt her ankle, she said to meet her spot in that 5 days, because i've been playing this demo before and after 12 o'clock, i don't know if that's the 23rd or the 24th...

The gangster thing would have been more fitting for Unova or Kalos, but this is Hawaii-esque, it just feels weird

The gangster thing would have been more fitting for Unova or Kalos, but this is Hawaii-esque, it just feels weird
I don't think would fit in any of the games, maybe Unova I guess

maybe we'll see how their aesthetic fits into the game when it's fully released
maybe the hip hop scene has just erupted in alola and these guys are hopping on it

i love team skull so far
they're the greatest
do you see how loving gangster they are
its hilarious