Author Topic: The Forgettable Dungeon: Early Access Release  (Read 352817 times)

Should we have a separate topic for Forgettable Dungeon characters in Creativity?
Also, will there be a way to add more colors to the palette?

You can make a separate topic if you wish, but I don't mind if people post them here.

Also you can right click on the palette and that'll open up a color picker the color pickers UI isn't done but it functions.

There's also shortcut keys for most of the things.

B = Penicl
E = Eraser
G = Fill Can

S = Save
R = resize

Also to clarify the test skin menu is there if people want to start experimenting with skin sets, it allows you to preview entire folders at once.

I want Mumbo Jumbo, now.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Had to use a few custom colors though.

Like this?

I also plan on making Supervillains

needs more robin and aquaman

needs more robin and aquaman
First, Robin sucks. Also I like Marvel

You should add an ability to control the depth via the editor. Of course, I can just go make a object_Depth.png, but I could also just go make an object.png. This program was made for laziness... and being able to see what it would look like in-game.

The color editor has a serious problem; If you want a hue between red and magenta, too bad.  Direct RGB value entry would also be nice.

You should add an ability to control the depth via the editor. Of course, I can just go make a object_Depth.png, but I could also just go make an object.png. This program was made for laziness... and being able to see what it would look like in-game.

Yeah I'm going to add that eventually, but probably not before the Megabooth build.

The color editor has a serious problem; If you want a hue between red and magenta, too bad.  Direct RGB value entry would also be nice.

Yeah, the color picker is just a resource that I slightly fixed up it still has some problems. Also I meant to add a direct RGB value before, but it's on the list now.

The color editor has a serious problem; If you want a hue between red and magenta, too bad.  Direct RGB value entry would also be nice.
I just cheated and edited them in Gimp after I made some to change the colors a little.

Made a couple more Banjo-Kazooie ones.

First up, KAZOOIE!

Tried giving her eyes, but it looked ridiculous.


Extra big because she's a loving fatass.

I am on a goddamned roll with these Rare characters.

DK, Donkey Kong!

Decided to make him comically large since he just didn't seem right at human size.

"Last name?"
"...The... Squirrel."

As long as I was making squirrel video game characters, I decided to make Mr. Nutz too.  I don't blame you if you have never heard of him.

Made a character thread in Creativity so I don't clog up this one.

Just updated the character editor, re-download if you want it.

-- Fixed Color selector not having full range of colors, red to magenta
-- added icon
-- 3d sprite now defaults to a slight offset angle

Edit: Seriously that color picker has been that way for years, it was originally a garage games resource. I always felt like something was slightly off with it but never picked up on it missing magenta to red.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 02:22:32 PM by Rotondo »

I'm really bothered by the lack of purple :K. Will players be able to make custom colorsets for this game?

never mind actually read thread
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 03:46:47 PM by childofdarkness016 »